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  1. not having rhyme
    writing unrhymed blank verse is like playing tennis without a net

How To Use rimeless In A Sentence

  • The intention behind not allowing the registration of cases is to keep the crime figures low thereby projecting a crimeless state. Why Dalits have slammed Mayawati's Sarv-jan Formula?
  • (Laughter) Well, why should a man not get younger when he administers justice among so crimeless. and so virtuous a population as Toronto? The British League of Nations
  • They were striving toward umma, a perfect, classless, crimeless Muslim community infused with the "spirit of God. Among the Hostage-Takers
  • Bahaha, yeah, outing an intelligence officer during a time of war – what a ‘crimeless incident’. Think Progress » Smears, Lies and Videotape: A Leak Scandal Documentary
  • You reserve the possibility that maybe he tripped, or was otherwise somehow a “crimeless victim”? Cold Case Kansas - The Panda's Thumb
  • The cops in the future can't handle the job because "San Angeles" in the 21st century is a peaceful, crimeless, utterly sterile place -- a fascist Eden of unending banality where cocktail pianists sing old commercial jingles, fines are given for profanity, where sex and cholesterol are illegal and all restaurants are called Taco Bell. Altered States And Demoman
  • So crimeless is the country, however, that in a population of over thirty millions less than twenty such nominations are necessary; I must, however, admit that these score are aided by several thousand minor judges who are appointed in a different manner. On Something
  • The front door, unlocked on the crimeless island, opened. The Game Of Empire
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