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oyster bed

  1. a workplace where oysters are bred and grown

How To Use oyster bed In A Sentence

  • By Mr. Allen of Westport, remonstrance of Ephraim ovsterbedsin Gifford and others against any legislation in regard to 'Westport aiver. leasing the natural oyster beds in Westport River. Journal of the House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
  • Oyster beds, on the mudflats, are a form of fish farming.
  • It was not a success; but some day the race will produce pearls from cultivated oyster beds as we now get our eggs from chickens; that is, provided the coming man is not to regard jewelry of all kinds as barbaric -- "_barbaric_ pearls and gold" are Milton's very words, and great poets are prophets. Round the World
  • That is why it is important to return old shell to the oyster beds to provide cultch for future oysters.
  • Any excuse to slurp a decent oyster, but Racine's Henry Harris, who has shucked a few in his time, recommends a platter of ‘wild native oysters, from a forgotten oyster bed’.
  • (about 3580 feet thick) is characterized at the base by abundant oyster beds or by hippurite limestone (Cenoman-Turon). The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • This three-foot-wide creature, which lives solely on hard-shelled mollusks, is a scourge of oystermen; a school of 3,000 rays can pick an oyster bed clean in an afternoon.
  • Hurricane Katrina has left many Gulf Coast fisheries and oyster beds in ruins, leaving the region's fishermen, oystermen, and shrimpers to face a lengthy recovery.
  • Oyster beds where young oysters are matured are as carefully looked after today as are game preserves.
  • Oyster beds can really get messed up by a big storm coming through.
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