How To Use Random walk In A Sentence
The mean square displacement of these cells compared to the fibronectin movement scales with time, indicating that cells exhibit a 'random walk'-like diffusive behaviour, with the diffusion of cells relative to the fibronectin following a posterior-to-anterior back-to-front gradient.
The Panda's Thumb: August 2010 Archives
The limits of random walk with resting state in random environment.
There are random walk model and the method which are used to study an example.
The amplification happens when each photon scatters around many times inside the powder, continually eliciting more photons as it travels on a so-called random walk.
To elaborate on DeWitt, an l(0) process is white noise and an l(1) process, a classical random walk ("brownian motion"). l(2) is a bit harder to describe: perhaps the location of a vehicle tracked by an inertial device, where the acceleration is "noisy".
Idiots Delight

Random walk is one of the simplest and the most important random processes in special case.
Mortgage rates follow what we call a random walk, and don't bounce back from lows like most people assume," he says.
Refinance Now? Maybe Not
In this work, we have studied the model of random walk with three absorbent boundaries.
A general framework of stochastic model a multitype branching random walk in random environments is introduced.
Random walk are not happy, what purpose do not want to.
Independent of the microscopic details, such problems can be described at long times by a random walker moving along a tilted potential or, equivalently, a biased random walker.
order statistics, non - reversing random walk, self - trapping random walk, self - avoiding random walk.
The simplest type of diffusion is Brownian motion, (also termed a Wiener process), which is a simple random walk in which the increments between random variables St have a normal distribution with a mean value of zero.
Archive 2009-01-01
Note that saying a random walk model works best means that the best predictor of tomorrow's price is today's price which means price changes are not forecastable.
Archive 2008-05-01
The windowing technique captured simulated sinusoidal and step changes in cell migration superposed on a persistent random walk in simulated cell movement.
The windowing technique captured simulated sinusoidal and step changes in cell migration superposed on a persistent random walk in simulated cell movement.
Two algorithms, graph cut and random walk based on graph theory, were applied to motion segmentation.
This is just like the classic physics observation by Robert Brown of the random walk traveled by pollen particles floating on water, demonstrating random thermal or "brownian" motion.
What babies are up to.
If a crowd of random walkers starts from the same point, the pattern of dispersal of the crowd is predictable.
The usual diffusion random walk treatment does not consider any interaction between the particles.
The random walk eventually converges to a stationary distribution.
The mean square displacement of these cells compared to the fibronectin movement scales with time, indicating that cells exhibit a 'random walk'-like diffusive behaviour, with the diffusion of cells relative to the fibronectin following a posterior-to-anterior back-to-front gradient.
Randomly growing an embryo. It can work. - The Panda's Thumb
A general framework of stochastic model a multitype branching random walk in random environments is introduced.
Consider first the simple example of a random walk on a 3-point linear graph.