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radioactive material

  1. material that is radioactive

How To Use radioactive material In A Sentence

  • By the time the animal is slaughtered for food, it has ingested high concentrations of radioactive material.
  • Under a shroud of secrecy nearly two tons of nuclear and radioactive material were whisked away from Iraq and are now in an undisclosed secure Department of Energy site in the United States.
  • A Tory MP has demanded an urgent inquiry after a leaked document revealed radioactive materials were tested at Shoebury's military ranges in the 1940s and 1950s.
  • Hahn diligently amassed this radioactive material by collecting small amounts from household products, such as americium from smoke detectors, thorium from camping lantern mantles, radium from clocks and tritium (as neutron moderator) from gun-sights. Greensboring® Greensboro, NC
  • The machine can accurately locate radioactive material.
  • A radioactive material gives off alpha, beta, and gamma emissions.
  • Americans are right to refuse truckloads of garbage that contain biomedical waste and radioactive material.
  • Additional contamination via percolation of radioactive material through the soil is not expected due to many of the radionuclides being short-lived, while the longer-lived radiocesium and radiostrontium were adsorbed to surface soils before they could transfer to groundwaters. Environmental effects of the Chernobyl accident
  • I doubt they imagined a time when someone could dump a teabox of radioactive material into the same harbor and destroy a city with a greater population then the entire original 13 colonies. Romulan ale
  • The radioactive material is stored in a special radiation - proof container.
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