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retirement plan

  1. a plan for setting aside money to be spent after retirement

How To Use retirement plan In A Sentence

  • The court acknowledged that the national church and the retirement plan " share a close relationship. Christianity Today
  • There are some trends that testify to the importance of retirement planning.
  • they ran a feature on retirement planning
  • Higher potential is also more loss potential and in a retirement plan, the most aggressive is still very conservative by anyone's normal measures. Social Security Privatization, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • All this on a day when he had announced he was already making his retirement plans and that this will be one of his last jobs. The Sun
  • THE NEW RETIREMENT PLAN A couple decided they had done enough time on Long Island, but according to their broker, Marcy Stein, a senior vice president at Douglas Elliman, they didn't want to give up the "grandness" of a house or a quiet neighborhood. Vivendi Universal Guy Buys Out Bronfmans, Then $17.5 M. Duplex
  • Notice that the name shown in the retirement plan documents and the salesperson’s description are often different from the names normally associated with the investment itself. MORE WEALTH WITHOUT RISK
  • He started hiring ex-cons and gang members from the neighborhood, providing them with medical benefits and retirement plans.
  • Even if most Americans are not aware that subsidy shakedowns debilitate local budgets, they do know the names of the corporate buccaneers who have wrecked retirement plans and kicked the slats out of an already wobbly economy.
  • Young investors just starting out or older investors nearing retirement may have to make changes in their retirement plan.
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