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[ US /ˈʃaɪnɝ/ ]
[ UK /ʃˈa‍ɪnɐ/ ]
  1. something that shines (with emitted or reflected light)
  2. a swollen bruise caused by a blow to the eye
  3. important food fish of the northern Atlantic and Mediterranean; its body is greenish-blue with dark bars and small if any scales
  4. any of numerous small silvery North American cyprinid fishes especially of the genus Notropis

How To Use shiner In A Sentence

  • It didn't break, but George was bleeding and had copped a bit of a shiner.
  • Before the sale, Moffett signed a deal with Arthur Kaspar to sell coin-operated newspaper vending boxes made by Kaspar Wire Works of Shiner, Texas.22
  • He comments that a patient might talk of a "shiner" whereas a doctor (holy of holies) would speak of a "periorbital ecchymosis," which is true only if you could imagine a doctor referring to cephalalgia instead of a headache or odontalgia instead of a toothache. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol III No 1
  • Other species include banded killfish, mummichog, tidewater silverside, bay anchovy, tesselated darter and spottail shiner. Chesapeake Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, Maryland
  • This image evolved over the decades, and the moonshiner became fixed as a corncob-pipe-smoking craftsman filling stoneware jugs with a clear and tasty elixir while keeping an eye out for pesky revenuers. Hipster Moonshine
  • I posted a picture of one of the shiners after a match, should have some good boxing shots too soon.
  • She is here competing with other piscivorous (fish-eating) birds in search of anchovy, shiner perch and grunion to eat.
  • I didn't feel I could go to school, not with my shiner.
  • Baitfish comprise the minnows, shiners, and chubs.
  • Marginal cell: in Diptera (Williston): = subcostal (Shiner): = radial Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
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