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  1. the quality of being reproducible

How To Use reproducibility In A Sentence

  • Based upon analysis of duplicate samples, reproducibility was better than 3% of the measured concentration of each element.
  • Superior color reproducibility increases presentation impact.
  • he could not explain the irreproducibility of the results of his experiment
  • Reproducibility studies on the data used to calculate the scan score yielded a coefficient of variation of 5.5%.
  • The currently applied method for cryopreservation of "clumped" iPS cells is not standardized and has a low efficiency: the survival rates after thawing are lower than 10% and the reproducibility of the results is very low. Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
  • It stands for a belief in system and reproducibility, yet its elements are made to resist systematization in the extreme; Teige's photomontages would make an unwieldy printer's font, for example.
  • Extensive studies have been carried out to obtain a reliable wavelength calibration of the monochromator and to assess the reproducibility of its sine drive arm.
  • This allows for accuracy and reproducibility of the treatment set up, and where possible irradiation to normal tissues is kept to a minimum by a system of multileaf collimators (lead shields)
  • ResultsThe identification and content determination Methods: Were simple, accurate, exclusive, and had reproducibility.
  • Blue Sky's premium baculoviral (insect cell recombinant protein expression) service boasts a proprietary process technology (IKM®) that significantly improves turnaround time and enhances reproducibility. Featured News
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