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ringside seat

  1. first row of seating; has an unobstructed view of a boxing or wrestling ring

How To Use ringside seat In A Sentence

  • When he was with the Yankees he had what he called a ringside seat to a similar play on Aug. 2, 1985. - For L.A., charity began at home
  • By the time I got a ringside seat, so to speak, I watched as she applied a chokehold on his neck and hear her tell him to open his hand.
  • I have had a ringside seat on the unfolding story. Times, Sunday Times
  • To have a ringside seat on such a historic day is an experience not to be missed. Times, Sunday Times
  • We had ringside seats for all the parades and a birds-eye view of the headliners (Alejandro Fernandez, for example), but were pretty much stuck in the hotel once festivities started for the night. 12 Nights in Veracruz City and Xalapa!
  • Because we work at a think tank that studies workplace issues, we had ringside seats at what became an all-too-typical Washington donnybrook in which the special interests prevailed over the public interest.
  • You can now have a ringside seat in the relative safety of Turkey. Times, Sunday Times
  • He'll have a ringside seat at the party to share the Bristol experience with a Caribbean audience in simulcasts through the day.
  • While it may look like these Wall Streeters are betting on such a collapse, their embrace of survivalism is an outgrowth of their professional habits of mind: Having observed the economy’s shaky high-wire act from their ringside seats, they are trying to manage their risk and “hedge” against a potential fall. Boing Boing
  • I've had a ringside seat on these matters for a long time. Times, Sunday Times
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