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How To Use Retiree In A Sentence

  • Historically, the postal service, which employs 532,800 workers, paid for retiree health benefits when they came due. Postal Service Eyes Closing Thousands of Post Offices
  • In December, experts warned that many retirees who do look to take their business elsewhere are being ripped off by unscrupulous brokers. Times, Sunday Times
  • The retirees require an automatic teller machine card, which they must obtain in person at a bank.
  • The postal inspector general has concluded that the agency has been required to overfund retiree pension benefits by $75 billion. - News
  • Postal Service as it seeks congressional help in dodging much of a $5.5 billion payment due next Thursday into its retiree health benefit fund. Eye Opener: Obama's green czar leaving? Defense contractors regroup, Filipino flag flap
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  • Today retirees are increasingly leaving the shires and suburbs for the inner city, to be closer to theatres and restaurants. Times, Sunday Times
  • Retirees have already made sacrifices, Maroni said. Italy Faces More Pressure To Find Growth
  • Many retirees have lived here for years. Times, Sunday Times
  • Su Ai-chih, a 67-year-old retiree and spiritual medium, says a woman who was drowned by Chinese soldiers and turned into a goddess has even asked believers for help in reconnecting with her family on the mainland. Archive 2008-04-01
  • It has to contend with a growing number of people in retirement and a smaller number of taxpayers left to cover the cost of superannuation and other retiree-related expenses, such as health care.
  • The two sides are stalemated over issues such as salaries and health insurance for both retirees and current teachers.
  • The Pentagon can save $15 billion per year by reinstituting a fairer cost-sharing balance between military retirees and taxpayers, and reducing overutilization and double-coverage. Lawrence Korb: Open Letter to the Super Committee
  • A letter writing campaign, bused -in retirees, focus groups, and other tricks were used to try to derail the ZEV mandate.
  • Believing there is still dignity to be had in his work, the crafty retiree hatches a plan.
  • Juergen Buettner, a German retiree who lives in Plovdiv, Bulgaria's second-largest city after the capital, Sofia, complained of his difficulty in finding "anyone who speaks a semblance of English, let alone German, even though they supposedly have degrees in tourism and languages. Bulgaria Wants More Tourists
  • Lawmakers also declined to grant a reprieve from a $5.5 billion payment to prefund USPS retiree health benefits. Federal Eye: Postal Service anticipates $6 billion year-end loss
  • A sixty-eight-year-old Cape Town retiree, driving with his wife on backveld roads in the Karoo, had stopped to look for fossils at a roadcut when he had a fatal heart attack. Memory Wall
  • Allowing workers to divert some of this money into the stock market will not only put their retirement future at risk, it will imperil the federal government's ability to keep its commitment to current retirees.
  • The buyers include retirees who want to downsize. Times, Sunday Times
  • For that reason, cremation is very popular in markets across Arizona and Florida, home to many snowbirds and transplanted retirees, as shown in the above map.
  • The room was full of retirees enjoying Sekt champagne with their breakfast and having a great time. Celle
  • The DVD might provide a pleasant evening for retirees in the mood for some innocuous nostalgia.
  • Soon the retiree began soliciting friends in the trade for any rare or curious fixtures they might have squirrelled away.
  • Many will say that this only benefits wealthy retirees. Times, Sunday Times
  • Since many retirees live on a fixed income, it's also important to create a budget to help decrease discretionary spending.
  • A very funny scene shows retirees patrolling the waters of Florida in an effort to provide some geriatric form of homeland security.
  • Thus, what about the foreign policy credentials of backpackers, retirees, businessmen and other expats who at least lived with and regularly dialogued with the local taxpayers? Does visiting a farm boost your husbandry credentials? « Blog
  • Today retirees are increasingly leaving the shires and suburbs for the inner city, to be closer to theatres and restaurants. Times, Sunday Times
  • Without a plan, Democrats risk looking unconcerned about future retirees.
  • It's a classic outer-urban, high-growth electorate, but it also has the characteristic Queensland demographics of sea changers, retirees, and farmers, to balance out this group.
  • On the other side of the highway to San Antonio and extending up the hillside is the Chula Vista subdivision, very popular with American and Canadian retirees, partly because here is the Chapala area's second golf course, the Chula Vista Country Club. Lake Chapala: attractions for all
  • The company, already fighting with retirees in court over changes made to its pension plan in the 1990s, is now getting an earful from angry retirees about health-care costs.
  • More on lump sums: Research, caution help in tending lump sumADVICE: Five tips to protect your lump sumGOVERNMENT: Will Congress ever cut retiree benefits? Turning 62: Research, caution help in handling lump sum
  • The median-household-income statistic is too blunt an instrument, because it includes households headed by 20-year-olds (i.e., students) as well as 90-year-olds (i.e., retirees). The Man in the Middle
  • This bulky machine constructed by one enthusiast retiree from the Russian city of Kirov is powered by the old Yamaha motorcycle engine and is entirely made of scrap …. Homemade Snowmobiles | Impact Lab
  • One reason fund companies give for this "through" strategy -- that is, a glide path that invests "through retirement" instead of "to retirement" -- is that retirees are in danger of outliving their assets; the potential growth provided by equities is a way of managing longevity risk for decades, some fund companies say. Doubts Linger Over 'Target' Funds
  • If they aggressively cuts jobs, that would swell the ranks of the retirees with those fantastic benefits.
  • But economic conservatives dominate South Carolina's so-called Midlands region (including Columbia, the state capital), while the coastal Low Country (including Charleston) is home to many Midwestern retirees. Romney Makes History
  • For the most part the only people who actually bothered to look at the registration rolls and allow the overturn of bogus objections were a few retirees who volunteer as polling officials during elections.
  • Expensively tanned retirees brayed across the foyer of Perth's ice-rink to people they hadn't seen since before last year's Med cruise.
  • The savings bonds are expected to be very popular as many retirees use the interest on their lifelong savings to boost their income. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many futurists believe that the desire of retirees to protect their wealth will increase their consumption of financial services.
  • They welcome chess players of all ages, from tots to retirees.
  • Its 460,000 unionized factory workers and retirees still have a top-dollar medical plan, and no one gets laid off without getting most of their pay indefinitely.
  • In 1962, construction was completed on houses there for Danish foreign service retirees.
  • Many retirees have lived here for years. Times, Sunday Times
  • But experts warned the plan could leave many retirees out of pocket. The Sun
  • This raises the unsettling prospect of taxpayers getting stuck with a savings-and-loan-type bailout of the agency, which backstops traditional pension plans for 44 million workers and retirees who would otherwise take a bigger hit.
  • As numbers of retirees increase, the health system groans under the strain.
  • Given the missteps by Prime Minister Gordon Brown -- who called a widowed retiree a bigot in off-camera remarks last week -- Labor in particular is bracing for what may be its biggest defeat since 1983, when Margaret Thatcher won a second term and the party was exiled from No. 10 Downing Street for another 14 years. British elections could deliver a blow to two-party rule
  • The political representatives of the Windsor-Essex region have romanticized the concept of "gentrifying" Windsor to attract financially-secure retirees; considering Canada's demographics, said process is inevitable. The Shadow
  • Last year, 10 percent of firms surveyed said they dropped coverage for future retirees.
  • So, yes, the early retiree is probably leaving money on the table over the long term. Social SecurityAnalysis, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Most afternoons, it's the two older players who bicker the most, like ornery retirees on a park bench.
  • An annuity purchase is still likely to prove beneficial for many retirees as it provides a guaranteed income for life. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lymington is well-stocked with wealthy retirees drawn to the town for its chandleries, excellent harbour and other like-minded souls in deck shoes and blazers. Is Lymington the snootiest town in Britain?
  • I still think that District 150 administration is top-heavy (and heavy on consultants, aka rehired retirees) and that cuts should start there. The Peoria Chronicle
  • First, management has to give up the naive notion that it can survive by simply holding on until the retiree base begins dying off later this decade.
  • Français · Angola: La compagnie aérienne nationale retirée de la liste noire de l'Union européenne Global Voices in English » Angola: National flag carrier removed from EU blacklist
  • The company may have been reducing medical benefits for its retirees.
  • But in the end, a retiree is in a similar situation in both countries: a portion of their income from investments, and a portion from a legalized ponzi scheme. Perspectives on Social Security, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • OPM -- and by extension, the Obama administration -- should continue to support the 2006 law requiring USPS to prefund its future retiree health benefits, McFarland said, because the law protects the federal health insurance fund against any risk of the Postal Service going broke. Postal Service aid plans would jeopardize federal retirement funds, watchdog says
  • It actually lowers benefits for millions of poor seniors and other seniors who have drug benefits under retiree plans.
  • Therefore, the policies may be an appropriate choice only for retirees considered uninsurable, such as people with histories of cardiovascular disease, stroke, cancer or AIDS.
  • Canada's retirement system has generally supported postretirement consumption relatively well, and only about 16% of recent retirees "are in circumstances that imply a substantial reduction in their standard of living after retirement," the C.D. Study Points to Retirement Challenges in Canada
  • The savings bonds are expected to be very popular as many retirees use the interest on their lifelong savings to boost their income. Times, Sunday Times
  • After all, if you compare the carbon footprint of a kid to a retiree, the retiree is the one who emits much more carbon, what with jet-setting off on vacations and whatnot. ProWomanProLife » Saving the planet by having fewer kids
  • It's popular with British early retirees seeking an income stream. Times, Sunday Times
  • The best way to end this type of corruption in the Pentagon is to forbid military retirees from working for military contractors.
  • Look for benefit cuts in retiree health insurance and retirement income programs. Matthew Yglesias » The Looming Public Pension Disaster
  • Legal scholars have concluded that half of the last 10 retirees have been too feeble or inattentive to fully participate in the work of the court.
  • Compare that to the northern part of the state from Orlando to Jacksonville and across to Pensacola, which tends to run to the far more conservative old style Deep South side of the aisle (the panhandle is sometimes referred to as Lower Alabama) with its large rural areas and middle-class retirees who are deeply suspicious of anything that smells slightly of progressivism beyond 1948. December 2005
  • San Augustine is popular with snowbirds and retirees.
  • It is doubtful whether the minister's plan to find, train, equip and deploy retirees was superior to boosting the resources of the regular police to perform the same function.
  • An annuity purchase is still likely to prove beneficial for many retirees as it provides a guaranteed income for life. Times, Sunday Times
  • All three retirees plan to relax and complete chores they haven't managed to attend to during their lengthy careers.
  • Postal Service in a financial bind in 2006, when it directed it to "prefund" retiree health-care benefits. USPS Has Snow, Rain and Heat Beat, but Money?
  • The neighborhood is a mixture of young couples, retirees and single professionals.
  • Retirees and other annuitants may choose to enroll in one of several plans from health maintenance and preferred provider organizations.
  • The neighborhood is a mixture of young couples, retirees and single professionals.
  • When the city balked, de Witt promised to make his retirees into students. 'R' Is For Retirement
  • Beyond its business district, the community has a strong residential base that includes a sizable percentage of retirees.
  • On Wednesday, Brown -- who stumbled badly on the campaign trail last week after he was caught calling a widowed retiree a bigot -- was trying to shore up his campaign. On eve of British election, shake-up in Parliament is forecast
  • SEAL and 1996 retiree from the Denver Police Department, is director of international operations for the security firm Risk Mitigation Group in Heroes or Villains?
  • When he reran the numbers on a hypothetical retiree scenario that he first calculated eight months ago, he found the monthly annuity payout is now about 5% lower. An Annuity Can Still Make Sense
  • Yet the retirees and snowbirds who loyally filled the condos during Palm Springs' downturn in the 1980s and early '90s are still there.
  • Low rates depress the return retirees can get from most traditional retirement vehicles, including fixed annuities, as well as bonds and certificates of deposit.
  • I am proud to be an Army retiree, and I have been able to influence and enjoy my daughter's childhood.
  • We are not looking for shuffleboard and bridge, said Lucie Bauer, a retiree who was teaching an art-history class to seniors at the library. State's New Trick: Old Dogs
  • That will never happen, especially on a street that is 70 percent rental units populated with seniors and retirees where a very expensive contractor comes to clear the driveways.
  • It has particular appeal for wealthy families and retirees. Times, Sunday Times
  • Its average member is 65 years old - mainly wealthy retirees concentrated in the rural Shires.
  • Ted, a recent retiree, is talking to his financial planner Sally.
  • The claim here is that even if the system does not go bankrupt, future retirees still will be stiffed because the trust fund has been looted repeatedly by previous presidents to finance their pet political projects.
  • Those buying are mainly retirees, purchasing semipermanent or permanent homes. Times, Sunday Times
  • 31.7 million retirees had participated in the basic pension insurance program.
  • As for retirees, AARP warns against investing in variable annuities that can lose all their value because they have less time to recoup any losses caused by market swings.
  • He says downshifting is not about the seachangers, because it does not include retirees or those who have been retrenched.
  • The rest belong to wealthy retirees. Times, Sunday Times
  • At the Sheraton hotel in Luxor a few tourists were braving the geopolitics — some Europeans, a couple of Japanese, and a scattering of doughty American retirees of the type who can't get along without L.L. Bean boat bags. Letter From Egypt
  • The best way to end this type of corruption in the Pentagon is to forbid military retirees from working for military contractors.
  • Retirees have already made sacrifices, Mr. Maroni said. Italy Strains to Take Growth-Boosting Steps
  • the club issues a list of members, both the actives and the retirees
  • Why should retirees wanting the same income see their savings taxed at 55p in the pound? Times, Sunday Times
  • Whether called French dirigisme… the quest for shareholder value… or dynamic American capitalism, they all have the same bitter aftertaste: neither voters, retirees, nor shareholders are likely to get what they were promised.
  • So the retiree is not helped or hurt, in expectation. Comment of the Week, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Might the changes undermine the financial stability of many retirees? Times, Sunday Times
  • But for most retirees, acquiring unconditional non-resident status can take up to three years.
  • Beyond its business district, the community has a strong residential base that includes a sizable percentage of retirees.
  • We're an extended family of two retirees, (abuelos) y nuestra hija y eposo y un nieto bonito, y otro hijo y esposa ... muy cercano. Weekend drinking
  • Horowitz photographed this brown bear on Alaska's Kodiak Island. The retiree used a 70 - 200 mm zoom lens.
  • But the Bush plan panders to the fears of retirees and workers while his administration dips into the program's trust fund to help pay for its tax cut and war spending.
  • It would delay cost of living adjustments three months over each of the next five years for federal civilian retirees.
  • In appearance, the RV is not much different from what a pair of footloose retirees might drive to Yellowstone but for the words ‘Asthma Van’ emblazoned emphatically in black on each side.
  • They were predominantly ethnic Albanian, but from different backgrounds - farmers, politicians and retirees.
  • A lively atmosphere attracts a more boho type of retiree. Times, Sunday Times
  • But both sides privately admit that older voters will be a major target and states with many retirees will be major battlefields.
  • That acts as a type of safety valve to divert the large deposits of retirees and others to other financial institutions, including shinkin banks. AMPONTAN
  • Female retirees often receive only half of the pension benefits of men due to pay disparity.
  • To put it straightforwardly, and perhaps a little cynically, in the past children used to be regarded as investments that provided their parents with means of subsistence in old age ... whereas today's anonymous system makes all workers pay for the pensions of all retirees in an utterly depersonalized manner. Have More Children?, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • We are a group of ordinary people - professionals, homemakers, students and retirees - joined by a common concern for our environment.
  • The state originally estimated that it would cost only about $80,000 extra per retiree, but after legislators added all the union-demanded sweeteners, that price tag ballooned to $200,000. State Budget Bunk
  • Salary savings from hiring younger faculty to replace retirees can also be applied toward salary increases for the entire remaining faculty.
  • In his punningly titled follow-up, a retiree confronts his wife's affair, his daughter's inappropriate man -- and a scary lesion on his hip. Word Perfect: Books
  • Active duty personnel have access to military doctors and retirees have access to veterans hospitals for service-related ailments, he noted.
  • As well, the frequency of idling appears to decrease as a person ages - a retiree is the least likely to idle.
  • Of course, there's no denying the fact that infirmity coupled with sickness will always stalk the retirees and seize every opportunity to pounce on us.
  • While enrollees may seek care from any licensed dentist in the service area, optional benefits are available to those enrolled retirees and their family members who choose a participating dentist.
  • A union cannot bargain away vested rights of active workers, of former employees who no longer have recall rights, or of retirees.
  • Other proposals call for using billions of dollars in overpayments by the Postal Service to the Civil Service Retirement System to prefund about $5.4 billion in annual payments for future retiree health benefits. Freshman leader of key House panel says he'll focus on federal payroll cuts
  • The rest belong to wealthy retirees. Times, Sunday Times
  • Perth's suburbs and streets have English names and gardens full of pruned roses, and retirees in starched white play sedate games of lawn bowls in quiet suburbs.
  • For many want-to-be retirees, whether to set aside money for the children to inherit is a tough question. Money Mentors: How should retirees plan for their kids?
  • This bulky machine constructed by one enthusiast retiree from the Russian city of Kirov is powered by the old Yamaha motorcycle engine and is entirely made of scrap …. Homemade Snowmobiles | Impact Lab
  • An effective way to reduce government waste and spending would be to give federal managers appropriate responsibility and authority to expeditiously fire the deadwoods who have been given reasonable time to improve their performance but have failed to do so. federal retiree, Woodbridge Would freezing pay raises be a good way to cut government spending?
  • It's popular with British early retirees seeking an income stream. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many retirees are couch potatoes who like popping cold beers and relaxing in front of their $2500 wide-screen high definition television set.
  • Their unfunded pension liabilities were probably more than $16 billion at year-end and retiree healthcare costs are more than three times that level.
  • Might the changes undermine the financial stability of many retirees? Times, Sunday Times
  • But experts warned the plan could leave many retirees out of pocket. The Sun
  • Given that we live in a society which will not let retirees starve, and given that retirees need a lot of moola to stay alive, forced savings is inevitable.
  • Chris Christie, a Republican whose style Malloy has called "bombastic," wants to end cost of living increases to state retirees. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • 31.7 million retirees had participated in the basic pension insurance program.
  • Because they are easy to lock up and leave, the properties are popular with early retirees who spend part of the year abroad. Times, Sunday Times
  • 31.7 million retirees had participated in the basic pension insurance program.
  • In promising a fixed payment over a number of years, corporations commit to transfer a portion of future earnings to retirees.
  • But as one Pennsylvania retiree put it, ‘We refuse to accept this concept of ‘you got yours, now back off.’
  • But I have just come from a roundtable discussion with some seniors and some people involved in the process, a corporate executive who is from Caterpillar who assures me that corporations have no intention -- if there's a Medicare reform bill signed by me, corporations have no intention to what they call dump retirees into a system they don't want to be dumped into. CNN Transcript Oct 29, 2003
  • After all, if you compare the carbon footprint of a kid to a retiree, the retiree is the one who emits much more carbon, what with jet-setting off on vacations and whatnot. ProWomanProLife » Saving the planet by having fewer kids
  • U.S. accounting laws also require businesses to immediately restate their earnings in light of the higher tax burden on their long-term retiree health liabilities. ObamaCare Day One
  • General Motors now has 2.5 retirees on its pension rolls for every active worker and an unfunded pension debt of $19.2 billion.
  • Apparently, the abundance of retirees in the Sunshine state include a frisky few not content to play euchre and shuffleboard for the rest of their lives. Jaunted - The Pop Culture Travel Guide
  • Millions of retirees are taking the wrong benefits at the wrong time because they can't make sense of a system that redefines the word complexity. -- Top News
  • The proceeds of these tours, as of so many Ajijic events, benefit local charities, a fine example of how foreign retirees have made immense contributions to help repay the Lake Chapala riviera for its outstandingly favorable climate and the welcoming warmth of its inhabitants. Lake Chapala: attractions for all
  • The economic problem of caring for a large number of retirees in the future cannot be solved with private accounts.
  • Other proposals call for using billions of dollars in over-payments by the Postal Service to the Civil Service Retirement System to prefund future retiree health benefits, a $5.4 billion annual charge it is required to pay by law. Two GOP freshmen to handle federal worker issues
  • But both sides privately admit that older voters will be a major target and states with many retirees will be major battlefields.
  • If your notion of nirvana is a chillum and a chill-out zone, you won't want to find yourself stranded in a resort full of retirees.
  • 31.7 million retirees had participated in the basic pension insurance program.
  • Why should retirees wanting the same income see their savings taxed at 55p in the pound? Times, Sunday Times
  • LANCASTER (AP) - An ex-convict has pleaded not guilty to murder for the crossbow killing of a 62-year-old retiree whose body was found in a Lancaster intersection with an arrow sticking out of his chest. Victorville Daily Press :
  • In addition to the costs of these retirees' benefits, Milwaukee is, to its credit, belatedly starting to prefund the benefits of future school retirees. Oh, To Be a Teacher in Wisconsin
  • At other times he acts like a bold market reformer, risking the ire of babushkas from St. Petersburg to Vladivostok by cutting popular communist-era benefits such as free transportation and medicine for retirees and veterans.
  • You say that ‘retirees’ do not want an active life thrust upon them, ‘nor do they aspire to go abseiling in their eighties’.
  • In December, experts warned that many retirees who do look to take their business elsewhere are being ripped off by unscrupulous brokers. Times, Sunday Times
  • The buyers include retirees who want to downsize. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many will say that this only benefits wealthy retirees. Times, Sunday Times
  • Raise taxes on the hardest working people, lower benefits for the hardest working people and retirees to that the laziest people can get free healthcare. New $2 million health care ad campaign unveiled
  • The agency wants to hear from outsiders about how the migration of retirees to regions with warmer climates might cause ecological pressure.
  • It has particular appeal for wealthy families and retirees. Times, Sunday Times
  • We can either afford to divert that much of our output to nonworking retirees or we can't.
  • I thought that game was only reserved for retirees in Boynton Beach, but my friends are starting early and joining leagues where they scream at the top of their lungs, "bam," "crack," "dragon" and finally "mah jong! Beth Feldman: The Knitter
  • Many of those fleeing Britain for warmer climes are retirees keen to make the most of their new-found freedom. Times, Sunday Times
  • The appeals court advised retirees to seek help from Congress, a recommendation seconded by major veterans organizations, which predict the courts won't fix the problem.
  • NMFA encourages Congress to require DoD to utilize peer-reviewed research involving beneficiaries and prescription drug benefit options, along with performing additional research involving TRICARE beneficiaries, before making any recommendations on prescription drug benefit changes, such as copayment and tier structure changes for military service members, retirees, and their families. Government and You E-News - April 15, 2008 - SpouseBUZZ
  • First, the state must bring its books into real balance, including actuarially sufficient payments for pensions and retiree health care. Land of Delinquents
  • Some 14.34 million retirees received their pension through socialized network.
  • In a region dependent in part on tourism and retirees attracted to the 'sunbelt', it is expected that the combination of worsening heat, water shortages, and severe weather will make the region far less attractive, thereby depressing the economy. News
  • When the city balked, de Witt promised to make his retirees into students. 'R' Is For Retirement
  • Because they are easy to lock up and leave, the properties are popular with early retirees who spend part of the year abroad. Times, Sunday Times
  • The motion explained that the company and the union had already reached an agreement on the retiree health benefit issue that made the previous dispute a moot point.
  • You don't have to be a math major to see that his plan is just plain dumb for retirees.
  • Beyond its business district, the community has a strong residential base that includes a sizable percentage of retirees.
  • But for pension plans that expect to deplete their assets, the proposal calls for certain retiree obligations to be discounted based on a municipal-bond rate, currently averaging 2% to 3%. Board at Center of Pension Dispute

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