How To Use Reproducibility In A Sentence
Based upon analysis of duplicate samples, reproducibility was better than 3% of the measured concentration of each element.
Superior color reproducibility increases presentation impact.
he could not explain the irreproducibility of the results of his experiment
Reproducibility studies on the data used to calculate the scan score yielded a coefficient of variation of 5.5%.
The currently applied method for cryopreservation of "clumped" iPS cells is not standardized and has a low efficiency: the survival rates after thawing are lower than 10% and the reproducibility of the results is very low.
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It stands for a belief in system and reproducibility, yet its elements are made to resist systematization in the extreme; Teige's photomontages would make an unwieldy printer's font, for example.
Extensive studies have been carried out to obtain a reliable wavelength calibration of the monochromator and to assess the reproducibility of its sine drive arm.
This allows for accuracy and reproducibility of the treatment set up, and where possible irradiation to normal tissues is kept to a minimum by a system of multileaf collimators (lead shields)
ResultsThe identification and content determination Methods: Were simple, accurate, exclusive, and had reproducibility.
Blue Sky's premium baculoviral (insect cell recombinant protein expression) service boasts a proprietary process technology (IKM®) that significantly improves turnaround time and enhances reproducibility. Featured News
The reproducibility of land was physically improbable and entailed prohibitively high marginal costs in all but exceptional circumstances.
ConclusionThat the method is simple with high accuracy, good stability and reproducibility, and can be used to extract polysaccharide from D. fimbriatum Hook. var. oculatum Hook.
Reproducibility studies on the data used to calculate the scan score yielded a coefficient of variation of 5.5%.
The group considered that it would be essential to establish the reproducibility of any proposed proteomic biomarker technique and to compare sensitivity and specificity with existing methods before concluding on suitability.
VOICE : So the first characteristic of genuine science is reproducibility.
Methods: The scopolamine and alcohol were used to induce mice acquired and reproducibility memory disorder, respectively.
These strains offer the genetic reproducibility that is so valuable in lab mice, but with a wider variety of genotypes and phenotypes.
ConclusionTLC is a simple, reliable and specific method with good reproducibility, and it can be used as quality control guideline for compound Pueraria lobata Capsules.
The only way to truly guarantee objectivity is to return to the very elements of scientific discovery and that is the element of reproducibility - anyone repeating the same experiment or analysing the same data set should be able to come to exactly the same results and conclusions.
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Several researchers recognize the strength and reproducibility of this method at the infraspecific level.
Reproducibility studies on the data used to calculate the scan score yielded a coefficient of variation of 5.5%.
The reproducibility of the jugular venous distension assessment is low.
Secondly in methodology, expert performance studied in laboratory must be up to three criterions: reliability, reproducibility, and measurability.
Reproducibility studies on the data used to calculate the scan score yielded a coefficient of variation of 5.5%.
It is certainly our experience that the use of an automated stainer increases the reproducibility and reliability of a wide variety of immunohistochemical stains.
A standard technique for measuring the effect of electrotherapy on ischemic wounds has provided good reproducibility.
Recently, a computerised grading method has been developed to increase reproducibility of retinal microvascular changes, but this method is not widely available.