How To Use Saver In A Sentence
Those morning glories are grown every year along the south face of the historic, well-preserved post-and-beam barn that is the center of Heritage Farm; the 890-acre spread a few miles north of Decorah that Seed Savers Exchange now calls home.
Kurt Michael Friese: Memories of a Life Spent Saving Seeds
Two executives of a notorious stockbroking firm that fleeced more than 8,000 savers were banned from the City yesterday.
Times, Sunday Times
As I understand, its the oxidization that is a problem, so if you did what they do with winesavers and the like -- replace oxygen in container with food grade nitrogen, you should slow the process down.
The Coffee Geek’s Guide To Storing Beans | Lifehacker Australia
Savers with a bundle of cash locked into a bond should have snapped them up.
Times, Sunday Times
Yet while pilotless drones are dehumanised and impersonalised, mobile phone ring tones and screensavers are instances of the humanity and personality of the people behind technology.

The savers are booking seats on the helicopter to an assured financial future, while millions are left facing ruin.
Times, Sunday Times
Savers looking to cash in on higher Isa allowances which come into effect today are being warned to read the small print to avoid being "fleeced" by banks and building societies.
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But it is a tricky lesson to teach when the banks and building societies are paying barely any interest to savers.
Times, Sunday Times
A microwave oven can be a real lifesaver when you're pressed for time.
At retirement, savers can opt for a fixed or variable-rate annuity.
As such the bonds are least suitable for small savers who rely on income to boost their income or capital.
Times, Sunday Times
The 'surfboat' was about a quarter of a mile offshore 125 miles north of Sydney when the crew, most of who have been volunteer surf lifesavers for just a few months, encountered the shark.
Home | Mail Online
Leaving aside the touching attempt to deflect criticism, what should savers do?
Times, Sunday Times
And a crop of sites are dedicated to savers and investors who hold assets outside their home countries.
A microwave oven can be a real lifesaver when you're pressed for time.
Savers can withdraw money from the products at any time.
Times, Sunday Times
Existing names for these tickets, such as supersaver and pricebuster, will be abolished.
Times, Sunday Times
The main beach, on the other hand, is a huge sweep of golden sand that attract hundreds of day trippers and is patrolled by lifesavers in distinctive red and yellow caps.
Passing on measly increases to savers isn't the only ploy banks have used to boost profits.
Times, Sunday Times
When most people think about Australian national identity, the images they remember are overwhelmingly blokey - drovers, surfies, lifesavers, Anzac soldiers.
In addition to ads, the screen saver features the information crawl at the bottom of the screen.
Savers who exceed the annual or lifetime caps could face punitive tax charges.
Times, Sunday Times
Few of their rivals are likely to follow, as they attempt to balance the needs of savers who are feeling short-changed.
Times, Sunday Times
That raises another important issue for savers to consider.
Times, Sunday Times
Thomas Keller, the chef at the French Laundry, in Napa Valley, says that sous vide is not a mingy time - and labor-saver; it’s a tool that gives chefs another worthy kitchen tool.
Out of the Frying Pan
How much more pain can savers endure?
Times, Sunday Times
As the government has assumed power over monetary policy in contemptuous disregard of the expressed wishes of the savers (to say nothing of the provisions of the Constitution), it aggrandizes power.
It appears that the charismatic Parker's first contribution is to hypnotise Zuckerberg, his second to marginalise Saverin, his third to hold out the prospect of big hedge-fund money, and the fourth to suggest shortening the title to "Facebook".
The Social Network – review
It may be that the problem is not all that serious, but if it is, a heart monitor could prove an absolute lifesaver.
Attention, beleaguered savers: Banks across the nation, including Bank of America Corp., Citigroup Inc. and Northern Trust Corp., are bumping up rates on longer-term certificates of deposit.
CD Rates Start Ticking Up
With the surfing season about to commence, it is time to be mindful of the great contribution our volunteer surf lifesavers make to our way of life.
Also at Savers, I bought a neon red trucker cap, on which I used a black texta to write ‘Does my brain look big in this?’
Savers who want to swim against the tide can simply buy funds that pick up on contrarian trends.
Many savers are reluctant to give up the security of cash.
Times, Sunday Times
With the general election just 11 months away, the government is keen to rush through proposals that will chime well with savers.
Times, Sunday Times
Ferrara is satisfied because a portfolio of stocks and bonds will grow in value at a substantially faster rate than the growth rate of the economy * for those savers who choose to have them compound* -- re SS, persons in the working & saving portion of their lives -- just as it has the last two centuries.
Politics vs. Economics, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
David wanted to be a lifesaver but he couldn't swim!
Monetary policy works because borrowers have a higher propensity to spend out of income than savers.
Times, Sunday Times
Vandals are unwittingly causing untold damage to wildlife habitat in Savernake Forest, says a forester.
Used auto parts can be a lifesaver, but you have to be careful when shopping.
After years of freezing out cofounder Eduardo Saverin over a dispute about money, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has deigned to recognize his former Harvard buddy.
Use the pull down menu to select the type of screen saver you want to use.
Take for example, Cara from the Curvature's thread on the costs of unwed parenting, in which women point out why Bush's Marriage Saver program is a bad idea: doesn't stop men from abandoning women when they have children (as they've done historically), doesn't help single mothers, doesn't help women in abusive marriages.
Sweet Valley? Implicit Racism & Other thoughts
I was a lifesaver at heart and knew the risks of heat exhaustion better than anyone.
A reliable, independent source of free advice that savers can trust is currently missing.
Times, Sunday Times
Savers are free to accept or reject any of the offers.
Times, Sunday Times
Not for nothing was this man cerebrated throughout Methodism as a saver of souls.
Tales of the Five Towns
The router is also a space saver and comes with an accessory stand that lets you position the device on its side.
Joan felt his eyes on her as she waved the computer screensaver away with the cursor.
Savers see their interest reduced to a pittance.
The Sun
Our water authority sent us a showerhead, a flush-saver bag and a shower timer.
The Sun
Seemingly harmless World Cup screensavers, spreadsheets and electronic wall charts could provide the ideal vehicles for virus and worm propagation.
Owners of equities and savers with interest-bearing deposit accounts will be happier than bondholders.
Times, Sunday Times
When most people think about Australian national identity, the images they remember are overwhelmingly blokey - drovers, surfies, lifesavers, Anzac soldiers.
By nature I'm definitely a spender, but I'm trying to force myself to be a saver instead.
The screensaver on the monitor in front of him was swirling silently around, endlessly spinning patterns in front of his eyes.
In the case of trusts based on prosperous urban centres, there was a considerable increase in the participation of smaller savers.
So when news gets out that the Super Saver Dollar Store chain plans to set up shop and run the Bottom Dollar out of town, things go catawampus.
Archive 2008-05-01
Excess reserves currently earn 0. 25%, but in today's deflationary environment, with nominal rates at historical lows, it's not hard to imagine banks turning into hard-core "savers" if the incentive to park funds risklessly at the Fed were raised even a skoach. Home Page
However, others will find that the historically grounded embellishments enliven the story of Richard Etheridge and the Pea Island lifesavers, a story that has been long overdue in its telling.
And long-term savers will be waiting to see if the insurer slashes bonuses on with-profits policies or keeps them on hold to reflect recovering markets.
While Doris sat having contractions in the car, George played lifesaver.
Used auto parts can be a lifesaver, but you have to be careful when shopping.
Long - term savers qualify for a cash bonus.
The mug of hot steaming coffee was a life saver, and the nibble, which turned out to be a plated hot lunch, was enough to bring the glow back to my cheeks and the cheer back to my heart.
One tool lets you automatically block any incoming and outgoing traffic when your screensaver kicks in.
Jenny Marsey's size 18-20 cotton pants were a lifesaver when they were grabbed to cover a frying pan fire at her home in Meryl Gardens, Hartlepool, Teesside.
Archive 2008-01-01
Justin van Kleek and Caroline Savery engaged in a multi-post dialogue on (re) defining sustainability.
The Twelve Days of sustainablog: Urban Homesteading, Green Colleges, and Recycling by the Numbers
Imagine that a newly formed trust advertises units for sale to savers.
Since the outset of the neo-liberal reform project, both the government and private sector have borrowed money from domestic savers as well as from international creditors.
A bronzed lifesaver in bright red pool daks and a goofy cap is an Australian icon, although they're starting to wear shorts a la Baywatch or bikepants lately.
The intensifying crisis in the eurozone has renewed calls for savers to consider the safety of their savings.
Times, Sunday Times
We stopped the TV ads almost four years ago, and instead have put all our money into supersaver shipping and other price reduction programs.
Bezos aint friendly with TV Networks
Frustrated savers sell their bonds and put the proceeds in marketable commodities.
Some savers are also losing money by not using tax-free allowances such as Isas.
Times, Sunday Times
Taking a deep breath, he went back to his desk and stared at the screensaver swirling silently in the corner.
These included: changes to British patent laws which provided effective protection for those who came up with money-earning ideas; philosopher John Locke's arguments that man has rights to property where labour had been added; pioneering work on early steam engines by Savery, Newcomen and Papin; the discovery of latent heat by Watt's Glasgow University friend Joseph Black; and the ability to make industrial devices of real precision.
The Most Powerful Idea in the World: A Story of Steam, Industry and Invention by William Rosen
Only children whose parents are existing savers may open an account.
Polhemus Savery DaSilva Architects Builders is an architecture, construction and interior design companywith headquarters in the Cape Cod Villages of Chatham and Osterville, Massachusetts.
Luxury Home in Hualalai
If you havent' yet been scheduling this live blog, figure supersaver flights RT LAX to ORD is about $289.
500 miles later, I'm back in Madison.
When you're stuck in traffic, a mobile phone's an absolute life-saver.
Have to say - those meals you call uninspired..well, ohh..those are my lifesavers when I come home late from work :
Spinach and Avocado Sandwich
Both sides are unaware of the other until Zuckerberg's baby is officially launched and Saverin accidentally comes across a notice from the Winklevoss camp to take down the Facebook site.
Zorianna Kit: "The Social Network" review: a career-making performance by Jesse Eisenberg
It would mean savers paying bank to hold their cash.
The Sun
On more than one occasion she has been a lifesaver, but there are times when I think I will snap in the face of the woman's dictatorial refusal to acknowledge much less join the 21st century.
But it was their dad's sideline business in glass worktop savers that set them on the path to success.
Times, Sunday Times
Make-up wasn't my thing, but mascara, concealer, and lip gloss were my life savers.
And I also love the Big-Star-esque Bandwagonesque I like this whole album so much that there is no point picking out individual tracks, and it's only--unbelievably--$5.99 from Amazon! seriously, put it in one of your supersaver-free-shipping orders, you cannot go wrong with this by the altogether excellent Teenage Fanclub.
Big Star
* Nam communis gignendi ratio, et vis illa quam Dominus hominibus indidit, in Abraham et ejus uxore cessaverat: [1034] 1
Commentary on Genesis - Volume 1
For a species considered near threatened , however , this newfound popularity could literally be a lifesaver.
Mutual funds have been attractive to small savers .
I just did: D, and it certainly deserves the price it's up for since there's a lot of replayability - plus it's a great screensaver: D Oh and thanks for that Onion video.
Je Regrette
This offer obliges savers to think differently about how they manage their money.
Times, Sunday Times
Savers are paying up to £113m in commission every year to advisers who mis-sold their endowment policies.
Why give tacit approval to the shabby treatment meted out to savers?
Times, Sunday Times
The current account offers savers instant access to funds.
Despite the serious nature of the expertise shared by the lifesavers, Moreton College's Rob Kreisler said the exchange visit was also a chance to build friendships across the Atlantic.
Who would buy that caca about an audio screen-saver?
A proud mum has hailed her two-year-old toddler as a lifesaver - after he saved her from falling into a diabetic coma.
The screensavers make constant http requests to spam websites.
Combined efforts by lifesavers helped save a British tourist from drowning at Nielson Park on Wednesday.
From the stem 'sav-' you get 'saves', 'saved', 'saving' and 'saver'.
Since then, the former champion lifesaver has seen the world thanks to rugby, with Japan being a personal highlight.
Long - term savers qualify for a cash bonus.
I really like the feature, and think it is a nice touch, as well as a time saver.
Similarly, oncological studies show a dramatic reduction in cancer cells after cell-saver processing, with those remaining cells being nonviable.
Why marriage is a lifesaver for women with heart disease
Times, Sunday Times
With the general election just 11 months away, the government is keen to rush through proposals that will chime well with savers.
Times, Sunday Times
Many savers are reluctant to give up the security of cash.
Times, Sunday Times
All the webpages say so.) markgritter suggested that it tasted like the actual fruit form of Fruity Pebbles, and Timprov suggested the actual fruit form of white LifeSavers before going on to propose that the cherimoya is the answer to what fruit "fruit flavoring" is supposed to taste like.
Barnstorming on an Invisible Segway
For savers who are prepared to give notice before taking out their money, interest rates payable are generally higher.
Once savers open the account they will not be able to make any more deposits.
Times, Sunday Times
Only children whose parents are existing savers may open an account.
We offer advice to borrowers and savers.
Times, Sunday Times
The thriftiest savers, cautious souls who had shunned the stock market as reckless speculation, saw their carefully tended nest eggs vanish overnight as banks collapsed.
Saving the New Deal that saved us
Frustrated with low returns, savers are taking money out of state banks and lending it themselves
This is a big time saver as far as training peasants, peons, wisps, and acolytes, which serve as the gatherers of lumber and gold and also provide the muscle to construct your base structures.
It also had ‘splendid views across chalky downland to Savernake Forest several miles away’.
But despite this £350bn of public support, the money markets remain frozen while ordinary savers move their cash to safe havens such as National Savings, Premium Bonds, Northern Rock and Irish banks.
Personal finance and money news, analysis and comment |
The site stars members of the Nabisco confection lineup, such as LifeSavers and Now and Later chews.
Some savers are also losing money by not using tax-free allowances such as Isas.
Times, Sunday Times
The society will pay 7.3 per cent on a minimum deposit of £1,000, although savers must give 30 days' notice.
And Barbara Tan, of Virginia Water in Surrey, proved yet again that a good black and white outfit can be pulled out of the wardrobe as a fantastic fashion face-saver, wearing a zebra-print jacket with long black skirt and striking hat.
Savers with smaller deposits looking for easy access to their money may be better off with either egg or the Nationwide.
Piggybacking on the running time saver, for your weigh-lifting workouts, try adapting it to a home workout.
So there were eighty lifesavers on the beach at that crucial moment.
She moved the mouse on her computer and waited while the screensaver disappeared and her work popped back up on the screen.
Bill: Thanks, Jane. You're a lifesaver. I owe you one.
One reason for the increased competition is that providers are increasingly reliant on using savers' money to fund lending.
Times, Sunday Times
This leads to savers earning almost no interest on their cash balances.
Times, Sunday Times
Taking along some extra clothing like lightweight polypropylene underwear and a balaclava in your cave pack can make your trip more comfortable and might be a life saver.
Millions of savers are opting to overpay their mortgage instead of putting money into poorly performing savings accounts, brokers report.
Times, Sunday Times
But it was their dad's sideline business in glass worktop savers that set them on the path to success.
Times, Sunday Times
These sandbags are an absolute lifesaver.
The Sun
The new drug is a potential lifesaver.
You have no idea how much of a lifesaver the spellcheck is for me.
In the Screen Saver scroll bar, click on the arrow and select My Pictures Slideshow.
Co-founder Eduardo Saverin's girlfriend is a psychotic and needy hanger-on.
Jessica Massa: The Social Network : Where Are All the Girls?
Ad cognoscendum an usque ad pollutionem se tetigerint, quando tempore et quo fine se tetigerint; an tunc quosdam motus in corpore experti fuerint, et per quantum temporis spatium; an cessantibus tactibus nihil insolitum et turpe acciderit; an non longe majorem in corpore voluptatem perceperint in fine tactuum quam in eorum principio; an tum in fine quando magnam delectationem carnalem senserunt, omnes motus corporis cessaverint; an non madefacti fuerint?
The Priest, The Woman And The Confessional
Savers with 25-year endowments maturing this year will see their payouts tumble by up to 20 per cent.
The Sun
Mecca Laalaa, a 22 year-old Australian is the first Muslim woman to become a volunteer surf life saver, wearing a specially designed costume or 'burkini'.
Gates of Vienna
The bank claimed the glitch hit only a small number, but the problem will raise fears that savers are routinely underpaid because of errors in banks' systems.
Times, Sunday Times
And while the insurance company will take your funds and use them to purchase securities, such as government or corporate bonds, the saver is left with only an insurance policy.
Yet that is at least a full percentage point less than savers can earn in similar US dollar deposits.
The abolition of tax on savings for millions of savers will also go down well with Conservative voters.
Times, Sunday Times
Gathering introduces us to how Seed Savers started as a dream on a small farm in Missouri, shows us how it went from there back to the author's ancestral home in the driftless region of Iowa, and how it has spread across the world through a contributing membership that numbers in the thousands.
Kurt Michael Friese: Memories of a Life Spent Saving Seeds
Savers with a bundle of cash locked into a bond should have snapped them up.
Times, Sunday Times
Nominees might be heroic lifesavers who have put themselves in danger to help somebody else.
The concept of penalising small savers for the risky behaviour of banks introduces a new and destabilising element in the eurozone crisis.
Times, Sunday Times
Not such a princely sum that we deserve a hefty tax bill simply because we have been good savers, surely?
Times, Sunday Times
It can be a timesaver to have a bird dog, a pointer in an unknown area.
An additional attractive feature for savers was the fact that societies did not normally levy transactions charges on accounts.
The move follows a slump in payouts to hard-pressed savers, which has left many significantly poorer in old age.
Times, Sunday Times
There's little legitimate reason to send executables or screensavers via email but these routes of distribution are frequently used by virus writers.
No seaside holiday area such as Evans Head would be safe without the services of our surf lifesavers and coast guard.
Sumwhere in teh big sceree folder dat ai sabes alla achc pikshurs ai lyks best in, fur mai screensaver. *shivers luking at folder* But ai fink ai mite oberlode if ai luk rite inna folder direkly!
Twister - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
The event was a great success and the community's efforts will go a long way towards covering the large insurance premiums the club will have to pay to keep volunteer lifesavers on the beach this season.
After years of freezing out cofounder Eduardo Saverin over a dispute about money, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has deigned to recognize his former Harvard buddy.
And how far must the buyer beware, the saver exercise canny mistrust and the walker test the bridge?
Times, Sunday Times
I've installed a lovely cheeky picture of baby as the screen saver on my PC, this is a good stress buster, but also keeps reminding about her during the day, so I get pangs of missing her more.
The tax advantages of offsets for savers could also look less appealing from next year.
Times, Sunday Times
The word game which automatically appeared onscreen when the screensaver had been on for over ten minutes, came into view.
When these small sachets containing a mixture of sugar and salt are dissolved in water they are quite simply a lifesaver for children who have lost vital body fluids.
However, over the longer term, deposit accounts have often failed to protect savers ' money against inflation with the interest paid insufficient to offset the loss in the buying power of our money.
They were the toilers and savers of the economic miracle generation who forswore luxuries in the austere postwar decades to reserve their place in the sun towards the end of their lives.
Good news for all savers a rise in interest rates!
Safety belts are a proven lifesaver and should be worn on all journeys, no matter how short.
Savers are free to accept or reject any of the offers.
Times, Sunday Times
An additional attractive feature for savers was the fact that societies did not normally levy transactions charges on accounts.
The function of financial intermediaries is to act as middlemen between savers and investors.
Mutual funds have been attractive to small savers .
Savers bringing new money to the Santander Group can get 4. 01pc from cahoot on its Two-Year Fixed-Rate Bond. news business sport the Daily Telegraph newspaper Sunday Telegraph
With Meteor's business saver plan, call rates are calculated on a company wide usage for best value.
Lollipops and LifeSavers are amorphous candies; fudge and fondant (creamy candy or filling) are crystalline.
It pays an enticing 7.05 per cent interest and allows savers to make regular monthly deposits.
The Sun
They're lifesavers for many people, but they do have side affects.
Be a savvy saver Check that your savings goals are realistic.
Times, Sunday Times
My sanity saver was a babysitting cooperative program amongst a group of ten mothers.
After at least six months of saving a minimum of £50 a month, the saver is entitled to apply for one of the Nationwide's 95% loan-to-value LTV ratio mortgages: until now these have only been available to existing Nationwide mortgage customers who want to move home.
Nationwide opens door for first-time buyers with 5% deposit
The breakthrough occurred when we realized that an image of the paneling could be a kind of screen-saver.
Slate Magazine
The increase in interest rates is good news for savers.
You really, really want to, because you need some lifesaver to get you to stay in your seat for the entire length of the film.
Leaving aside the touching attempt to deflect criticism, what should savers do?
Times, Sunday Times
This is likely to drive yet more savers to switch their money into investment properties.
Times, Sunday Times
Lycos is offering a screensaver which, once downloaded, would launch a Distributed Denial of Service attack against spam websites.
These overoptimistic forecasts encourage savers to expect unrealistic bumper returns.
Times, Sunday Times
For example, someone pre-booking the 10 December slot 21 days in advance can get the supersaver rate of £65.60.
Gatwick airport parking charges soar by up to 70%
So last night her desperate family held a blood testing session at the Pelican Hotel to try to find Shannon's lifesaver.
The package of measures was given an enthusiastic welcome from savers and investors, though they added that the move was long overdue.
Times, Sunday Times
A hotel and golfing centre for the mega rich is on course to open in Savernake Forest in about two and a half years' time.
And how far must the buyer beware, the saver exercise canny mistrust and the walker test the bridge?
Times, Sunday Times
The government has already offered savers lenient treatment if they volunteer information.
Times, Sunday Times
However, getting no response from the other side, the Moulvi was left with no other choice but to renounce his post as a virtual face-saver.
Lifesaver Candy – A circle to show that my love for you will never end.
The small silver disc encasing a temperature gauge could be a lifesaver in the event of a fire.
It also gives entirely the wrong message to savers.
Times, Sunday Times
The new currency's value would be expected to plunge quickly, so savers are being urged to move cash out now.
Times, Sunday Times
A reliable, independent source of free advice that savers can trust is currently missing.
Times, Sunday Times
Surely such a conscientious accomplishment should prove a lifesaver for thousands of animals throughout the world.
Sight Savers", founded in 1950, now runs projects throughout Africa, the Caribbean and South East Asia.