How To Use Organic compound In A Sentence
Thiamine (vitamin B1)Organic compound, part of the vitamin B complex, necessary in carBohydrate metaBolism.
A lots of organic compounds have been adsorbed on particulate in air.
To test the theory of a chemoautotrophic origin of life in a volcanic, hydrothermal setting, we explored mechanisms for the buildup of bio-organic compounds by carbon fixation on catalytic transition metal precipitates.
Dawkins on the OOL
He was the author of more than 200 articles on chemical kinetic gas-phase reactions, molecular spectroscopy, and thermo-chemistry of organic compounds.
Products include disposable gas-detection tubes, single-gas personal monitors, multi-sensor chemical-detection monitors, photoionization detector (PID) monitors for volatile organic compounds (VOCs), wireless gas-detection systems, and radiation monitoring networks for energy production and refining, industrial and environmental safety, and public and government first responder security sectors.
Engineering Hardware-Software

A VUV soft ionization source was adopted in the mass spectrometer, which can avoid the formation of fragment ions and analyze volatile organic compounds in ambient air without pre-separation.
A study by Dr Angus Davison has helped to uncover new facts about the most common organic compound found on earth - a substance called cellulose.
Each cord initiates a small explosive device that injects a violently active organic compound subcutaneously into a large area of the volunteer's chest.
The organic compound spermidine is a polyamine and is found in all living cells.
RedOrbit News - Technology
_Air_, _heat_, and _moisture_ are the principal of these; they attack the dead organism, and gradually convert it into wholly different and inorganic compounds, such as water, carbonic acid, ammonia, phosphuretted hydrogen, and many others.
Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 460 Volume 18, New Series, October 23, 1852
Its most toxic ingredient is benzene, a volatile organic compound that increases the risk of cancer.
The organic compound spermidine is a polyamine and is found in all living cells.
RedOrbit News - Technology
Activated carbon has the ability to remove a wide variety of organic compounds from water and wastewater, even in trace quantities.
Most paints and deck stains contain volatile-organic compounds, or VOCs, which include a variety of chemicals that may have adverse short - and long-term health effects.
Face Your Fears Day: Five threats that lurk in your home
Volatile organic compounds come from a wide variety of sources, both man-made and natural.
Organohalogens are organic compounds that contain one or more halogen atoms (fluorine, chlorine, bromine or iodine).
A glycol is an aliphatic organic compound in which two hydroxyl groups are present.
Other successes on the project include low-emissivity, double-insulated glass and elimination of volatile organic compounds in paints, adhesives, and casework substrate.
Leachate typically contains organic compounds together with metal chlorides and sulphates, and has a high chemical oxygen demand due to the presence of reducing species.
The ceiling has a layer of insulation that absorbs organic compounds and is constantly cleaning the air.
Times, Sunday Times
Even though a strictly mechanistic explanation of this phenomenon is still outstanding, evidence has been accumulated indicating a plasticizing action of certain organic compounds on the physical structure of plant cuticular wax.
Typical plasticizers for PVC are long chain organic compounds such as phthalates, adipates and organophosphates.
Organic compounds contain carbon in their molecules.
The respirable portion of particulates can include acid condensates, sulfates, nitrates, and organic compounds (e.g., polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons).
Raw materials were not an issue, he says: "The real hurdle is how you put together organic compounds into a living system.
This energy is used to produce new organic compounds form carbon dioxide, and thus enables bacteria to grow and divide in the absence of light.
Some derive their carbon from inorganic sources, and their hydrogen from hydrogen sulfider or other inorganic compounds, while other bacteria may be photosynthetic or saprobic .
The respirable portion of particulates can include acid condensates, sulfates, nitrates, and organic compounds.
- chemolithotroph - chemical rxns as energy source heterotrophs - use organic compounds
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However, when viruses lyse bacteria, the nutrients are released in the water column within the organic compounds which were present in the cell.
Marine viruses
In this Topic, we will concentrate on stereoisomerism in organic compounds, although this phenomenon also occurs in other compounds such as transition metal complexes.
The Wolverine Power project would test organic compounds known as amines, which separate carbon dioxide from other gases given off when coal is burned.
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Diesel particulate matter consists of soot mixed with anything from volatile organic compounds to sulphur and nitrous oxides.
Exhaust gases include harmful volatile organic compounds or hydrocarbons, chemicals such as nitrogen oxide and carbon monoxide.
In prebiotic systems it is probable that spontaneously formed pores played a role in the transport of ions and organic compounds.
The article abnomalities of organic compound qualitative elementary analysis by sodium fusion method and explained abnomalities.
Warming from the sun causes frozen organic compounds on a comet's surface to sublime, or vaporize.
This is a liquid product composed of a blend of organic compounds, designed to prevent the degradation of saccharose in the milling process, stabilizing sugar cane juice purity.
MiniRAE Lite photoionization detector (PID) to detect cheating and to protect table tennis players from volatile organic compounds (VOCs) associated with some adhesives used to affix rubber pads to racket or paddle blades.
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Some derive their carbon from inorganic sources, and their hydrogen from hydrogen sulfider or other inorganic compounds, while other bacteria may be photosynthetic or saprobic .
an aromatic organic compound
It can act as a feedstock for a number of organic compounds, and is already used to produce low phosphate detergents and plastics.
An alicyclic compound is an organic compound that is both aliphatic and cyclic.
According to Gowanus Lounge the toxic chemicals Whole Foods will have to deal with include (but, hey are probably not limited to): volatile organic compounds and semi-volatile organic compounds (including napthalene and mixed xylenes), metals, benzene, acenaphthene, phenol and lead.
Welcome To The Future Home Of The Hazmat Whole Foods - The Consumerist
hydrocarbons are organic compounds
A long list of volatile organic compounds, or VOCs [including benzene, xylene, hexane, heptane, octane, decane, trichloroethylene (TCE), and methylene chloride], have been shown to cause illnesses in people who are exposed to the compounds in indoor spaces.
Paints today are getting safer as companies remove volatile organic compounds, but you still need to be careful.
The organic-rich bottom deposits (sapropels or gyttja) are rich in oil-producing organic compounds.
The boranes and their relatives have quite different structures from those of organic compounds.
These days many claim to remove contaminants like lead and chloroform, which is a surrogate for pesticides and other harmful organic compounds.
News Channel 9: Local News
For example, the organic compound phenanthrene can be precipitated from an ethanolic solution by the addition of water.
Professor Sharman says the synthetic drug - based on the organic compound ozonide proved to be the answer.
Made from an organic compound called cellulose, it is easily flushed out by the body and can stop hunger for a few hours.
New Pill to Control Hunger | Impact Lab
The respirable portion of particulates can include acid condensates, sulfates, nitrates, and organic compounds.
These techniques are considered the reference techniques for the determination of complex mixtures of organic compounds present at nanomole levels in aqueous matrices.
Image 2: The tomato with increased spermidine (top) stays fresh longer than those that do not have an increased level of the natural organic compound.
RedOrbit News - Technology
Organic compounds and other covalently bonded molecules do not dissolve well in water.
Inorganic compounds, which include water and many minerals, usually contain elements other than carbon.
In all waters, phthalate ester was the only organic compound playing an important role in ecological TAS.
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are a class of organic compounds having two or more fused aromatic ring structures each based on the structure of benzene.
Monera morphology mutagen mutations natural selection neurotransmitter nitrogen fixing nitrogenous wastes nucleic acids nucleotides nucleus omnivore opposable thumb order organ organelles organic compounds organic molecules
21. Life Sciences
It was unpromising stuff, but Hofmann and others had discovered that by distillation one could separate from it several carbon-rich, odorous organic compounds such as benzene, toluene, xylene, and phenol.
Morphine is an alkaloid, meaning that it is an organic compound that contains carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen, and forms a water-soluble salt.
As the planet lies within the Goldilocks zone, the presence of atmospheric organic compounds and the Earth-like mass raise exciting possibilities for life on this planet.
Although the citation on van 't Hoff's award acknowledges him for "the extraordinary services he rendered by the discovery of the laws of chemical dynamics and osmotic pressure in solutions", van 't Hoff is actually best remembered for his postulation that the carbon atom in organic compounds has
K. Barry Sharpless - Banquet Speech
Collectively, these studies indicate that iodinated organic compounds, such as thyroxine, can affect strobilation and mineralization in cnidarians.
Organic compounds contain carbon in their molecules.
The most abundant organic compound in the biosphere is a carbohydrate - cellulose, a substance which gives strength and integrity to plant cell walls.
Substitution reactions of organic compounds can also involve free radicals.
As well as the nuisance factor of smells from H 2 S and organic compounds, there is the safety aspect: landfill gas is an asphyxiant, and is explosively flammable when mixed with air.
Carbohydrates are one of the most widely occurring types of organic compounds.
Both butterfat and frog wax owe their water-repellent properties to organic compounds called lipids - the key components of the water barriers present in a variety of plants, arthropods, and vertebrates.
Paints traditionally were made with volatile organic compounds, which can pollute indoor and outdoor air.
Alongside of a regular assortment of products, a number of halogen - organic compounds are made to order (triiodomethane, dibromodiphenyl, epibromohydrine, trimethyloctadecylammonium bromide, tetrabromomethane, etc.)
Other compounds function in chemical analysis and in synthesis in a chemistry laboratory of organic compounds.
We need not expect to find in animal organisms potash, soda, ammonia, and the other common alkalies; but it was established by experiment that the alkaline organic compounds cholin and neurin, which are present in animal tissues, would also serve to bring about the phenomenon of phosphorescence in the substances on which the experiments were made.
Young Folks' Library, Volume XI (of 20) Wonders of Earth, Sea and Sky
An organometallic compound is an organic compound in which a metal atom is attached directly to a carbon, with the exclusion of metallic salts of organic acids.
He introduced the system of 'Stock notation' in 1919 for naming inorganic compounds containing elements with variable valencies (for example copper (I) sulphate and copper (II) sulphate) and introduced the word 'ligand' in transition metal chemistry.
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We were already especially concerned about increases in volatile organic compound releases as a result of the proposed expansion, including benzene, which contribute to the extreme, unhealthy ozone levels in the lower Lake Michigan airshed.
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Having observed organic compounds in meteorites, these researchers believe the seeds of life may have been carried to earth preformed.
Organic compounds contain carbon in their molecules.
This fact can be used to determine the identity of unknown organic compounds by the method of mixed melting points.
The inorganic compound phosphine is very similar to ammonia in its substitution reactions.
OLEDs are a subcategory of LEDs that glow thanks to an electroluminescent layer of organic compounds, and have been hailed as the next big thing in green electronics.
OLEDs Printed Newspaper Style! | Inhabitat
Free radicals may also play a part in producing organic compounds with metallic properties.
However, some rely on sunlight and photosynthesis or the energy contained in some inorganic compounds (autotrophy or self-feeding).
Marine microbes
Other compounds detected in volcanic gases are oxygen (meteoric), hydrogen chloride, hydrogen fluoride, hydrogen bromide, nitrogen oxide (NOx), sulfur hexafluoride, carbonyl sulfide, and organic compounds.
The BBC and global warming
Energy captured in the light reactions in form of ATP and NADPH is used to convert PGA into glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate (G3P) which can be converted to other organic compounds, or using energy from ATP, some is converted into RuBP to continue the cycle.
n. - art of calculating, especially in Arabic numeration; arithmetic. algorismic, alias adj. - otherwise called; n. assumed name. alicyclic adj. - denoting organic compounds that are both aliphatic and cyclic, i.e. aliphatic in chemical behaviour but having their carbon atoms in a ring.
Chitin and chitosan can adsorb organic compounds by forming chemical bond or flocculate organic compounds as a cationic polyelectrolyte.
Solvent-based paints contain organic compounds that are major contributors towards ozone pollution.
Selected volatile organic compounds known to be respiratory irritants were determined in the mattress emissions.
Activated carbon has the ability to remove a wide variety of organic compounds from water and wastewater, even in trace quantities.
Activated carbon has the ability to remove a wide variety of organic compounds from water and wastewater, even in trace quantities.
The proposed model can be used not only to reveal the quantitative relation between flash points and molecular structures but to predict the flash points of organic compounds for chemical engineering.
Paints traditionally were made with volatile organic compounds, which can pollute indoor and outdoor air.
Nongjian Tao, an Arizona State University professor who studies the basic properties of graphene, also foresees graphene-based chemical sensors to detect explosives in luggage and volatile organic compounds in the air.
How and Why: Graphene seems valuable for computers, batteries and other uses
Other compounds detected in volcanic gases are oxygen (meteoric), hydrogen chloride, hydrogen fluoride, hydrogen bromide, nitrogen oxide (NOx), sulfur hexafluoride, carbonyl sulfide, and organic compounds.
The BBC and global warming
Organic compounds including a number of carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are also present in coal dust.
For example if hydrogen chloride is dissolved in an organic compound such as methylbenzene no acidic properties are shown, unlike when it is dissolved in water.
It follows that hydrophobic organic compounds have high adsorption coefficients and high bioaccumulation factors.
The majority of samples (128 out of 187) had measurable levels of total hydrocarbons and 28 had levels greater than 10 ppm, which is the level of concern EPA is using for Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs).
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Both organic and inorganic compounds experience elimination reactions.
The respirable portion of particulates can include acid condensates, sulfates, nitrates, and organic compounds.
Organic base is a an organic compound that acts as a base. ex. phosphazene bases
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Bouwman's catalyst, however, reacts with carbon dioxide but not oxygen, producing oxalate, which is a useful feedstock for the manufacture of methyl glycolate and other organic compounds.
MAKE Magazine
Bouwman's catalyst, however, reacts with carbon dioxide but not oxygen, producing oxalate, which is a useful feedstock for the manufacture of methyl glycolate and other organic compounds.
MAKE Magazine
Until 1991, the Defendants manufactured on the site prochloraz-manganese complex; the process involved refluxing prochloraz with manganese chloride, an inorganic compound.
Typical plasticizers for PVC are long chain organic compounds such as phthalates, adipates and organophosphates. secondary plasticizers include chlorinated paraffins and epoxidised natural oils.
Organic compounds and other covalently bonded molecules do not dissolve well in water.
Leachate typically contains organic compounds together with metal chlorides and sulphates, and has a high chemical oxygen demand due to the presence of reducing species.
Many biologically important organic compounds (sugars and amino acids) possess at least one asymmetric carbon atom and therefore occur in two isomeric forms for the amino acid molecule.
Declaring that “liberty, when men act in bodies, is power,” Burke invoked an organic compound of accepted institutions, traditions, and beliefs — a compound covered by the idea of autonomous authori - ties — to restrain the liberty and shape the power.
And some of the most important inorganic compounds, such as sulphuric acid and ammonia, rely upon the petrochemical industry for their feedstocks.
They also make up well over half of the organic compounds in the most common type of meteorites, called carbonaceous chondrites, which have rained down on the Earth along with other cosmic dust ever since the planet formed.
Leachate typically contains organic compounds together with metal chlorides and sulphates, and has a high chemical oxygen demand due to the presence of reducing species.
Organic compounds including a number of carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are also present in coal dust.
Most of us think of gluten as the main culprit in grain sensitivities, allergies and immune system insults, but there are several other organic compounds such as raffinose, stachyose, phytic acid phytates, lectins and verbascose that are harmful irritants to humans yet well-tolerated and nourishing for ruminants.
Georgianna Donadio, MSc, Ph.D., D.C.: Rethinking Grain-Based Carbohydrates Part II
The presence of ZVI and other amendments unique to EHC-M ™ formulations will yield rapid, irreversible, long-term immobilization of heavy metals - while simultaneously dechlorinating organic compounds.
Benzoin and its derivatives are used as intermediates for the synthesis of organic compounds and as catalysts in photopolymerization.
Category Tree: phenomenon ╚natural phenomenon ╚geological phenomenon ╚deposit, sedimentation, alluviation Generally soil and deposit are the same terms define any organic, inorganic or mixture of organic and inorganic compounds on a given surface.
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Two other very important inorganic compounds that are synthesized commercially are ammonia and nitric acid.
Paints traditionally were made with volatile organic compounds, which can pollute indoor and outdoor air.
Environmental Health, found that disposable diapers release chemicals called volatile organic compounds (VOCs), including toluene, ethylbenzene, xylene and dipentene. New Blogs and RSS Feeds
The reaction pathways that these chemoautotrophs employ involve the reduction of inorganic carbon compounds to form organic compounds, which include their biomolecules.
Amines are a series of organic compounds related to ammonia.
This fact can be used to determine the identity of unknown organic compounds by the method of mixed melting points.
It is more sensitive when applied on cotton or paper than on wool, silk, linen, and such organic compounds as gelatine, albumen, caseine, starch, etc. Its sensitiveness is about one-tenth less with gelatine than with cotton.
Photographic Reproduction Processes
We have a TON of computer equipment in the lab, and as such have lots of volatile organic compounds from the electronics in the air.
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Organic compounds such as phthalocyanine produce greens and blues.
Diesel particulate matter consists of soot mixed with anything from volatile organic compounds to sulphur and nitrous oxides.
Lipids:... are an amphiphilic class of hydrocarbon-containing organic compounds.
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I'm not even remotely familiar with chemistry... but here's what I found: Amyl acetate also pentyl ethanoate, pentyl acetate is an organic compound and an ester with the chemical formula CH3COOC5H11 and the molecular weight 130.18 g/mol.
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Because dogs have a very high sense of smell, they were able to detect minute quantities of the organic compounds produced by tumors.
A summary statement of possible differences between the photochemistry of simple organic compounds and protein-bound chromophores appears appropriate here.
When unsaturated organic compounds are used as the starting point the alcohol is made by the addition of water to the double or triple bond.
WASHINGTON (CN) - The San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District must rewrite its plan for controlling volatile organic compound emissions from large confined animal facilities such as dairies, cattle feedlots, poultry and swine farms.
Courthouse News Service
It is important to distinguish these organic compounds from the organometallic group known as the metal carbonyls.
It boils water and vents the first vapor, which can contain volatile organic compounds.
Pipe Dreams
Activated carbon has the ability to remove a wide variety of organic compounds from water and wastewater, even in trace quantities.
Activated carbon has the ability to remove a wide variety of organic compounds from water and wastewater, even in trace quantities.
The organic compound phenanthrene can be precipitated from an ethanolic solution by the addition of water.
In the brewhouse, a lot of heat is needed to remove organic compounds from the product.
Polyesterification products polyester carboxylic acid or phtalic acid and alkohols instable to some organic compounds, when unsaturated epoxy resins epichlorhydrin, phenols stable alkyd resins maleic acid and phtalic acid, multivalent alcohols medium resistance to solvents and alcohols
3. Plastic materials
An adsorption powder for removing mercury and other metals, dioxins, furans and other organic compounds from metal- and organic compound-comtaminated soil and method therefor.
The material which I have employed is carbolic or phenic acid, a volatile organic compound, which appears to exercise a peculiarly destructive influence upon low forms of life, and hence is the most powerful antiseptic with which we are at present acquainted.
On the Antiseptic Principle of the Practice of Surgery
Octane is a hydrocarbon and a organic compound with an alkane family.
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All paints, sealants, and adhesives were chosen for low contents of volatile organic compounds, which contribute to indoor air pollution.