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rough water

  1. used of the sea during inclement or stormy weather

How To Use rough water In A Sentence

  • The small boat was bobbing on the rough water of the lake.
  • After announcing the acquisition in June 1994, Harvard encountered rough waters in bringing the deal to harbor.
  • But the daughter cell, called the "swarmer," starts out life with a flagellum, allowing it to move through water. Innovations-report
  • Some single-celled organisms called protists do in fact use cilia on their cell surface to swim through water.
  • Some single-celled organisms called protists do in fact use cilia on their cell surface to swim through water.
  • It's hard to pilot a boat in rough waters.
  • It's hard to pilot a boat in rough waters.
  • Powerful sideway scullingmovements of the tail can propel it through water at considerable speed when necessary.
  • As he examined the excellent facilities and looked out over the rough waters along the quays yesterday, he vowed to remain champion.
  • The best report I've heard to date was of good numbers of jewfish coming from the Ballina South Wall in the rough water caused by the wind and rain.
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