- the branch of lexicology that studies the forms and origins of proper names
How To Use onomastics In A Sentence
- King finds her most conclusive support for this impulse not in the pages of critical journals, but instead in the theoretical writings on referential onomastics by Gottlob Frege, Bertrand Russell, and Saul Kripke.
- Why does this onomastics stuff interest me so much? Look out, behind you--more Emilys!
- In the field of American Indian onomastics it is important to be able to date the creation or the earliest occurrence of a place name.
- I have made a small contribution to onomastics myself: nearly two decades ago, in an idle moment, I had speculated in print about the accident of history that had given our then Prime Minister the magic of the Mahatma's surname.
- word meaning" as you declare, but rather "onomastics" is the study of proper names and thus, "anonymous" is not strictly a fit object of onomatology. PoetryFoundation.org
- Yet onomastics between Etruscan, Latin and Greek prove once again that this assumption is false since Etruscan Χalχas is borrowed from Greek Κάλχας, Paχa is from Greek Βάκχος, leχtumuza is a diminutive based on a loan from Greek λήκυθος nb. Archive 2009-05-01
- The chapters that follow deal with vocabulary, syntax, onomastics, phonology, English grammar and usage and, finally, literary language.
- We're talking onomastics: for generations town planners have mistakenly thought that a street name has the power to beautify and - more importantly - gentrify.
- Operacion Puerto and its onomastics is not related to heroics, but to bags of frozen blood, and the mystery of their identity and the performances they produced - Names such as Birillo, Amigo de Birillo, USA, Hijo de Rudicio, and Piti, treatments such as Siberia, Vino, Interactivist Info Exchange - A Project of Interactivist.net and Autonomedia.org
- For those who aren't interested at all, onomastics is the study of names and their origins.