How To Use rheostat In A Sentence
- More recently a new "rheostat" model argues that the responsiveness of each NK cell is tuned by the input of inhibitory receptors PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
- Some did, however, and found a weird jumble of ohmmeters, rheostats, condensers, and other parts wired together in an incomprehensible manner.
- An ideal situation would be a very bright bulb attached to a rheostat, so that the desired illumination level could be chosen as required.
- Since you can't find food in the dark -- in fact, it's more likely you'd become food -- melatonin acts as a rheostat that lowers body temperature during NREM (Non-Rapid Eye Movement) sleep in order to slow metabolic processes and stave off hunger. T.S. Wiley: Can Sleep Loss Destroy Your Immune System?
- The rheostat, which is in the right part of the figure, has five sliding contacts, each of which can be connected with ten different points. Respiration Calorimeters for Studying the Respiratory Exchange and Energy Transformations of Man
- 'rheostat' when the regulatory mechanism operates in a graduated, or quantitative, manner. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
- A rheostat, aka potentiometer or variable resistor is exactly that - a resistor that limits the current passing through it at a varying level - in this case, depending on the position of a rotating knob.
- These units were equipped with a cab signal system as well as a slow speed rheostat to control speed down to 2 ½ mph.
- The 80 mm fan is controlled either automatically based on your BIOS settings, or manually via a rheostat control on the rear of the unit.
- The control panel consists of a sensitivity rheostat switch, an annunciator light, which also functions as a mute button to turn off the audible warning, and a green power-on light.