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  1. German musician who developed a widely used system for teaching music to children (1895-1982)

How To Use Orff In A Sentence

  • And wbuld give all Vm worffi could I get hioi his due. Plays of Three Acts: Written for a Private Theatre
  • Apparently he also has limited patience for Orff's strophic writing, because he cuts verses from some of the numbers.
  • The knowledge he displayed of that court's personnel convinced Louis XVI's former chamberlain, two of his former private secretaries, and a former lady-in-waiting that Naundorff spoke the truth.
  • Thus Erich Ludendorff, Hindenburg's leading general and strategic collaborator, decided to capitalize on whatever advantage the Central Powers had gained from Russia's withdrawal in 1917 e.g., a shifting westward of German forces, along with needed food and fertilizer. The Bitter End
  • The essentialness of the ash constituents was only, however, placed beyond all doubt by Wiegmann and Polstorff's researches, carried out in 1840. Manures and the principles of manuring
  • An excellent experimenter, Poggendorff devised a number of measuring devices, including the galvanoscope and Poggendorff mirror.
  • Tholen, 53, wouldn't say much more about Von Bergendorff or the discovery Thursday of several vials of ricin, which is deadly in minuscule amounts, at the man's extended-stay hotel room on Valley View Boulevard near Flamingo Road. Ricin Man Identified-- Home, Warehouse to be Searched
  • The gallant heroism of both the British Navy and the German Captain Langsdorff, who scuttles his own ship rather than face defeat, strongly appealed to Powell and Pressburger.
  • In the introduction to the book, Bredsdorff explains that Ideen var at gå fra det lokale til det alment danske og - så vidt muligt - også at sætte emnet ind i det europæisk perspektiv The idea was to go from the local to the generally Danish and - as far as possible - also to set the subject in its European perspective. Archive 2009-05-01
  • Minerva in the shape of Count Bernsdorff, or out of all shape in the person of the Duchess of Northumberland, is to conduct Telemachus to York races; for can a monarch be perfectly accomplished in the mysteries of king-craft, as our Solomon James I. called it, unless he is initiated in the arts of jockeyship? The Letters of Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford — Volume 3
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