How To Use One-step In A Sentence
Stains can be treated with a good one-step upholstery cleaner.
Hungary forbids "jazz."; Minister of Home Affairs also banishes foxtrot and one-step.
A one-step immunochromatographic(IC) strip test and dot immunogold filtration assay (DIGFA) for rapid detection of Chlortetracycline(CTC)in food were developed.
We constructed deletion mutants for nonessential genes by one-step gene replacements.
The origin of our modern Foxtrot can be seen in the old dances One-step and Rag.

I would have to agree with the DOJ lawyers that they are simply one-step in a long process.
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A tattered topographic map will lead you along ancient, stone-stepped passageways.
Thus, catalysis is believed to involve a one-step, metal-ion-mediated hydrolysis of the substrate by a metal-activated water molecule.
Dow Jones's Steve McGrath explains how this high-profile marque has moved one-step closer to the automobile scrapheap.
Saab Automobile, 1950-2011
If you choose a Response value that's too high, seamless portamenti turn into semitone-stepped glissandi, but the intonation will be perfect.
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He played a game called sett’ e mezz’ for pennies, sitting on the one-step terrace outside the grocery store, freezing on the stone, and he memorized the cards coming out of the dealer’s hand and won very regular, expecting a picture card and it would come, worth half a point, but she told him not to play anymore.
The Android 3 Honeycomb opening screen provides one-step access to your apps.
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The process of ferrous ion removal was improved for the nitrilon plant by sodium rhodanate one-step method and the consumption of materials decreased.
The surgeons standardized their surgical skin prep to the one-step iodophor / alcohol water insoluble film method without the iodine impregnated incise drape.
Most shocking to the keepers of social order, “couples often held each other very close, grasping each other firmly about the waist or about the neck as in a hug . . . the one-step, the bunny hug, and the other new dances allowed a lingering close contact.”
A Renegade History of the United States
Epps acknowledges that Forrester's initial reaction to the Kindle as a niche device that would only attract a small number of book-loving early adopters underestimated the fact that consumers would fall in love with the Kindle's one-step shopping system and the immediate gratification of buying books in the Kindle store.
Report: EReader and EBook Market Ready for Growth (ReadWriteWeb)
In order to unfold the final shape or modify the initial blank, a Constrained Unfolding Algorithm(CUA) based on one-step inverse FEM(Finite Element Method) is proposed.
On the other hand we believe that with our contacts in the UK market we can sell a considerable number of your one-step peroxide products.
Quickly sharing a file just became a one-step process.
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This ratio implies, to a first approximation, that each population tried every typical one-step mutation many times.
Assessing Fault
Make sure your teen understands that Plan B One-Step and Next Choice must be used within 72 hours of unprotected sex to be effective.
A simple bimolecular one-step kinetic model is used for estimating the upper bound of the number of ROS that are generated in the skin and that react with DHR.
It's a simple, one-step process that will ensure 100% privacy on each and every website.
Joe Peacock: FINALLY: The One-Step Super Easy Facebook Privacy Fix
The band disgorged its voltaic music—a far cry from the formal waltzes, one-steps, tangos, and fox-trots to which New York had been accustomed.
A Renegade History of the United States
In some cases, the one-step model appeared to explain the observed data less well.
So the reform of State-owned-enterprises in infrastructure field should choose the way of "pedigree way, step-by-step" rather than the normal route of "two-part, one-step".
A one-step gene disruption by homologous recombination was performed.
By one-step epoxidation of double bond in the side chain of cardanol, epoxy-cardanol has been synthesized, which may interact with diethylene triamine to form amino-cardanol.
She followed a flagstone path across the front lawn to a one-step concrete stoop.
In the one-step ahead forecasting situation, we assumed that the industrial practitioners updated their data quarterly.
Luckily when you are on the ascent the path cleverly twists and turns over the one-step streams to make the going reasonable, avoiding the worst.
With flames rushing up the wall, the dragon roared at the escapees and took one-step forward before Suzaku stood in its way.
Arcana Magi Rush
Lines denote mutation steps, with a one-step distance being indicated in the lower-right corner.
In its simplest form, this is a one-step polymerization reaction involving glycosyl transfer by inversion of configuration at the anomeric carbon.
They had better success, after much trial and error, by using a one-step cocktail fixative.
Senate Democratic aides said they hoped support would grow for Reid's one-step remedy, which Obama backs, once Boehner's plan is killed, either by the House or Senate.
We randomly selected a single one-step beneficial mutant sequence to be the next wild-type sequence.
Both terms induce an infinite reduction sequence, that is, an infinite chain of successive one-step reductions.
Combinatory Logic