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Raymond Chandler

  1. United States writer of detective thrillers featuring the character of Philip Marlowe (1888-1959)

How To Use Raymond Chandler In A Sentence

  • To consummate the baptism of his great protagonist in the trilby hat, Raymond Chandler decided on the fancy of combining the Christian name of the highest-scoring schoolboy batsman of the winning house in the previous summer's Dulwich cricket – and so it came to pass that the batsman was "Philip" and the house was "Marlowe", and thus was leafy south London in a blink translated into the mean streets of America. From Jeeves to Herriot: all creatures great and sporty | Frank Keating
  • His other books include studies of directors Robert Aldrich and David Lean and novelist Raymond Chandler.
  • He was reading a dog-eared Raymond Chandler paperback instead of the anatomy text he planned to study.
  • Raymond Chandler and Dashiell Hammett have taught Huge everything he needs to know about being a hard-boiled detective ... and he’s just been hired to solve his first case. Huge: Summary and book reviews of Huge by James Fuerst.
  • Yeah, that's right - it was based on a Raymond Chandler novel.
  • It's a kind of hard-boiled detective novel in the style of Dashiell Hammett and Raymond Chandler.
  • We have Raymond Chandler and James M Cain, reformed junkie James Ellroy and reformed bank-robber Edward Bunker among many others.
  • I mean, even Publishers Weekly said – ‘Like Raymond Chandler, Hamilton describes California in gritty, lyrical prose …’ They said more, so get thee to her website. ON THE BUBBLE WITH DENISE HAMILTON
  • When Raymond Chandler found himself stringing tennis rackets for a living, he was probably working with bits of whale tendon.
  • The story of Frank Sinatra's rise and self-invention and the story of his fall and remarkable comeback had the lineaments of the most essential American myths, and their telling, Pete Hamill once argued, required a novelist, "some combination of Balzac and Raymond Chandler," who might "come closer to the elusive truth than an autobiographer as courtly as Sinatra will ever allow himself to do. Book Review Roundup: Lennon, Dylan, Sinatra And Marilyn Monroe
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