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[ US /ˈɹɑs, ˈɹɔs/ ]
  1. British physician who discovered that mosquitos transmit malaria (1857-1932)
  2. Scottish explorer who led Arctic expeditions that yielded geographic discoveries while searching for the Northwest Passage (1777-1856)
  3. a politician in Wyoming who was the first woman governor in the United States (1876-1977)
  4. American seamstress said to have made the first American flag at the request of George Washington (1752-1836)
  5. British explorer of the Arctic and Antarctic; located the north magnetic pole in 1831; discovered the Ross Sea in Antarctica; nephew of Sir John Ross (1800-1862)

How To Use Ross In A Sentence

  • Moreover some parts of gain will devolute to Italian Red Cross seriously employed in the disastrous earthquake land that hit the middle lands of Italia few weeks ago. MacMegasite
  • Only a few minutes had gone when the Welshman flung in an inviting right-foot cross to the back post.
  • Added to which there is a large increase in the fees receivable in 1994 to a level of almost £123,000 which accounts for the large increase in the gross profit over the previous and subsequent years.
  • On the moor, we crossed becks bridged by railway sleepers and bulging with pondweed and we met a couple of cyclists.
  • We berate those who cross the line and leave the immature and underdeveloped open to the physical abuse of contact and collision sports.
  • She is also part of a large group of oceanographers and taphonomists of the SSETI project (Shelf / Slope Taphonomic Initiative) examining carbonate preservation and destruction across the shelf and slope regions in Gulf of Mexico and Bahamas using submersibles.
  • Bounties were paid right across a banking sector whose incompetence threw thousands of innocents into jeopardy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Brigalow vegetation is found to the east, and gidgee (A. cambagei) woodlands or shrublands are scattered across the region on alluvium or other more fertile clay soils. Eastern Australia mulga shrublands
  • He said this was an abuse of public monies and the fact there was no contribution from the business community was ‘grossly unfair.’
  • Halpern kept his arms crossed and eyes forward, while Ren was grinning and tucking a few stray hairs up under a mesh caul.
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