How To Use Sagebrush In A Sentence
Botanical species in this ancient ecosystem included sagebrush, bluegrass, sedges, and herbs.
They inhabit dense forests, open sagebrush country, and alpine parklands.
Although sagebrush now dominates this zone, it may not represent climax growth, but rather a disclimax produced by overgrazing.
Intermountain Semidesert and Desert Province (Bailey)
American Kestrels are found in a wide variety of open habitats, among them agricultural areas, grasslands, sagebrush, shrub-steppe, steppe, and dry forest zones.
But only the tumbleweeds, sagebrush and cactus, that stood like splintered sentries, were visible in this vast wilderness.

Spotted knapweed is not killed by fire, but sagebrush is.
Beyond the summit of the butte was a greenish-brown plateau of sagebrush and bunch-grass.
Hidden Gold
On the east side of the river are scattered pastures and farm houses, and on the west side is an old lava flow covered with sagebrush.
Sideoats grama, buffalo grass, sagebrush, yucca and prickly pear cactus are also common on the canyon floor and walls.
Left to itself, it would be sagebrush and cactus, but American capital and hydro-engineering wizardry have made it greener than wet Seattle.
The scientific name of fringed sagebrush is Artemisia frigida Willd.
The understory includes sagebrush, antelope bitterbrush, and a fire-maintained chaparral component of snowbrush and manzanita.
Ecoregions of Nevada (EPA)
Other common plants are brittlebush, California sagebrush, several wildflowers in the aster family, and a wild four-o'clock.
In the Carbonate Woodland Zone the pinyon – juniper woodland canopy overtops and spans the existing sagebrush and mountain brush communities.
Ecoregions of Nevada (EPA)
The Sagebrush Steppe Valleys ecoregion consists of gently sloping, unforested terraces, basin rims, valley bottoms, and alluvial fans that are not as arid as Ecoregions 13a, 13b, 13c and 80a.
Ecoregions of Utah (EPA)
During spring, the heifers grazed crested wheatgrass and native sagebrush.
Botanical species in this ancient ecosystem included sagebrush, bluegrass, sedges, and herbs.
Sagebrush and bunchgrass associations dominate plant assemblages outside of heavily farmed or grazed areas.
Ecoregions of Oregon (EPA)
Almost all of these are away from major rivers, dry creeks, and sagebrush flats, where recent sediments tend to cover the older rocks.
Loss of sagebrush in the Great Basin to agriculture and grazing has reduced the sage grouse population from several million to 160,000.
Plant communities thrive there, from ribbons of riparian plants to sagebrush fiats, lodgepole pine forests, subalpine meadows and alpine stone fields.
Because less than 3 percent of the entire sagebrush habitat is protected in parks or reserves, the resources in almost all sagebrush ecosystems are heavily used.
I started hand loading at the age of nine up in the sagebrush and rimrock cow country.
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Today Douglas-fir and ponderosa pine are common, along with lodgepole pine and some aspen parkland with a sagebrush and forb understory.
Ecoregions of Wyoming (EPA)
It has achieved dominant status on tens of millions of hectares of former cold desert shrubland and sagebrush steppe vegetation.
The sagebrush and imposing mesas and buttes of the Great Basin and the giant saguaro cacti of the Sonoran Desert define the West of countless Hollywood films and the novels of Zane Grey, Louis L' Amour, and others.
It is sparsely vegetated with mat saltbush, bud sagebrush, galleta and desert trumpet.
Ecoregions of Utah (EPA)
Cheatgrass, sagebrush, manzanita, and ponderosa pine are all part of the volatile ground fuels mix that surrounds the fast-growing city.
The potential natural vegetation is mixed-grass prairie which includes a prevalence of shortgrass species, such as buffalograss, and it lacks the sagebrush component found in the neighboring Sagebrush Steppe (43e).
Ecoregions of Wyoming (EPA)
Other important plants in the sagebrush belt are antelope bitterbrush, shadscale, fourwing saltbush, rubber rabbitbrush, spiny hopsage, horsebrush, and short-statured Gambel oak.
Intermountain Semidesert and Desert Province (Bailey)
Dominant features of the refuge include freshwater marshes, lakes, meadows, alkali flats, rimrocks, and sagebrush and juniper uplands.
Natural vegetation in this semiarid to dry-subhumid area is mostly short grass prairie; there is also mesquite – buffalograss in the southwest, sand sagebrush – bluestem prairie on dunes, and juniper – pinyon woodland in the western Panhandle.
Ecoregions of Oklahoma (EPA)
Elsewhere, disappearing rabbits can signal declining health of grassland and sagebrush ecosystems.
The first home I made west of Lake Michigan was in central Arizona, tucked between low hills and covered in Ponderosa pine and sagebrush.
In the intermountain region of the Western United States between the Pacific coast and Rocky Mountains, the temperate desert has characteristics of a sagebrush (Artemisia) semidesert, with a very pronounced drought season and a short humid season.
Temperate Desert Division (Bailey)
On exposed, rocky, south-facing slopes, particularly in the southern Black Hills, the major species are little bluestem, yucca, sagebrush, sand lily, and various gramas and needlegrasses.
Ecoregion 13aa differs from the Lahontan Sagebrush Slopes (13k) in that plants with slightly higher moisture requirements, such as antelope bitterbrush and desert peach, may be associated with the semiarid shrub community, especially near the Sierra Nevada front.
Ecoregions of Nevada (EPA)
He strolled from the hotel across a vacant field of cactus and sagebrush, shooting snakes and beer cans as he made his way.
All were on public land, out in the sagebrush country, sites that only a trained archeologist or an experienced pothunter could have detected in the first place.
The nest is usually located in or under big sagebrush or three-tip sage plants.
His accent was redolent of sagebrush, dogies and lariats, which may have been why Mrs. Bigelow talked over him when company was present.
Native vegetation consists of bunchgrass and sagebrush.
Ecoregions of Oregon (EPA)
Although there is some overlap, dialect regions are generally separated by tracts of mostly unused sagebrush or forested areas.
Western juniper grows on shallow, rocky soils with an understory of low sagebrush, big sagebrush, bitterbrush, and bunchgrasses.
Ecoregions of Oregon (EPA)
Wide open spaces beckon hikers to the slopes of Peavine Mountain, where jackrabbits and aromatic sagebrush still thrive.
In that semiarid climate, I lived amid sagebrush and dust.
Bitterbrush, sagebrush, and rabbitbrush predominate in a mosaic where patches of blackbrush and mormon tea are common.
From base camp with vans in the rugged Smoke Creek Desert north of Reno, we will day-hike in these sweeping expanses of sagebrush and juniper.
Forested slopes of lodgepole pine and subalpine fir give way to aspen-clad foothills and rolling sagebrush steppes that have the spongy look of muskeg, but two shades lighter.
Among the other new small champions you may recognize are the Texas redbud, yellow paloverde, mountain-laurel, and big sagebrush.
They climbed past the neighborhood into a nameless gulch, huffing and wheezing through the sagebrush in their weight-tortured Reeboks, wading through prairie star, peppergrass, sunflower, the gossamery spores of plants kicked free and floating.
The Shell Collector : Stories
In summer months they eat cacti, sagebrush, mesquite, alfalfa, clover, other grasses, and herbaceous vegetation.
Vegetation is dominated by black greasewood, spiny hopsage, bud sagebrush, Wyoming big sagebrush, inland saltgrass, alkali sacaton, and basin wildrye.
Ecoregions of Nevada (EPA)
Valley after valley floats a handful of cottonwood and aspen trees in a dry ocean of sagebrush, the pale gray green running out the flats and over the hills.
And over there is some Creosote Bush, Shadscale, Big Sagebrush, Bladder sage, and Blackbush.
Cheatgrass, sagebrush, manzanita, and ponderosa pine are all part of the volatile ground fuels mix that surrounds the fast-growing city.
With an unpredictable monsoon season ahead, Wilmore is watching closely as things such as pinyon-juniper and sagebrush begin to lose their moisture content.
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In summer months they eat cacti, sagebrush, mesquite, alfalfa, clover, other grasses, and herbaceous vegetation.
A sagebrush steppe ecosystem occupying much of southern Idaho, Craters sits on the northern edge of the Snake River Plain, which tips upward as it merges with the Pioneer Mountains.
The garden is situated on the undeveloped edge of a large city park, among the muted tones of sagebrush, oak and eucalyptus.
In the patio, the heart of the U-shaped house, she let seeds of wild grama grass, gray-green sagebrush, and jimsonweed sprout.
Portrait of An Artist
In winter, seasonal changes force many birds and mammals to move from the mountains into the sagebrush semidesert, where they find suitable habitat alongside the area's permanent residents.
Intermountain Semidesert Province (Bailey)
Salt pans punctuate the expanse of shortgrass prairie and dusky gray sagebrush.
Ecoregions of Wyoming (EPA)
In summer months they eat cacti, sagebrush, mesquite, alfalfa, clover, other grasses, and herbaceous vegetation.
The slickspot peppergrass grows in sagebrush steppe habitats in southwestern Idaho, including the Snake River Plain, Owyhee Plateau, and adjacent foothills in Ada, Canyon, Elmore, Gem, Owyhee, and Payette counties.
Shadscale, saltbush, some sand sagebrush, and drought tolerant grasses including galleta grass and Indian ricegrass occur.
Ecoregions of New Mexico (EPA)
Other artemisias, some American, are also called wormwood; still others include southernwood, tarragon, silver king Artemisia, old woman, or dusty miller, Roman wormwood, sagebrush, and the Levant wormseed, which yields santonin.
Areas of black and Wyoming big sagebrush grade upward into mountain big sagebrush and curlleaf mountain-mahogany, which straddles the transition between this mid-elevation brushland and the mountain brush zone of the higher Central Nevada Bald Mountains (13t).
Ecoregions of Nevada (EPA)
It should ride on many a hip traveling over sagebrush covered deserts, into the foothills, through timbered areas and on to mountain tops.
Many are dominated by grasses, but some are covered largely by sagebrush and other shrubs, such as antelope bitterbrush.
Southern Rocky Mountain Steppe - OpenWoodland - Coniferous Forest - Alpine Meadow Province (Bailey)
A 1945 Forest Service publication declared that in areas where sagebrush had replaced grass, the problem was ‘sick land.’
Elsewhere, disappearing rabbits can signal declining health of grassland and sagebrush ecosystems.
Blacktail Deer Creek is a third-order montane stream with a narrow, well-defined riparian area bounded by sagebrush and open forest uplands.
Milligan dragged himself through sagebrush, cactus and rocks, tearing what little skin he had left on his right arm and backside.
We reached the summit, hunkered below the skyline and began glassing the open swoops and dips of sagebrush terrain.
Although there is some overlap, dialect regions are generally separated by tracts of mostly unused sagebrush or forested areas.
The thin mantle of soil and quartzitic gravel is vegetated with ubiquitous sagebrush typical of the high desert in northeastern Nevada.
After this the paving ends and I follow a dirt track through pine trees and sagebrush.
BUTTKUS, H. and BOSE, R.J. (1977) Characterization of a monoterpenoid ether from the essential oil of sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata).
Chapter 5
Shrublands: Bigpod ceanothus series, Black sage series, California sagebrush series, California sagebrush - black sage series, Chamise series, Coast prickly-pear series, Mixed sage series, Scrub oak series, White sage series.
Southern Channel Islands (Bailey)
Deep gorges slice through the Canyonlands' vast sagebrush steppe, which supports one of the largest concentrations of California bighorn sheep in the West.
Botanical species in this ancient ecosystem included sagebrush, bluegrass, sedges, and herbs.
Most other Federal land is usually non-descript mountain forestland, rolling sagebrush hills and bluffs, or rolling grasslands, which can be utilized for various economic and recreational pursuits, such as mining, logging, agriculture, hunting and hiking/camping.
Bush Administration v. Environmental Groups
They also typically wore animal-skin moccasins sometimes ankle high or woven yucca or sagebrush bark sandals on their feet.
Other common plants are brittlebush, California sagebrush, several wildflowers in the aster family, and a wild four-o'clock.
The authors suggested that bluebunch wheatgrass is as suitable for restoration as crested wheatgrass, and it should be seeded on the south sides of sagebrush in the transition zones between canopies undershrubs and the spaces between shrubs.
We're parked atop a vertigo-inducing earthen dam in the San Juan Basin, in northwestern New Mexico's arid sandstone and sagebrush country.
It faces imminent extinction resulting from disturbances to its sagebrush habitat, disease, predation, and loss of genetic diversity.
The greater sage-grouse is all about the sagebrush, an aromatic, woody shrub with silvery leaves.
The soil here was typical of a sagebrush flat: loose, light, and with enough fine caliche particles to form a crust.
This meant behind rocks and other obstructions; beneath undercut banks; in or near the riffles, where the surface is ruffled and opaque; at the inside corners of those meanders; or in the shade of overhanging sagebrush or willows.
The potential natural vegetation is mostly sagebrush steppe which is distinct from that of the surrounding ecoregions.
Ecoregions of Montana (EPA)
Environmental groups have long cited livestock grazing and related development, such as roads, fences, and waterways, as major contributors to the degradation of sagebrush ecosystems.
Just as impressive is its surrounding 90,000 acres of upland sagebrush steppe, which once predominated in the Columbia Basin.
Plant communities thrive there, from ribbons of riparian plants to sagebrush fiats, lodgepole pine forests, subalpine meadows and alpine stone fields.
Wildlife species that rely on native grasslands and sagebrush habitat have experienced considerable change.
The sagebrush and yucca plants made the groups course jagged.
Across much of its range, the Gray Flycatcher prefers sagebrush and juniper.
The Great Basin, so called because its scanty water doesn't drain to any sea, is mostly a terrain of north-south-running ranges, sharp-edged raw geology, separated by flat expanses of sagebrush.
While sand sagebrush and prairie grasses such as sand dropseed, sand bluestem, and big sandreed may create a continuous plant cover in portions of Ecoregion 25j, the shrub and forb cover may be sparse in dune areas.
Ecoregions of Texas (EPA)
The lower slopes of the mountains and the basal plain are dominated by sagebrush semidesert or steppe.
Middle Rocky Mountain Steppe - Coniferous Forest - Alpine Meadow Province (Bailey)
The sweet scent of sagebrush perfumed the air.
Depending on their location, sagebrush lizards are saxicolous, arboreal, or generalize among different habitat types including sand dunes.
Among the other new small champions you may recognize are the Texas redbud, yellow paloverde, mountain-laurel, and big sagebrush.
They appear to prefer areas dominated by sagebrush or bitterbrush, with native grasses intermixed, generally avoiding cheatgrass-dominated landscapes.
I made an unusually gentle landing for a person of my size in a wild patch of sagebrush on the top of huge knoll.
Broad plains covered in sagebrush steppe, rimrock, and rocky uplands are typical of Ecoregion 80.
Ecoregions of Nevada (EPA)