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[ UK /ʃˈa‍ɪli/ ]
[ US /ˈʃaɪɫi/ ]
  1. in a shy or timid or bashful manner
    he smiled shyly

How To Use shyly In A Sentence

  • He ducked his head shyly, bangs curtaining and hiding his face.
  • Urged forward, Emily entered the house, smiling shyly at the man who wished her a dignified "Good day 'in English and added," I shall fetch mevrouw: you are expected, mynheer. The Fateful Bargain
  • Bald, bespectacled and soft-spoken to a fault, he looks less hip than shyly professorial.
  • “Dinner is served, milady,” he called shyly, grinning at me. Dark Angel
  • Shyly, almost painfully, he tells her that he loves her.
  • I look shyly at the man at my side.
  • Ibsen was now beginning, rather shyly, very craftily, to invest money; he even found himself in frequent straits for ready coin from his acute impatience to set every rix-dollar breeding. Henrik Ibsen
  • When, one by one, all of his women patients stopped doing the work of free association that they had at first enthusiastically taken up and began shyly and then importunely to declare their love for him, he shrewdly surmised that it was not 'the charms of my person' that were the cause of the disturbance but, rather, that the women were in a state of readiness to fall in love, and he was simply Bottom to their Titania. The Patient Is Always Right
  • ‘Just a gift,’ he said, shyly, as she unwrapped the handkerchief, revealing a few satin ribbons in pastel shades of blue and pink.
  • A tall white bed reposed shyly by the lonely window.
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