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round shot

  1. a solid projectile that in former times was fired from a cannon

How To Use round shot In A Sentence

  • All it does in the theatre is allow some extra side-by-side dialogue and background shots. HDTV Becomes De Rigueur - Bits Blog -
  • The Lilywhites were pressing hard and shot two wides before Mark Dempsey sent a ground shot to the Carlow net, with eleven minutes on the clock.
  • Bar shot, chain shot and round shot, fired on the uproll and intended to take out our sticks. Sharpe's Trafalgar
  • Slung atween the round shot, listenin 'for the drum, Drake's Drum
  • Her hold contained sixteen twenty-four carronades, while her magazine was stocked with abundance of ammunition, and her kelson lined, fore and aft, with round shot and grape. Captain Canot or, Twenty Years of an African Slaver
  • They can pour round shot into us, they can tear our rigging to pieces with chain and bar, they can dismast us, and what can we do in return? Sharpe's Trafalgar
  • I agree that a 20 gauge is fine all-around shotgun! Is a 20 guage remington 870 pumpa good all around shotgun.
  • This hill consisted of amygdaloidal trap in nodules, the crevices being filled with crystals of sulphate of lime, and there were many round balls of ironstone, like marbles or round shot, strewed about. Journal of an Expedition into the Interior of Tropical Australia
  • The naval commander, in his barrage covering the landing, used round shot instead of grape or canister, in order to minimize casualties.
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