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scoop up

  1. take out or up with or as if with a scoop
    scoop the sugar out of the container

How To Use scoop up In A Sentence

  • Don't let anyone use forks to cut and scoop up food. The Sun
  • While at the beach, not only did we dig up filthy sand crabs by the bucket-load, but during the medical waste dumping scandal it was commonplace to scoop up a syringe cover or used Band-Aid along with the little beetle-like critters. Daniel P. Malito: The Dangers Of 'Nerfing' The World For Our Kids
  • We often went down on a Sunday to scoop up basinfuls of capelin when they washed ashore.
  • The plan was to swoop down low and scoop up the agent on a hook. Times, Sunday Times
  • Chinese banks also are reaping profits by financing moves by Chinese companies to scoop up distressed assets in the U.S. or increase the size of their busi ness in the country. China Finds New Market for Loans: U.S.
  • Don't let anyone use forks to cut and scoop up food. The Sun
  • So her mum used a bent oven tray to scoop up all the caterpillars.
  • They scoop up the fallen cane stalks, cut them into sections called billets as they pass through the machine, and drop the billets into a wagon traveling alongside for eventual transport to the factory for processing.
  • Ever the man at arms, Gianni used his dagger to spear a slice of ham, and a trencher of bread to scoop up his eggs.
  • The most heroic guy in town -- a true Ayn Rand colossus -- is brought low and defeated by a starry-eyed socialist who pretends to be a businessman but wouldn't know how to scoop up a great deal if fell out of the pockets of the guy in front of him. Doug Molitor: Doug's Dozen (VIDEO): 12 Reasons the G.O.P. Should Run Old Man Potter
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