How To Use resurvey In A Sentence
- Periodically, nurses will be resurveyed to see if department improvement efforts are strengthening the work environment.
- Cherlin et al. examined the lives of children at ages 7 (in the United Kingdom) or 7 to 11 in the United States), and resurveyed the same children roughly four years later, after their parents divorced.
- As a result, it is especially imminent and important to resurvey the realistic transcendency in the proper realm of theory, by combining with specific creative activities.
- Tony Kelly is about to resurvey the existing border.
- Even the five AAU officials present that day in Honolulu Harbor doubted what they saw, and they resurveyed the length of the openwater course multiple times.
- In the summer of 1999, the overstory vegetation was resurveyed.
- To estimate the total breeding population within the study area, 1 used the mean number of nests for colonies that were resurveyed once or twice in subsequent years.
- After the original survey had been completed, it was necessary to resurvey a section that was in an area of swampy lowlands.
- In January 2004, we resurveyed Delta College's staff.
- Data were available at one-year follow-up on almost all study enrollees, and a subgroup of 1,511 women was resurveyed after three years of trial participation.