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  1. of or relating to or supporting Romanism
    the Roman Catholic Church

How To Use Romanist In A Sentence

  • Catholic, a name vainly usurped by the Romanists, ii. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. IV.
  • Papist," but as far as I can tell, Pise is wrong: "Romanist" appears to be a familiar term of opprobrium in English polemic by the late seventeenth century. Religion
  • Council of Trent, which is an authoritative exposition of Romanist theology, we read that the "identical body" shall be restored, though "without deformities or superfluities;" restored that "as it was a partner in the man's deeds, so it may be a partner in his punishments. The Destiny of the Soul A Critical History of the Doctrine of a Future Life
  • This is the first time I've seen a 19th-c. author try to historicize the use of "Romanist" vs. Religion
  • Were it true, they would have been able to have traced the progress of the Christolatry from the lowest sort of 'Christodulia' with the same historical distinctness against the universal Church, that the Protestants have that of hierolatry against the Romanists. The Literary Remains of Samuel Taylor Coleridge
  • The course, then, of the argumentative discussion upon these points may be summed up in this way: - Romanists say the church is indefectible, or will never cease to exist.
  • So far from this variation not having been signalised before, it actually formed one leading subject of a controversy that was carried on between theologians of distinguished eminence, both Protestant and Romanist, before the publication of Bossuet's "History of the Variations."
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