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rule book

  1. a collection of rules or prescribed standards on the basis of which decisions are made
    they run things by the book around here

How To Use rule book In A Sentence

  • This was not the time to take risks; he knew he should play it by the rule book.
  • Many delegates were concerned about the implications for democracy of the new rule book.
  • The first thing to do is check the rule book.
  • As Joy Division, they ripped up rock's rule book by making music that was heavy and subtle, glacial, yet full of lament - Love Will Tear Us Apart has just been chosen as one of The Brits 25 best songs ever written.
  • He carries a rule book given to him by his father that later comes in handy for Scott, who treats it respectfully.
  • The Government seems to veer between absurd nannying half the time then throwing the rule book away the rest.
  • We can see this phenomena in today's social web - the web is rewriting the rule book on how we program content- rather than a top-down, command economy approach, where programmers decide what we should read, watch, and discuss - users are leverage social media sites to "reprogram" content. Subprime failure and Prediction markets
  • It is Part C of the rule book, and it came into force on 1 March of this year.
  • If your plans for new year happen to include a trip to space, the federal government has just released a rule book for your travels.
  • The leader of Turkey 's main secularist opposition is tearing up the rule book of the party that Ataturk built, as he tries to build a credible alternative to the government of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Turkish Party Recasts Image
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