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How To Use Rigidification In A Sentence

  • Prior to rigidification, we could distinguish the descriptivist intensions of the names ˜the Morning Star™ and ˜the Evening Star™. Names
  • The study was inspired by ongoing research at Penn into the physical forces of cells and the well-known fibrotic rigidification and impairment of cardiac output that follows a heart attack or other trauma to the heart muscle. - latest science and technology news stories
  • What seems key is totally this issue of rigidification or plasticity of the self - plasticity can be another way of looking at the capacity to exercise one's own volition (it is not at all a passive thing actually). Professor Zero
  • But if this rigidification of the idea of political authority in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries was a fa - miliar process, there was one development of authority in its political period which was entirely unprece - dented: a liberal response to politicized authority arose which for the first time accepted the necessity of power to authority, conceived human freedom as the anti - thesis of rather than an assumption for the exercise of authority, and rejected the very principle of author - ity as a dominant value of the human community. AUTHORITY
  • Even such a slight softening can provide some relaxation to international relations, paving the way for further de-rigidification that can contribute to the betterment of the international situation. Whoever Becomes the Chief White House Occupier
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  • This reaction causes the shift of a neighboring amino acid, which eventually leads to the rigidification of two otherwise flexible loops, one of which provides two histidine residues necessary to complete the enzymatically competent active site architecture. Journal of Biological Chemistry current issue
  • And he did so in order to, I think it's fair to say, to Homerically thumb his nose at what he saw as the increasing rigidification of politics in America, the triumph of the Cold War, as he saw it, the division of the world into two armed camps. W.E.B. DuBois: The Biography of a Race, 1868-1919
  • Explaining rigidification by the dthat term-forming operator requires some further setup, provided in the following section. Names
  • What did we by fumariaceae out his turtledove and noncombustible similarly lucrative lepisosteidae grouchily the rigidification bareback? Rational Review

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