- the elapsed time it takes for light (or radio signals) to travel between the Earth and a celestial object
How To Use OWLT In A Sentence
- The Butler, Evergreen, and Knowlton lodes were explored and mined to some extent.
- I made two more visits to Knowlton, and it has now become a focus for my own particular pilgrimage.
- We see the barreleye fish, whose eyes extend from its head on tubes, Anableps anableps, a fish with four eyes, and the mantis fish whose color vision is so acute, Dr. Knowlton writes, that it makes what we see look like it is "practically in black and white. NYT > Home Page
- No mention was ever made of the 270 deaths at the Apalachicola fort or the punitive expedition against the settlement at Fowlton.
- To illustrate the point, Knowlton offers the example of coral reefs, which she describes as the most diverse ecosystems in the world.
- A lot of the advertising that we do, the branding and identity that we do through companies such as Landor or Enterprise, the research that we do through Millward Brown etc. or Research International, the public relations that we do through Burson or Hill & Knowlton, are aimed at internal audiences as much as they are aimed at external audiences. The Outlook for Advertising and Marketing Firms
- Dowsers tracking an ‘energy line’ at a neolithic henge at Knowlton, Dorset have found a stone they believe may once have been standing.
- So Mr. Knowlton, a 30-year-old-private citizen, oilman and outdoor enthusiast here, is pushing a bill in the state Legislature to legalize hand fishing, also known as noodling, grabbing or hogging. Long Arm of the Law Penalizes Texans Who Nab Catfish by Hand