How To Use Out-of-pocket In A Sentence
You should negotiate with your attorney or accountant what steps are included in their fee and determine who will be responsible for out-of-pocket expenses such as notarial and registration fees.
Setting up a business in Mexico
During the presidential campaign, Palin discussed how she and her husband Todd had “gone though periods of our life here with paying out-of-pocket for health coverage until Todd and I both landed a couple of good union jobs.”
Think Progress » Palin Admits To Travelling To Canada For Health Care
his out-of-pocket costs were $10
Rather than the Bush administration's proposal to make out-of-pocket expenses deductible via expanded medical savings accounts, I favor removing the excludability of health-insurance premiums from taxable income.
Samwick, Thoma, and Pearlstein on Health Care Policy, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
Now those individuals buying non-prescription medicine have to pay out-of-pocket.
In 2012, the letter says, employees under a certain type of plan will see their coinsurance payments go from 10% to 20% up to the out-of-pocket maximum.
Boeing Increases Employee Health-Insurance Fees, Cites Cost Pressures
So instead of having calls ring through to his apartment, he'd set contact times where he could be reached out-of-pocket.
The New Cooperative Medical Scheme was associated with lower out-of-pocket expenditure on Caesarean delivery but not on vaginal delivery.
Under the proposal, Medicare would increase scrutiny of plans that don't cap a patient's annual out-of-pocket costs at $3,400 or less, and it would review cost sharing for services such as hospitalizations and outpatient services.
Less of an 'Advantage'?
Assistant U.S. Solicitor General Eric Feigin countered that, based on the context and history of the legislation, the phrase "actual damages" covers only out-of-pocket expenses. News
The reason this argument is absurd is that it totally ignores the main argument for increasing out-of-pocket health care costs: that people use too much expensive health care when the marginal cost of care is very low.
Privatizing Defense vs. Socializing Medicine, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
“In addition, we need not measure, nor deal with the endogeneity of, their out-of-pocket costs, because these costs are uniform across hospitals.”
Matthew Yglesias » Hospital Quality
Training and on-going support is provided, together with a mileage allowance and out-of-pocket expenses.
The converse proposition is that if priority is given in that tension to ensuring that people are not out-of-pocket, all sorts of meritorious cases might not get to court.
Meals, recreational activities, and incidentals are out-of-pocket expenses.