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How To Use Resurvey In A Sentence

  • Periodically, nurses will be resurveyed to see if department improvement efforts are strengthening the work environment.
  • Cherlin et al. examined the lives of children at ages 7 (in the United Kingdom) or 7 to 11 in the United States), and resurveyed the same children roughly four years later, after their parents divorced.
  • As a result, it is especially imminent and important to resurvey the realistic transcendency in the proper realm of theory, by combining with specific creative activities.
  • Tony Kelly is about to resurvey the existing border.
  • Even the five AAU officials present that day in Honolulu Harbor doubted what they saw, and they resurveyed the length of the openwater course multiple times.
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  • In the summer of 1999, the overstory vegetation was resurveyed.
  • To estimate the total breeding population within the study area, 1 used the mean number of nests for colonies that were resurveyed once or twice in subsequent years.
  • After the original survey had been completed, it was necessary to resurvey a section that was in an area of swampy lowlands.
  • In January 2004, we resurveyed Delta College's staff.
  • Data were available at one-year follow-up on almost all study enrollees, and a subgroup of 1,511 women was resurveyed after three years of trial participation.
  • Millions of square miles of sea floor - including large tracts off the west coast of Scotland - will now have to be resurveyed to identify the massive reservoirs that have not shown up on previous seismic studies.
  • In 1972, when environmentalists from many countries assembled in Stockholm to resurvey the global situation, they drew on the perspective worked out by those pioneering human ecologists.
  • They moved north and east forcing the government to resume pastoral leases and resurvey and subdivide them for agricultural blocks and new towns to service them.
  • They have already spent a great deal of effort in resurveying the problem.
  • The probability of dormancy complicates assessments of postburn resprouting and necessitates frequent and long-term resurveys of tagged L. ohlingerae individuals.
  • The field study of shrub and herbaceous layers was done in the late spring of 1996, and then the area was resurveyed in the fall of 1998.
  • In the resurvey carried out after 12 months, 50 households of the first survey were randomly selected and retained in all the clusters.
  • They clipped and copied newspapers, surveyed businesses, resurveyed them as economic conditions changed, and revisited their early contacts as the downturn unfolded.
  • Later in the resurvey, while working out of a temporary camp, he made the discovery he had been searching for.
  • When officials established county boundaries, created a county court, formed Frederick Town, and resurveyed the land, they transformed this vernacular landscape into an official one.
  • There is an urgent need to resurvey and map the lake using modern tools such as the geographical information system.
  • In 1730 the Maryland Assembly passed a measure to resurvey the one-hundred-acre site.
  • These mounds were resurveyed in order to determine their present condition.
  • Let me check one more time and get back to you,’ Jocelyn drawled and with exaggerated movements, she resurveyed the contents of the bag.
  • Let's face it, the holder of a card with Wells IS NOT periodically resurveyed as a credit as long as delinquency does not intervene.
  • Also in the 2002 budget is a record $27 million to address the backlog in resurveying the most critical U.S. waters.
  • For example, your DGPS can conceivably place you within 30 feet of a shoal, but the chart image loaded in the plotter could be one in which that area has not been resurveyed for decades.
  • A survey and resurvey (one year apart) were undertaken in 1992-1993 to find out the prevalence rates of substance abuse disorders in a representative general population in metropolis Delhi.
  • The Gangstas are currently resurveying Breathing Cave in Bath County, Virginia and Cassell Cave in Pocahontas County West Virginia on the third weekend of each month.
  • Because of the implications of the above findings, we resurveyed our rural respondents to assess if any changes had occurred in their need and actual use of mental health care services.
  • After an explosion, the site was resurveyed and sectioned by deep trenches so that the geometry of various structures and ground movement that resulted could be accurately established.
  • On the basis of the existing study we tries to resurvey and explore the urban inclusion of peasant workers using the perspective of social exclusion.
  • After the storm moves inland, USGS will resurvey the coast with both aircraft.
  • Francisco was hoping to resurvey some of the more complex areas of the cave and check that everything had been thoroughly explored.
  • Forty-five of the men who participated in the first survey were resurveyed to ascertain if there had been any changes in their health seeking behaviors.
  • Readers in each of the 30 Knight Ridder communities were surveyed to determine a starting point for each paper on each of the seven dimensions, then resurveyed at the end of 2003.
  • A resurvey in April 1999 found that C. flavula occurred in continuous densities > 5 / m 2 at distances up to 100 m from roads, always located within R. pseudoacacia stands.
  • The next stage of an appeal is to get the commonage resurveyed and a formal appeal produced.
  • In 1997, 33 of these plots were resurveyed, in addition to 26 new plots in the north area and 30 plots in the south area.
  • But Records' Week chairman Robin Brown said that the move would mean new challenges for the event's organisers who would have to resurvey a new course for the boats on the lake.
  • The Food Safety and Inspection Service plans to resurvey beef, pork, and chicken for dioxin contamination to get a better picture of the background levels in the U.S. food supply.

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