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  1. too much credulity

How To Use overcredulity In A Sentence

  • At a minimum, they're guilty of extremely shoddy scholarship and overcredulity," says Boston Globe -- Ideas section
  • My sense of humor about this stuff is more or less shot through by five days in which the media has done everything possible - from deliberate overcredulity to misrepresentation to outright fabrication - to rip this woman apart. "I'm the freaking Governor of Alaska. I didn't get there by just eating mooseburgers and popping out kids."
  • But chemistry is often misunderstood, in two ways: in the one case, by the incredulity of total ignorance; in the other, by the overcredulity of imperfect knowledge. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 06, No. 34, August, 1860
  • which the media has done everything possible - from deliberate overcredulity to misrepresentation to outright fabrication - to rip this woman apart. "I'm the freaking Governor of Alaska. I didn't get there by just eating mooseburgers and popping out kids."
  • Parliament; that nobody there had a greater esteem for him, with which I hoped that the innocent freedom I had taken to speak my mind was not inconsistent; that as to the non-admission of the herald, had it not been for the motion made by M. Broussel, I should have fallen into the snare through overcredulity, and have given my vote for that which might perhaps have ended in the destruction of the city, and involved myself in what has since fully proved to be a crime by the Queen's late solemn approbation of the contrary conduct; and that, as to the envoy, I was silent till I saw most of them were for giving him audience, when I thought it better to vote the same way than vainly to contest it. Court Memoirs of France Series — Complete
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