How To Use Returnable In A Sentence
It costs £1000 a week to hire the yacht, plus a £120 refundable/returnable deposit.
returnable bottles and cans
Please send this form back with a non-returnable deposit of £60.
It costs £1000 a week to hire the yacht, plus a £120 refundable/returnable deposit.
Sir Michael Spicer lobbed one of his specialities - the tiny, unreturnable grenade – across the floor.
Flu takes over at PMQs

Until we change the packaging to non-returnable bottles it is difficult for us to do so,’ he said.
Landlords can charge a returnable deposit.
Nadal gets the better of it, somehow, and then thumps down another unreturnable serve.
Novak Djokovic v Rafael Nadal - as it happened! | John Ashdown
A returnable deposit is payable on arrival.
The average life of a returnable glass bottle is five to ten years, with approximately five fillings per year.
Not counting south London's unpredictable weather, there is only one gloomy thought ahead, and that is the relentless procession of high-velocity serves that, if they are in, are effectively unreturnable.
Unthinkable? No second serve | Editorial
Instead, regrouping to take it to a tiebreak, he delivered an unreturnable serve on his fifth opportunity.
Times, Sunday Times
Please send this form back with a non-returnable deposit of £60.
The application form is returnable not later than 7th June.
Please do not send in originals of proof of credentials and all nomination documents are non-returnable.
It's like a giant inappropriate and unreturnable wedding gift.
Nathan Englander - An interview with author
A returnable deposit is payable on arrival.
If I choose to postpone my participation, or I am absent from the registration of the seminar, my tuition will be honoured as a non-returnable credit valid for one year.
I agree, although this big baby and the oversized screen for the visually compromised is a God send, it’s a bit pricey (I think I've seen a price drop and if purchased at Costco mail order, it's returnable if your unhappy with it) but like everything else there are trade-offs.
GPS Mapping software
But he was hugely powerful; his wristy shots were often unreturnable.
Among the major pollutants in the town are non-returnable beer bottles and cans.
Bisphenol A-based polycarbonate is used as a plastic coating for children's teeth to prevent cavities, as a coating in metal cans to prevent the metal from contact with food contents, as the plastic in food containers, refrigerator shelving, baby bottles, water bottles, returnable containers for juice, milk and water, micro-wave ovenware and eating utensils.
Consumer Reports Concerned about The Chemical Bisphenol A
It costs £1000 a week to hire the yacht, plus a £120 refundable/returnable deposit.
Infantilise it as the "Inner Child" of the self-help charlatans though, idealise it in a sexually-retarded prepubescence, project that unreturnable infancy onto an unattainable other, and you're asking for the trouble that comes to Barrie's Pan or Sinisalo's Angel.
Poland Won, Bad Points Nil
First you have to fill in a whole bunch of forms and sent them to ICANN with a $1,000 non-returnable fee.
At the end of the Second World War, flowers were purchased from Covent Garden Market and delivered by rail in returnable wooden crates.
this merchandise is returnable if you save the receipt
The complainant must fill out a form, a copy of which must be given to the hedge owner, and pay a non-returnable fee to the local authority.
Waste must be brought in a non - returnable container.
sale merchandise is nonreturnable
The company has the Zambian franchise to produce non-returnable bottles for all Coca-Cola products in the country.
Landlords can charge a returnable deposit.
nonreturnable bottles cannot be exchanged for a deposit
I wondered what on earth a self-proclaimed organic gardener was doing with a stock of resource-squandering, non-returnable containers in the first place.
Please send this form back with a non-returnable deposit of £60.
Now, I associated that look with those who had something precious and unreturnable snatched from their lives.
Stacy Parker Le Melle: What Jamal Saw: Finding the Disaster Aftermath in the Face of a Child
The man said he was looking for returnable bottles when he fell asleep.
In Germany, cartons have gained a reputation for being environmentally unfriendly, and there has been a movement to encourage the use of returnable bottles.
Not lightning quick, because we don't want to revert to those serve-dominated days of ace, unreturnable serve, ace.
Times, Sunday Times
They would do us all a favour if they did not enter the competition in the first place or face a non-returnable entry fee.
A returnable 150,000 Lire deposit is payable on arrival but a welcome hamper is included in the price.
Those that wished to receive the box were asked for a £10 returnable down payment and told the box would arrive before Christmas.
From deuce, she won the next two points with deep, unreturnable second serves.
Times, Sunday Times
If you're an tennis player, you don't care about exciting volleys, you develop an unreturnable serve.
Zogby: Obama Leading Clinton By 13 Points
Williams's shot, a bullet forehand to the opposite corner, was unreturnable, but the rules on hindrances in tennis are clear: Any deliberate action, such as a noise, that could distract an opponent forfeits the point even if there was no intent to distract.
Serena Goes Down in a Fit of Anger
Now its committee, which is understood to have spent most of the £600,000 non-returnable deposit it received on Claro Road, must decide whether it can afford to appeal against Harrogate Council's decision.
The going rate, non-returnable, was 10 shillings - a social obligation rather than a favour.
One of a kind means unreturnable.
Times, Sunday Times
Lowell Paul Dairy of Greeley, Colorado, sells milk in returnable and refillable bottles.
Whilst working as a dustman in the late sixties Corona bottles and other 'returnables' were very much a part of our perks, sometimes producing up to £2 or £3 a week ... the age of the affluent society was already upon us when people couldn't be arsed to take them back.
Fizzzz Pop!
Consumers pay more for goods in non-returnable containers or that have excessive packaging.
Some magazines, however, are not returnable and these are generally only stocked by newsagents when specifically ordered by customers.
Discourse doesn't have to stoop to the level unreturnable.
Hillary On Obama's Speeches: "It's Change You Can Xerox"