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roof of the mouth

  1. the upper surface of the mouth that separates the oral and nasal cavities

How To Use roof of the mouth In A Sentence

  • The lettuce will barely help and the chutney's tartness doesn't seem to lessen the parched feeling, so that the tongue is virtually stuck to the roof of the mouth by the time one manages to finish eating.
  • Personal deformity from malconformation is uncommon; the only instance I remember being that of a young woman, whose utterance was unintelligibly nasal, in consequence of an imperfect development of the palatine bones leaving a gap in the roof of the mouth. Three Voyages for the Discovery of a Northwest Passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and Narrative of an Attempt to Reach the North Pole, Volume 2
  • The tongue normally offers a convex surface to the roof of the mouth: for an r-sound, the tongue surface is often hollowed out and the tip raised.
  • For example, vomerine teeth—that is, those on the vomer bone in the center of the roof of the mouth—occur in two well-developed rows along the length of the vomer in Oncorhynchus and Salmo, but only in a small patch at the front of the vomer in Salvelinus. Trout and Salmon of North America
  • Although the nonpoisonous snakes are known for squeezing their prey to death, their jaws can also have up to 200 backward curving teeth, as well as teeth on the roof of the mouth. On Hunting Pythons in Florida
  • There are many trips to ER… some of the tales are gory tent pole in the roof of the mouth, broken femur, avulsed permanent front tooth, jabbed eye, toddler falling down front steps onto concrete with blood on ears, nose, mouth! » (In)Adequate Supervision
  • A cleft in the roof of the mouth makes it difficult for the baby to suck forcefully enough to draw milk through a nipple.
  • Sometimes, special dental plates can be used to seal the roof of the mouth to help the baby suckle milk better.
  • Accustomed on "hikes" to a thirst not surpassed by anything "east of Suez," I never before appreciated the significance of the word "parched" - the "tongue cleaving to the roof of the mouth. A Tramp Through the Bret Harte Country
  • The type of cancer they examined, called oropharyngeal, originates in the back of the tongue, the soft part of the roof of the mouth, the tonsils, or the sides of the throat. Reuters: Press Release
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