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Seward Peninsula

  1. a peninsula in western Alaska that projects westward into the Bering Sea just below the Arctic Circle

How To Use Seward Peninsula In A Sentence

  • But its encompassment by the sea, its peninsularity, is the dominating difference between the Seward Peninsula and the interior, and does indeed make a different country of it altogether. Ten Thousand Miles with a Dog Sled A Narrative of Winter Travel in Interior Alaska
  • Two ducks common in the winter marsh - the canvasback and greater scaup - are now up in the Yukon and the Seward Peninsula.
  • Two ducks common in the winter marsh - the canvasback and greater scaup - are now up in the Yukon and the Seward Peninsula.
  • I ate boiled seal, dark and hard, at a Yup'ik's kitchen on the Seward Peninsula. Fare Play Around The World
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