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  1. someone who takes vengeance

How To Use retaliator In A Sentence

  • China's disapproval was justified, since anintercept ballistic missiles would deprive it of its nuclear retaliatory capability.
  • Classic Norse myth is rife with stories concerning Loki's attempts to subvert Odin's authority, and Odin's retaliatory actions.
  • He was permitted to ignore a question regarding a proposed remedy for his company's retaliatory tactics.
  • The arrests have been widely interpreted as part of a series of retaliatory moves aimed at pressuring Japan into acceding to Beijing's demands over the islands issue. China Frees 3 Japanese Detainees; 1 Held
  • Placing a bet on inflicting restraining damage in the course of a retaliatory strike / counterstroke, however, involves the risk that the decision to carry it out will be made too late.
  • The objective of the indiscriminate, retaliatory attack on Afghanistan will be most likely unachievable.
  • And Sammy, a shopkeeper, decides to combat thieving tearaways with retaliatory violence.
  • I also note, incidentally, that certain nomadic hunter-gatherers had ritualistic ways of handling serious conflicts between male members, meant to prevent them from going lethal and triggering a series of retaliatory killings between family members. Countersignalling in the Forest
  • He urged people not to resort to retaliatory violence.
  • It is also unfit that any human being possessed of this precious and sacred treasure of human life should live in meanness, in penury, in hardship, in torment, unless these things be perceivably for disciplinary or retaliatory purposes imposed upon that life by the official sentence of organized society. The Ontario Minimum Wage Bill
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