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real number

  1. any rational or irrational number

How To Use real number In A Sentence

  • In this way every possible text can be assigned a single, unique real number between and 1, written in binary.
  • We adduce one such statement: although every real number can be repre - sented by a nonterminating decimal expansion, it is generally not possible to find an actual formula for the entire infinite expansion; but potentially, for any pre - scribed real number, by virtue of knowing it, any desired finite part of its decimal expansion can be obtained. INFINITY
  • If only rule-governed real numbers are considered, then discontinuous functions cannot be ruled out on logical grounds.
  • Proving the truth or falsehood of Cantor's continuum hypothesis boils down to answering this: Where does the set of real numbers sit in the hierarchy of infinite sets?
  • Governs the format of the character representation of the real number.
  • The activity of proving things about space-time is the same kind of activity as proving theorems about real numbers.
  • the image of f(x) = x^2 is the set of all non-negative real numbers if the domain of the function is the set of all real numbers
  • This last designation he applied to whatever cardinal number comes next in order after aleph-null; its identity with C, the number of real numbers or "power of the continuum," is a famous conjecture of Cantor's, his "continuum hypothesis. An Infinity of Points
  • As for the aleph-null and aleph-one: it was proven that the continuum hypothesis essentially whether the cardinality of real numbers is aleph-one or higher is undecidable in standard set theory, so whether you want to accept it or not, you won’t hit any contradictions. Intelligent Design explained: Part 2 random search - The Panda's Thumb
  • Remember how when comparing two hyperreal numbers we form three disjoint sets: the agreement set, and two order relation sets.
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