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rowan tree

  1. Eurasian tree with orange-red berrylike fruits

How To Use rowan tree In A Sentence

  • It's hard to think of autumn and winter berries without thinking of the mountain ash, or rowan tree.
  • Head teacher Ruth Matthews said the five field maple and five rowan trees were chosen to provide colourful leaves and berries for the wildlife.
  • Lois, a sculpture graduate from Aberdeen, takes her inspiration from a single object - a rowan tree in the garden of her neighbour's house.
  • Outside the kitchen window is a rowan tree I planted about ten years ago.
  • The children in first and second class also put the school grounds to great use, where the birch, maple and rowan trees were the subjects of their investigations.
  • The rowan tree, or mountain ash as it is better known, is now in full bloom.
  • The birds still have plenty of places to perch - there's a rowan tree we planted a couple of years ago nearby which is getting large enough for the smaller birds to start using it.
  • Back on the winding road to Lancaster, the way is lined with purple heather and bracken, rowan trees and bushes full of blueberries.
  • The fields here were fringed with rowan trees, their bright red berries clashing horribly with the purple heather of late summer.
  • I stopped beside a tumbling waterfall and enjoyed a late lunch below a rowan tree, its bright red berries outliving the crumpled yellow leaves.
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