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How To Use September In A Sentence

  • But Sexton found Nicks for an easy 31-yard score on fourth down with 4: 11 left to seal it, and Nicks set the receiving record with a 22-yard catch a little later from T.J. Yates, making his first appearance in relief from a broken ankle suffered in September against Virginia Tech. Newspaper Home Delivery - Subscribe Today
  • Sony Pictures Animation has a full slate of films including the mouth-watering 3D comedy Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, which opened as the #1 movie in North America on September 18, Hotel Transylvania, now in pre-production and, in association with Columbia Pictures, The Smurfs, now in production. Anton Yelchin and Fred Armisen Join The Smurfs | /Film
  • The plotters were arrested in September 2006, just a few months after the country broke away from Serbia.
  • Roderick Little, a University of Michigan biostatistician, will become associate director for statistical methodology and standards at the Census Bureau beginning in September. Robert Groves Names Roderick Little, U Of Mich. Statistician, To New Census Post
  • Japan had hoped that the resumption of talks in September would help the countries settle the issue and stave off mounting cries on both sides for further escalation.
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  • We received no response and resent the message on September 20.
  • The Stabat Mater has been retained as an optional Sequence for September 15 in the reformed Roman Missal and as the hymn for the Office of Readings, Morning Prayer, and Evening Prayer in the new Liturgy of Hours. Archive 2009-04-01
  • In September, return visitors to an Edinburgh guesthouse said it was time to ‘rethink the three-star rating’, complaining that the linens were ‘soiled’ and the carpet was littered with ‘crumbs and dustballs’.
  • The photographs are on exhibition until the end of September.
  • The Peace of Ryswick was signed in September 1697.
  • Rosella seedlings are available through local nurseries from September onwards in the subtropics or during the dry season in tropical regions.
  • '' Then I got about 30 swings with the regular bat and it felt pretty much the same as swinging the fungo, which is obviously a good sign. '', who had surgery to repair a tendon in his right middle finger Aug. 14, visited his doctor in Arizona on Thursday and remains on schedule to return by late September. Top Stories RSS
  • September 9th, 2009 10: 03 pm ET cong. wilson 's outburst, is the worse thing i have heard in the congress to a president. GOP congressman heckles Obama during health-care speech
  • Surely one of the agonizing attributes of our post – September 11 age is the unending need to reaffirm realities that have been proved, and proved again, but just as doggedly denied by those in power, forcing us to live trapped between two narratives of present history, the one gaining life and color and vigor as more facts become known, the other growing ever paler, brittler, more desiccated, barely sustained by the life support of official power. 'The Moment Has Come to Get Rid of Saddam'
  • Summer had faded into fall, but even as September wore on Paris still baked under a strange late heat wave that showed no sign of letting up.
  • The document was put together in September of 2000 by The Project for the New American Century, a conservative think-tank fathered by Bill Kristol of the Weekly Standard.
  • The piggybank is set to hit Japanese shops on September 6 with a price tag of 4, 935 yen ($45.76), said Bandai.
  • In whatever way you choose to commemorate the horrendous acts of early September four years ago, let us once again renew our gratitude for the freedoms we enjoy and reaffirm our commitment to tolerance, peace and liberty throughout the world. 09/01/2005
  • The climax of these commotions came during the fourth week of September, when the parliament returned in triumph from its exile.
  • Until the middle of September an exhibit titled Eros showcases Cupid and his mother Aphrodite or Venus. 2007 April 13 archive at
  • Hurling supporters in neighbouring parishes are scouring local GAA officials in the hope of getting a ticket to the September 12 Final.
  • The exhibition is on until September 17.
  • Log in to Reply gor (UID#2620) on September 11th, 2009 at 10: 19 pm Joe Wilson – Republican – South Carolina – Professional Jackass | My[confined]Space
  • Following Alexander's formal abdication in September 1886, Stambolov headed the regency council.
  • Rake over and re-seed bare patches on the lawn and sow new lawns by the end of September.
  • This one took place on the actual date that the play premiered, that is, September 11, 2011. Michael Giltz: Theater: ERS Tackles Hemingway; Nelson Tackles 9-11
  • September 18, 2008 at 12: 50 pm cool. to me it looks like some little extra out of one of those rankin and bass tv specials. now that i think about it, it reminds me of the abominable snowman from the rudolph special. The Naugahyde Nauga :
  • Security Council, in its reaction to the September 11 attacks, obliged member states to "criminalize" terrorist attacks - not to declare war on terrorists. Daphne Eviatar: Graham Bill Plays Right Into al Qaeda's Hands
  • He said the national executive agreed to defer the election to October 2, two weeks later than the original date of September 18.
  • The payments will be staggered, giving priority to child support grants in June, old-age grants and war veterans in July, disability grants and grants-in-aid in August and foster-care grants in September.
  • After September 11 everyone was talking about masculinity, mostly because any heterosexual woman who hadn't previously fetishized firemen now felt compelled to do so, if only out of gratitude.
  • EINDHOVEN - September 1st 2009 - Marmitek BV, European supplier of Marmitek X-10 domotics, immediately takes over the entire XanuraHome ™ product line from Eaton-Holec. HomeToys News
  • In September 1971, Malek was put in charge of a White House effort to close down leaks to reporters of nonclassified material from the administration. Fred Malek: It's not the 'Jew-counting,' it's the deception
  • During late August and in September specimen coalfish, cod and conger up to 35 lb have been recorded.
  • Rather than ask parents that question, McDonald's is going to fill its Happy Meal boxes with apple slices and reduce the French-fry portions starting in September. Under Pressure, McDonald's Adds Apples to Kids Meals
  • A sooty tern: dozens were spotted in New Jersey – far north of their tropical home – after Hurricane Floyd in September 1999. Weatherwatch: Birds of the hurricane
  • Perhaps his most ambitious project is, launched last September, an online community where aspiring artists can promote and sell their music outside record-label auspices. Akon's Recession-Proof Tune
  • TBD bumbershoot – september 4 – 6, seattle, washington Summer festival rundown | Free People Clothing Boutique Blog
  • josh on September 23rd, 2008 @ 11:59 pm our acceptingness of a lack of extraversion prevents neuroticism? Seattle Freeze Documented by Wall Street Journal | Seattle Metblogs
  • KING: A year ago, as we saw some of it in that piece, the vice president was the one who directed the government's response from a minute-by-minute basis back at the White House -- today, the vice president back in what we became so familiar with in the days after last September 11, what we call a secure and undisclosed location. CNN Transcript Sep 11, 2002
  • Have a guess from which one all the stick and threats come from?? on September 27, 2007 at 11: 31 am | Reply timbo Blood Red Shoes « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • (September 4, 2008) Paul Norman, DS, FRACS, discusses several different types of biomarkers, both chemical and genetic, and the need for greater instances of replication and screening to find more conclusive evidence for therapeutic methods. - Articles related to Length of biological marker linked to cancer
  • So if you missed out on tickets for the sell-out Edinburgh event, make your way to the Globe Arena on September 10 and 11.
  • Designed almost two decades ago, it is being reissued this year and will be available here in September. Times, Sunday Times
  • September 3, 2008 at 6:26 pm wish I cood but there seems to a carnival goin awn in my hed tonite, the steem caliope goin full blast Dee dee dee dee deet dee dee dee, and the midway barkers hollerin Step Rite up, just one thin dime thass right frens , and the belss on the carosel binging and the gurls shreilin on de ferris wheel, and I kin even smell the poppycorms. I can has chiropractor? - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • A favourable outcome would allow us to begin in September and the project would take two years to complete.
  • His scam ran for three years, ending in September 2001, after a sting conducted by undercover police.
  • Cosby and his new series are likely to be at the center of a very different advertising campaign come September.
  • Most of this chat is about last January, and I want to bring a vehicle in in September. Legalizing a U.S. Plated Pickup truck
  • Reply subalternate, on September 4, 2008 at 6: 10 pm Said: CAIR is the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood front « PurpleSlog – Awesomeness & Modesty Meets Sexy
  • The September rain beat down on the roof incessantly, and the grey, cloudy skies made the whole situation depressing.
  • One of the reasons given for the dumping of the turbosupercharger concept was the fact that a turbo had exploded on the YFM - 1's first test flight on 28 September 1939.
  • On Saturday mornings throughout the month of September the ancient tradition of yawl sailing was handed down to a new generation of enthusiasts.
  • The national police agency declared war on the Yamaguchi-gumi in September in an attempt to rein it in before the release of its leader, Kenichi Shinoda, from prison next spring. Yakuza chief arrested in Japan
  • A label spokesman says, "Nina began training at the beginning of September. ContactMusic Ltd | Latest News
  • Hitler attacked Poland on September 1, 1939 and started World War II
  • The biggest data point : the Census Bureau's retail sales report for September, on Wednesday.
  • Mr. Lockhart shall furnish us with the brightest aspect a British Ferney ever yielded, or is like to yield: and therewith we will quit Abbotsford and the dominant and culminant period of Scott’s life: ‘It was a clear, bright September morning, with a sharpness in the air that doubled the animating influence of the sunshine, and all was in readiness for a grand coursing-match on Newark Hill. Paras. 50-73
  • September 11 th has brought mostly unpleasant changes, including curtailment of civil liberties and threatened perpetual war.
  • On 7 September, resisting confinement in the post guardhouse, he received a fatal wound from a soldier's bayonet.
  • When used as a winter cover crop or a green manure crop, it should be seeded in early September.
  • In September last year he stopped eating and had a nasogastric feeding tube fitted. The Sun
  • September 13th, 2009 MICHAEL CAINE is calling on the U. K.'s leaders to reinstate national service in an effort to clean up the streets After shooting his new movie, Harry Brown, in London's most troubled neighbourhoods, Caine fears crime and drug use is out of control in his native Britain - and the government needs to do something drastic to stop youngsters from killing one another. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • It took old-fashioned rocket science to put the contraption into orbit on September 27 last year.
  • After his hospital visit, Mr Brown was chauffeured to open the Feltham Skills Centre, which opened its doors in September and already serves 300 students.
  • British strawberries are at their best in September and our heirloom tomatoes are still great in October. Times, Sunday Times
  • Shortly before the helium runs out sometime toward the end of August or beginning of September, the team plans to perform an important series of instrument calibrations.
  • If September stays mild, we will see why bedding such as lobelia, pelargonium and impatiens are so popular as they flower on until the first frosts.
  • September 10, 2009 at 4:56 pm yesh, taht iz very troo, BDM. i beleeve tehr reely iz a meddow, an iz better for teh kittehs to be tehr tahn to be suffering. but iz best for tehm to be luvd an cared for in foreber homes. Strange, I - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Nevertheless, in September 2003 Proposition 12 passed by a razor-thin majority.
  • In early September, after a binge drinking session, he collapsed in the street and was rushed by ambulance to York Hospital where he was treated and discharged.
  • The new Civic is scheduled to be previewed in September and should be available to buy from January 2006.
  • September 13th, 2009 at 5: 05 am computerist: This irrelevance blows UCD through the roof simply from the fact that these organisms are each carriers of prescribed "blueprint" information slowly but surely waiting for their next "release" state. Behe, Common Descent, & UD
  • It was one of the hottest Septembers in Washington history, continuing a trend of thermal overachievement that began here months ago. Weather for September 2010 hottest on record since 1980
  • *** Aviation Airbus delivered 45 of its narrow and wide-bodied aircraft in September, making a total of 380 for the first nine months of 2010. Business Watch
  • Parliament voted on September 10 to create an interdepartmental commission of inquiry to try to track down investments made in Bulgarian overseas companies.
  • Community groups in York are being urged to respond to a rallying cry to take part in a massive city centre parade in September.
  • September 10, 2009 at 11:54 am ai spended sume tiem an phew weeksweeks agoe surchin furr mai songlasez. tuk bout 1/2 our tu find thems wen ai leened forwurd an noeticed dems hangin frum teh eyeglasz nekless ai bawt tu keap frum loosin da glasez. This ain’t fun no more. - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • But he's pushing ahead: On Wednesday, Mr. Anwar vowed to run for parliament "imminently" in a by-election, with the aim of toppling the government by September. It's Déjà Vu for Malaysia's Opposition Leader
  • The court had given the unions until September to agree terms with a buyer.
  • They begin to form in late August and early September and are visible as white, tomentose buds at the base of the stems.
  • Both schools will open as colleges in September and will work closely with primary and secondary schools and share resources with the local community.
  • The commercial banking and finance sector was booming as of September 1991.
  • In September, the unemployment rate for people between the ages of 16 and 24 hovered morosely at 18.1 percent, nearly double the national average for that month. Balancing the recession on the backs of the young « Dating Jesus
  • The authorized return fare was 36,000 in September, but prices have zoomed up since that we understand.
  • Guiding Light to go dark -- The longest-running soap opera will call it quits in September. Short Takes
  • Lewisham Council insists there will be no shortage of secondary school places in September.
  • This was accomplished by the trades of buying September for £59900, and selling March for £62025.
  • I'll recap my recap: Brown was a minor mayoral candidate who was a nonfactor in last September's Democratic primary, but he made some waves on the campaign trail by reliably bashing Adrian Fenty and lauding victor Vincent C. DeMorning DeBonis: Feb. 25, 2011
  • On the evidence of the first episode, shown on September 4, Les Mise rables meets all the above-mentioned criteria.
  • 1972 - Israeli Athletes are taken hostage by Palestinian Black September (group) at 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich massacre.
  • The incident happened on September 1, when a driver careered off a road adjoining the lake, crashing through a drystone wall and ploughing into the water.
  • In September of 1943 my marriage was solemnised with V.S., who had come out of jail just then.
  • The money is a welcome boost to the donations and pledges of cash already made since the appeal's launch in September.
  • Resolving the issue has been left for September, when Parliament is to reconvene after the summer recess.
  • Domestically, September 11 has sparked debate about the permissible extent of civil rights abridgements in times of national peril.
  • September 24, 2009 at 11:08 am adn den mai toor gyde wus awl liek… Umm… piggeh wai yu has gone taht phunneh culler? To katch teh cheezburger - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • September 25, 2008 at 4:12 pm extra special dark chokklit fondu chokklit Stupid forcefield - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • September 20, 2007 in craptastic, rants, television reviews the first 14 minutes of the Bionic Woman have been posted online, click below to watch, but be warned, you will probably want to claw your eyes out, even if there are no bionic eyes with which to replace them. it is a pretty horrible 14 minutes. The first 14 minutes of The Bionic Woman…oy. « 1979 Semi-Finalist…
  • My most recent occasion of bulling happened in September, when a group of 'populars' decided to have a go at me. Wrong Planet Asperger / Autism Forums
  • Why was Hitler allowed to remilitarize the Rhineland, annex Austria, and invade Czechoslovakia before the Allies confronted him over his incursion into Poland in September 1939?
  • This past September, he completed his fiftieth year at an electric motor factory.
  • The shorter hours of daylight and lower sun in the sky tend to make September cooler than August. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was murdered on September 6 by arsenic poisoning while on a Geruda Airlines flight from Jakarta to Amsterdam.
  • In September it completed a 25m refinancing to help it expand. Times, Sunday Times
  • Kazu Kibuishi, the creator of the Amulet graphic novels and other works, will sign books and talk about the artistic process on Saturday afternoon, September 12th, at Gallery Nucleus, in Alhambra, CA. Chicken Spaghetti:
  • Item: on the 7th day of September he stole a silver point of the value of 22 soldi from Marco [Footnote 6: _Marco_, probably The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci — Volume 2
  • Archibald signed his warrant as a tidewaiter on 3 September 1794, his salary was 5 pounds a quarter paid at the end of the period to ensure his faithfulness to his employer.
  • On September 13th 2008, sam wrote: im not a fan of miley but i totally think shes is ugly but also she has a bad voice. who would be a fan of hers. Miley Cyrus at Hannah Montana Premiere
  • I haven't heard from him since last September.
  • Shareholders on the books by September 3 will receive a 12.5c fully franked payout, the same as last year and payable on September 10.
  • August came to an end and September began, bringing the beginning of college for me.
  • In the month of September most of the turf and peat was harvested, as well as hay and silage, so most hay barns and sheds are full for the winter
  • On Saturday, September 4, the carnival procession will leave from the Green at 6pm.
  • We celebrate September 16, the day when Mexico declared independence from Spain .
  • The behaviour of bathypelagic perch fry (BPF) was monitored during 21 May, 24 June, 8 August and 5 September 1996 along the longitudinal profile of Øímov reservoir (Czech Republic), using acoustic methods.
  • Luke, who delivered a litter of puppies from the family's border collie last September, had passed the entrance test into the navy and had hoped to follow in his father's footsteps and become an artificer.
  • September 29, 2009 at 9:00 am drinked too much stoat? I’z a lil teepot - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • The colt, who was sidelined from racing for a year from September 2001 to this September after tearing a suspensory ligament in his left front leg, fractured the splint bone and chipped a piece of the sesamsoid bone in the same leg.
  • Late September is one of the best times for roadside botanizing in the Pine Barrens.
  • It was the end of September and the days had begun to draw in.
  • By September 1889, debt-free and resolved to save money for the future, Boyle proposed marriage for the first time in his life.
  • ‘In September a thresher shark was spotted near Turbot Bank, off Freshwater West,’ said Mark Burton, assistant marine conservation officer at Skomer Marine Nature Reserve.
  • The CJM's court had convicted him for the killing of two chinkara deer on the night of September 26-27, 1998 at Bhavad village while acquitting seven others.
  • On this 14th of September the warmth and dazzlingness of mid-summer still reigned at Pougues; and the scenery in which we suddenly found ourselves, bosquets, dells, and glades, with all the charm but without the savageness of the forest, recalled the loveliest lines of the laziest poet: -- East of Paris Sketches in the Gâtinais, Bourbonnais, and Champagne
  • And before any townie asks-the cows were mooing loudly coz the cowman was also watching the Cup final and was late for milking so the cows dangly bits were overfull on September 12, 2008 at 12: 14 pm | Reply MOP452 to Retired Sgt @ 23 IPCC: Mother’s Account Of Shooting Is Inaccurate « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • German economic sentiment is forecast to have edged up slightly in September. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her fans can see how she has managed it in Braveworld's September 28 rental video release Family of Strangers.
  • Academically brilliant, she was due to go to Leeds University in September to read English and drama.
  • Since the events of September 11, and with the ambiguous source of anthrax attacks, there have been concerns of suspect packages.
  • In September it was still intending to close its special liquidity credit line to banks this month, thereby fanning the panic. Times, Sunday Times
  • By September, Ambassador Habib produced a political compromise.
  • In September 1938, A. E. Douglas-Smith took up his duties as university resident tutor in the county.
  • Three days before the fiesta is the Rebozo Fair, from the 18th to the 25th of September, a week of total happiness and rejoicing. The Meseta Purepecha
  • The real news is terrible right now, so here is a random science story from September 2001.
  • On the 1st and 7th of September 1570 (ill dates for Mr. Alan!), Gilbert, Earl of Cassilis, his chaplain, his baker, his cook, his pantryman, and another servant, bound the Poor Essays of Travel
  • September, 1855, he had been promoted to the rank of captain, which, prior to the Civil War, was the highest grade in the United States Navy; the title commodore, then so frequently applied to the older officers of the service, being simply one of courtesy given to a captain who had commanded a squadron of several vessels, but who did not thereby cease to be borne as a captain upon the Navy Register. Admiral Farragut
  • The Second World War started on 3 September, 1939, by which time I was eighteen and as a member of the Territorials I thought I would be called up into the army almost immediately.
  • September 22, 2006 @ 10: 56 pm it looks good in chunky yarn (i know i sound surprised). are you going to stretch it out and block it? Knitting update. « A Bird’s Nest
  • The rift with the rest of the ECB's council deepened in September when, in an interview with Bloomberg, Mr. Weber pre-empted the policy decisions of the council's next meeting, something that provoked a memorable put-down from the normally imperturbable Mr. Trichet. Was Weber Sacrificed for the Euro?
  • She yooshully leeves to fly sowth in erley September, so I iz glad teh rayces is in August when shez still hyeer! Optimist: glass half full. - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Still, other data such as industrial activity reading for September and fixed-asset investment in nonrural areas, showed resilience and helped to ease concerns about a deeper downturn for the world's second biggest economy. What's News US
  • Using ancient technology unique to the region, windmills grind the wheat harvested in June through September, the windy period during which wind speeds can get as high as 100 mph.
  • Posted September 9, 2009 at 3: 58 am | Permalink yes the exterior is a little overdone but the 6th shot of the interior is look nice Energy Conscious House Design by Simon Winstanley Architects
  • Construction should begin in March 2003 and be substantially completed by September 2003.
  • Essentially, council subcommittee recommendations formulated the week of September 17 were accepted without question by the full council five days later.
  • Yet Republicans remain leery of the growing Democratic push for a second economic stimulus program to be considered in September, worried that Democrats are trying to corner them with a politically appealing proposal right before the elections. Congress Moves Toward Approving Housing Bill - The Caucus Blog -
  • Mubuyu farms will employ over 1,500 coffee pluckers during the harvest period between April and September of which the majority will be women.
  • Already heavily damaged by the September quakes, the Foligno bell tower lost more pieces Sunday during a series of quakes.
  • By cojines, hamburguesa, escalera » efecto mariposa on September 17, 2009 at 11: 00 am Felt Wool Stone Cushions
  • The landslides of September 19 destroyed their farms, killed their livestock, and ruined their land.
  • I wear my poppy on September 17 each year. Times, Sunday Times
  • In a September 11 article in the leading French newspaper Le Monde, titled "Sarah Palin, a funny kind of parishioner" (Sarah Palin, une drôle de paroisienne) sociologist Yannick Fer gives a competent overview of the Charismatic movement to which Palin belongs, but his conclusion is widely off the mark: Scott Atran: Religion in America: Why Many Democrats and Europeans Don't Get It
  • This force began combat on September 27, using both operatives on the ground and Predator surveillance drones equipped with missiles that could be launched by remote control.
  • From now until September 22nd, fans can vote online at nyc. for their favorite NYC bands. SPAWNPOINT.COM - Gaming News Feed
  • September 18, 2009 at 3:38 am you are a bunch of chinooks I always - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • You've got to try and stop the bushfly from building up in those early months which are in the winter, so coming from September, October, November," he said. Latest News - Yahoo!7 News
  • Ironically, September 19th, 2003, is etched in the memory of most local people for a completely different reason.
  • She entered the novitiate soon after her baptism and pronounced her final vows on September 19, 1699.
  • I've been in a black mood since September 2001, it's hanging over me like a penumbra.
  • The decline in U.S. stocks marked another pause in a monthlong rally that has made this September one of the strongest for U.S. stocks in history.
  • On September 25 police launched tear-gas barrages and high-pressure water cannon against demonstrating social security workers in downtown Lima.
  • Jensen, Michael C . Eclipse of the Public Corporation . Boston, MA: Harvard Business Review, September 1989.
  • It said it would not pay an interim dividend and halved the net profit forecast for the half-year to September.
  • September 3rd, 2009 LONDON - Welsh singer Duffy, real name Aimee Ann Duffy, is said to be dating British Lions rugby star Mike Phillips. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • Particularly for growth companies, the signs and portents were mixed even prior to the attacks on September 11, and since then they've grown only murkier.
  • Plant a few tubers now for new potatoes in August and September.
  • The firm said it made a pre-tax profit of £300,000 for the July to September quarter.
  • So, one beautiful September morning I left Srinagar, the capital of J&K, wangling a ride with an Army Signals major in his jeep proceeding to Leh as a part of an Army convoy, the then district headquarters of Ladakh. Kargil - as I remember it
  • ALESSIO VINCI, CNN BELGRADE BUREAU CHIEF: Joie, according to the state run news agency, Tanjug here Belgrade, the constitutional court has ruled that part of the elections, referring to the presidential election that was -- that took place here on September 24 must be repeated. CNN Transcript - Breaking News: Yugoslav Constitutional Court Rules Presidential Results Null, Orders New Election - October 4, 2000
  • Posted Sep 4, 2007 at 8:27 AM | Permalink steven mosher says: September 4th, 2007 at 7:40 am Unthreaded #19 « Climate Audit
  • Unions say the latest offer is a complex deal under which all workers would receive a lump sum in December equating to a 2.7 per cent rise for the six month-period from April to September.
  • The entire team starts training in September, while the distance runners compete in cross-country.
  • The marriage took place at Woodstock on 5 September 1186; Henry II paid for the four days of festivities and returned Edinburgh Castle as part of the bride's tocher.
  • Tonight was the parent's meeting at the junior school which my lad will be attending for the first time in September.
  • The launch windows will move back to the daytime in September.
  • September 5, 186 --- i got up erly this morning befoar father went to Boston and took cair of Nellie and swept out the stable and luged in the water and split a lot of wood and blacked fathers boots and set up and had breckfast with him. i was hoaping he wood let me go out of the yard. but he dident say nothing about that but did say i had got to get up evry morning befoar he goes away and do my chores i done them so well this morning. i thougt that was a prety mean thing for him to do. i wished Brite and Fair
  • The annual conference is held in September on a particular theme, and attracts participants of high international standing.
  • Ebookers admitted in September that it had been holding takeover talks with a number of potential suitors.
  • They boycotted a meeting that was to have been held in September.
  • (Look for our report on short-term radon tests kits in the September 2008 issue of Consumer Reports, on sale and online this August.) Buzzword: Radon
  • A month later they were in that bit of hell known as the Argonne Forest, where on September 26th, they covered themselves with glory. History of the American Negro in the Great World War His Splendid Record in the Battle Zones of Europe; Including a Resume of His Past Services to his Country in the Wars of the Revolution, of 1812, the War of Rebellion, the Indian Wars on the Frontier, t
  • September 20th, 2009 10: 19 am ET you lie again ob katiec In health care reform debate, Obama puts focus on affordability
  • Fung said he has no idea who is behind the threats, and he does not believe they have anything to do with the September Legco election because the polls are still some time away.
  • But it did find a six per cent decrease in available jobs last month compared with September. The Sun
  • A waste sump overflowed in September causing hundreds of gallons of contaminated water to pour into the Gullielands Burn which flows through the Chapelcross site.
  • RE: steven mosher September 22nd, 2007 at 12:28 pm Hansen Step 2 – First Thoughts « Climate Audit
  • Napoleon III's defeat at the battle of Sedan finally made it possible for Italian bersaglieri to enter the Eternal City on 20 September 1870.
  • September and this month cut its profit forecast for the full year to between 8.2 million and 8.6 million as poor weather led to further cancellations. Times, Sunday Times
  • The government devalued the local currency, the birr, by 17 percent against the dollar in September, significantly raising the price of imported goods. Ethiopia’s Inflation Rate Hits Nearly 15 Percent in December
  • One poll in September 1991 found small pluralities in Moscow and large cities opposed to the transfer to Russia of territories in other republics where Russians predominated the Crimea, Donbass, and Northern Kazakhstan were mentioned; in small towns and rural areas, the votes for and against such annexations were equal. The Return
  • Rehefa latsaka anaty haizina ny arabe sy ny avenues, tsy misy asany koa ny jiro fandrindràana [...] 7 September 2009, 12: 23 pm Global Voices in English » Dominican Republic: Solving the Issue of Power Outages
  • His piece, written before September 11, 2001, appeared in Parameters, a U.S. Army War College quarterly.
  • Mr. Sha, who was previously China's U.N. ambassador, is known for his unharmonious outbursts; at a meeting in September he told his boss, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, "I never liked you. The Harmony Prize
  • Greene resigned due to the controversy in September 2002, admitted he had a problem with womanizing and promptly disappeared.
  • Now its reputation is so high there are more than 1,200 applications for September's intake of about 680 students.
  • Sharman, a broad-shouldered young man perhaps six feet tall, joined the newly formed regiment in September 1862.
  • Other late offers include seven nights in a complex near to Ibiza's hopping San Antonio for €389 per person in early September.
  • The most recent event was held from September 1999 to March 2000 in Taipei under the sponsorship of the Ministry of Education, R. O. C.
  • Ironically when the peace conference was held in September 1951 it met in San Francisco, not Tokyo.

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