How To Use Opsonin In A Sentence
Complement molecules can function as opsonins in the recognition of bacterial pathogens and in their elimination by phagocytosis of the bound complexes.
The three most important of the antibodies referred to which can be demonstrated with a certain amount of facility are agglutinin, opsonin and bacteriolysin; and the methods of testing for these bodies will now be considered.
The Elements of Bacteriological Technique A Laboratory Guide for Medical, Dental, and Technical Students. Second Edition Rewritten and Enlarged.
I call opsonin, goes on in the system by ups and downs -- Nature being always rhythmical, you know -- and that what the inoculation does is to stimulate the ups or downs, as the case may be.
The Doctor's Dilemma
A mixture of opsonins adhere to the bacterium and facilitate ingestion by alveolar macrophages.
In the case of the latter animal the serum [v. 03 p. 0180] contains an opsonin which leads to phagocytosis of the bacillus, and the latter is then destroyed by the leucocytes.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 2 "Baconthorpe" to "Bankruptcy"
Wright, who has been largely responsible for developing this argument, insists on the subordinate role of the white corpuscles that follow blindly the opsonin lead.
Ilya Mechnikov - Nobel Lecture
To inject a vaccine into a patient without first testing his opsonin is as near murder as a respectable practitioner can get.
The Doctor's Dilemma
This, as already pointed out, depends upon the increase of opsonins, though it is also to be noted that in many infective conditions there is another factor present, namely a leucocytosis, that is, an increase of the leucocytes in the blood, and the defensive powers of the body are thereby increased.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 2 "Baconthorpe" to "Bankruptcy"
The "opsonin," or "relish," is something exuded into or produced in the blood fluid when the attacking microbe arrives.
More Science From an Easy Chair
In the investigations on the opsonins and bacteriotropins, investigations guided by humoral notions, on the whole only the power of the blood fluid to favour phagocytosis is regarded.
Ilya Mechnikov - Nobel Lecture
In the method for demonstrating opsonin about to be described, a comparison is made between the opsonic "power" of the pooled serum and the specific serum.
The Elements of Bacteriological Technique A Laboratory Guide for Medical, Dental, and Technical Students. Second Edition Rewritten and Enlarged.
This opsonin of normal serum is very labile, being rapidly destroyed at 55° C.; that is, a serum heated at this temperature has practically no greater effect in aiding phagocytosis than normal salt solution has.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 2 "Baconthorpe" to "Bankruptcy"
Complementary results showed that ADRB activity was (i) dependent on intact merozoites and IgG opsonins, but not parasitized erythrocytes, or complement, (ii) correlated with merozoite specific cytophilic IgG1 and IgG3 antibody titers (
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By some unknown process, Acupuncture raises levels of triglycerides, specific hormones, prostaglandins, white blood counts, gamma globulins, opsonins, and overall anti-body levels.
The three most important of the antibodies referred to which can be demonstrated with a certain amount of facility are agglutinin, opsonin and bacteriolysin; and the methods of testing for these bodies will now be considered.
The Elements of Bacteriological Technique A Laboratory Guide for Medical, Dental, and Technical Students. Second Edition Rewritten and Enlarged.
In the absence of the relish (the Greek word for it used by Sir Almroth Wright, its discoverer, is "opsonin"), the eater-cells are sluggish -- too sluggish -- in their work.
More Science From an Easy Chair
Note that an opsonin is a blood serum protein or fragment which when deposited on the surface of a bacteria, virus, immune complex, or other particulate material acts a signal for phagocytosis to cells bearing the appropriate receptors.
In all infants, the spleen provides important protection against invading bacteria; it is also a source of opsonins and fixed-tissue macrophages, as well as antibody production.
Because of this characteristic, it has been called opsonin by Wright and bacteriotropin by Neufeld.
Ilya Mechnikov - Nobel Lecture
By some unknown process, acupuncture raises levels of triglycerides, specific hormones, prostaglandins, white blood counts, gamma globulins, opsonins, and overall anti-body levels.