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[ UK /ɹˌi‍əla‍ɪzˈe‍ɪʃən/ ]
[ US /ˈɹiɫəˈzeɪʃən/ ]
  1. a musical composition that has been completed or enriched by someone other than the composer
  2. making real or giving the appearance of reality
  3. something that is made real or concrete
    the victory was the realization of a whole year's work
  4. coming to understand something clearly and distinctly
    increasing recognition that diabetes frequently coexists with other chronic diseases
    a growing realization of the risk involved
    a sudden recognition of the problem he faced
  5. a sale in order to obtain money (as a sale of stock or a sale of the estate of a bankrupt person) or the money so obtained
  6. the completion or enrichment of a piece of music left sparsely notated by a composer

How To Use realisation In A Sentence

  • In maieutic fiction, the protagonist is faced with a problem that requires a reflective reevaluation of self, with resolution achieved not by action but by realisation, in an epiphany that is not gnosis but rather logos. Archive 2009-07-01
  • It is easy to see that this was the logical response to the dawning realisation of death as the fate of us all.
  • • Depersonalization, or separated from your environment i.e. derealisation. anxiety disorders? New Blogs and RSS Feeds
  • Very soon they had passed from the realisation that in them and through them a new world of giantry shaped itself in the earth, from the contemplation of the great struggle between big and little, in which they were clearly destined to participate, to interests at once more personal and more spacious. The Food of the Gods and how it came to Earth
  • Paye and NIC would therefore apply at a point where you would have no realisation to cover the tax payable.
  • Brahma gyan or realisation of truth alone will bring about a reformation, helping to establish lasting peace.
  • I was smarting from the realisation that nothing was every going to happen between me and my friend, and I couldn't focus enough to be involved with someone else, even someone as kind as the waiter.
  • Pressure has been intensified by a number of high-profile libel cases and a growing realisation the legal costs in such cases are completely ruinous.
  • Any synergy realisations were prospective and speculative. Even then, it valued the shares at between 247-266 pence per share.
  • Le Niger, pays qui a donné l'exemple d'une bonne léçon de la démocratie avec la réalisation de sa première alternance politique et démocratique, est happé par ces révisons constitutionnelles au nez et à la barbe de l'opinion internationale. Global Voices in English » Niger: Widespread opposition to president’s bid to extend rule
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