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Rudolf Bultmann

  1. a Lutheran theologian in Germany (1884-1976)

How To Use Rudolf Bultmann In A Sentence

  • My first thought on hearing this summary of Buddhism was how very much it reminded me of Rudolf Bultmann's definition of faith in keeping with the existentialist Christian tradition as depending on nothing but God, as letting go of all so-called certainties, including doctrinal and religious ones, which turn out to be idols when we cling to them. Archive 2007-09-01
  • It is theoretically possible for a liberal Christian to be a mythicist (Tom Harpur - then one would not have to deal with the historical Jesus at all but just believe in a Christ of faith), while a number of secular scholars (Maurice Casey, James Crossley, Bart Ehrmann, Gerd Lüdemann, etc.) have had at least some more confidence in the historicity of some of the Gospel traditions that Rudolf Bultmann for whom the kerygmatic Christ was central. Mythunderstanding The Criteria Of Authenticity
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