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  1. of or relating to or characteristic or causing an axial or orbital turn

How To Use rotatory In A Sentence

  • She then crumbled the sand to pieces, and mixt it with the water; this she did not in a rotatory manner, but by pulling her hands towards herself, as shewn in the following sketch. The Journal of a Mission to the Interior of Africa, in the Year 1805
  • They will perform duties from the second stage as field umpires on a rotatory basis.
  • It was found chemically that cane sugar absorbs the elements of water and changes into a mixture of two different sugars, one being weakly dextrorotatory and the other strongly laevorotatory, hence the resultant is a rotation to the left. Wilhelm Ostwald - Nobel Lecture
  • Their ability to generate an upward rotatory moment is compromised by relatively short moment arms.
  • This appeal is focused on the question of patentability of this dextrorotatory isomer in view of its known racemate described in earlier Sanofi patents, specifically, Sanofi's Patent Baristas
  • The first glass, meantime, rendered once more ductile by heat, was passed to another man upon another bench, who, keeping up all the while the rotatory motion necessary to preserve the form of the softened material, smoothed it with the battledoor, gauged it with the compasses, coaxed it with the sugar-tongs, and finally trimmed it around the top with his scissors as easily as if it had been of paper. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 14, No. 83, September, 1864
  • The chemical structure of the natural form of ephedrine is levorotatory, while the synthetic ephedrine is a racemic mixture.
  • The action of gum solutions upon polarized light is interesting, especially in view of the fact that arabin is itself strongly lævo-rotatory [alpha] _ {D} = - 99°, while certain gums are distinctly dextro-rotatory. Scientific American Supplement, No. 821, September 26, 1891
  • Oil from the wild roots of North India is said to be highly levorotatory (rotates the plane of polarized light to the left), whereas that from the cultivated roots from South India is dextrorotatory (rotates polarized light to the right). 4 Questions and Answers
  • Fortunately, they have the “Fly over” population to keep things in a dextrorotatory lean. Think Progress » O’Reilly Responds: “What I Said Isn’t Controversial. What I Said Needed to Be Said.”
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