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  1. a physician who specializes in the ear and its diseases

How To Use otologist In A Sentence

  • So she's chasing things and if she doesnt hear back within eight weeks I have to go for blood tests and to see a heamotologist and stuff as if I am a 'clotty' person I'll have to go on blood thinners and stiff before any operations and I'll be risking death everytime I have a procedure done. Snell-Pym » Of Hernias and Blood Clots
  • From my friend Henry Gee (whose highly recommended blog is The End of the Pier Show, the show in question being Henry's many lives as science editor, fiction and non-fiction book author, palaenotologist, SF supremo, polymath, father and Person Who Lives in Norfolk These Days): Ansible 240 (July 2007) Writing
  • Otologists also made daily observations in this field without, however, appreciating their significance and adapting them to the service of otology. Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1914 - Presentation
  • French and American paleotologists held that the jawbone and skull were obviously from two different animals and that their discovery was an accident of placement.
  • Neuro Kinetics, Inc. (www. is a fast-growing manufacturer of noninvasive medical test equipment used worldwide by audiologists, neurologists, neuro-otologists, ophthalmologists, otolaryngologists and other medical specialists in the detection and evaluation of neurological, otological and vestibular disorders. Undefined
  • Apotex argued that the skill in the art would be: "a person engaged in developing new pharmaceuticals, formulations and treatment methods, or a specialist in ear treatments such as an otologist, otolaryngologist, or otorhinolaryngologist who also has training in pharmaceutical formulations. Archive 2007-07-01
  • If one has a chronic form of vertigo, one should see either an otoneurologist, a neurologist who specializes in dizziness, or a neurotologist who is an otolaryngologist who specializes in ear disease.
  • A review of the literature shows fluctuating trends in the numerous techniques that have been developed and used by otologists throughout the years of mastoid surgery.
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