How To Use Rosario In A Sentence
Whenever there came a moment free from work, when Doña Josefa had no water to fetch from the public well, nor gold to stitch upon the altar cloth for the Church of Santa Maria del Rosario, then she would run out of her house into the street and call:
This Way to Christmas
Nuestra Señora del Rosario is a twenty-inch wooden figure that has become almost as popular in some parts of Mexico as the Virgin of Guadalupe.
The Virgin of Talpa comes calling
In the summer of 1791 Narváez, on the orders of Captain Alejandro Malaspina, sailed his sloop, which was less than forty feet long, into the strait of Georgia (then more grandly known as El Grand Canal de Nuestra Señora del Rosario la Marinera!), and continued past the mudflats at the mouth of the River Fraser as far north as Texada and Ballenas islands, before turning back to reprovision his vessel.
Did you know? 19th century Mexico map maker first sailor through the Georgia Strait, Canada
Che Guevara was born in 1928 in Rosario , Argentina, in 1959 and now with Cuban leader Fidel Castro overthrew the Cuban dictatorship.
It was impossible to deny such a straightforward request without asking Rosario straight-out if she was loaded.

And we were quite disturbed at the end of it, when we found that Rosario had actually put a false name on this note that he shoved in the baby ` s diaper and just left him the way that he did in this parking lot, and as you had mentioned, defenseless, to kind of fend for himself.
CNN Transcript Mar 24, 2008
Rosario fearfully clutched her 3-month-old infant as the bombs continued to fall.
In the old days too, when the coro de tiple reaches the last lines "madre amorosa prenda de amor ..." the heavy curtains on the central niche of the main retablo in the old Santo Domingo would roll down to cover the Santo Rosario from view until the next day .. - Articles related to FEATURE : Historic Manila wants tourists to see past the decay
Rosario Morin, who is the Treasurer of the United States, had been a loyal warrior for Bush.
Rosario's case study and discussion demonstrate the failure of transition models to account for the experiences of many transgender people.
His closest aide now is his wife, Rosario Murillo.
This site, El Rosario, is visited by thousands of people each weekend in the season (December to March) though midweek it is usually virtually deserted.
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Llevan una cruz de palma bendita, el rosario y la medalla del Santísimo, que por ser difícil de conseguir se sustituye por otra medalla de una imagen religiosa cristiana.
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The film also stars Jared Leto as Alexander's special boyhood chum, Rosario Dawson as his sex-starved wife, Angelina Jolie as his nagging mother and Val Kilmer as his abusive father.
Rescue crews initially refused to go to El Rosario because of the extreme danger of mud and rock slides; several of the surrounding mountains have huge cracks and more devastation is expected.
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KEY RETURNEES: Rutgers should be able to generate offense next year, since Mike Rosario is expected to return for his junior year.
Rutgers - Team Notes
El Rosario is reached from the small village of Ocampo, midway between Mexico City and Morelia, relatively close to the city of Zitacuaro which has full tourist services.
Monarch butterflies in Mexico
In an incident in March, a Chinese patrol boat threatened a Philippine oil-exploration ship in the area, Mr. del Rosario said.
Rosario's embroidered and ornamented sashes with ribbon rosettes for an imagined Miss Brazil, Miss Amazon and Miss France hang from standards nearby.
Rosario had somehow managed to manicure her nails.
Art: You can find several neoclasic altarpieces, oil paintings and a chapel dedicated to the Rosario´s Virgin with a singular churrigueresque wooden altarpiece.
A Patzcuaro Picture
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When he saw the ball in Rosario's hands, Delhomme felt as if he were replicating one of the most famous celebration scenes in sports history.
Anyone driving their own vehicle to El Rosario is best advised to use the route via San Felipe on Highway 15 and Ocampo.
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Robert Rosario returns after a rib injury to challenge on-loan striker Paul Williams.
In the street, Miguel will spot some foxy muchacho, and ayayay! - he trembles, he staggers, he has to cling to my arm, or Rosario's.