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  1. a person who descends down a nearly vertical face by using a doubled rope that is wrapped around the body and attached to some high point

How To Use rappeller In A Sentence

  • On se rappellera que Benjamin Franklin mit en évidence l'existence de l'électricité grâce à un cerf-volant et que "go fly a kite" signifie certes "lance un cerf-volant", mais aussi "Casse-toi ! Archive 2010-06-01
  • The group of rappellers, called Operation Sibyl - in ancient Greece, a sibyl was a fortuneteller - but also known as the Plaza Four, said they had had a tough 25 hours in jail before they were arraigned on felony and misdemeanor charges of assault, reckless endangerment and criminal trespass. Archive 2004-08-01
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