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How To Use On that In A Sentence

  • When I looked at the chart a second time, I saw that there was a lot Michael had left out of his personal history; specifically, IVDU—intravenous drug use—dating back ten years, and a major depression that had led to a psychiatric hospitalization and ECT, electroconvulsive therapy. After the Diagnosis
  • ‘Of course, if you fail, and you have been put on that pedestal, it is a lot harder because you have further to fall,’ he said.
  • For high-definition video, the umi needs an Internet connection that can send, or upload, data at 1.5 megabits per second, higher than that of typical DSL or cable services. Cisco Launches 'Umi' Telepresence Box To Turn TVs Into Videophones
  • The couples agreed on a discreet slate-tiled mansard roof extension that gave each house an additional 30sq m of floor space. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, on the day, they showed such determination and resolution that nothing could stand between them and victory.
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Master English with Ease
  • I feel unwanted feel like leaving spreading lies can't help but feel lonelily you've damned me to hell once twice and again you're supposed to be my parents not just another person that hates me dead - alive Godhatesu Diary Entry
  • The original Auroran settlers had landed in the location that was now the park and decided to keep it as a peaceful retreat in the centre of the city.
  • I'm sure there will be a generous amount of worthies stepping forward to parse every sentence, on the eternal quest for the definitive admission that it's over.
  • Burke's execution was witnessed by the novelist Sir Walter Scott, who sympathized with the general opinion that both men's wives had served as accomplices, and that the anatomists had been accessories to the murders.
  • Behold the mermaid blanket, a fishy update on that hygge groundbreaker, the slanket. Times, Sunday Times
  • Jobs 'mention that developers can begin submitting programs to the Mac App Store by next month made it clear that this, like the iPhone's App Store, will be a curated environment, subject to Apple's sole control. Apple updates: iLife '11, FaceTime on the Mac, Mac OS X Lion, Mac App Store, new MacBook Air models
  • Could the hearts of kings and the counsels of cabinets be known with that literal exactness which is so desirable in politics, and yet so unattainable, we should probably find that Prussia's apparent readiness to lead Germany was owing to her determination that German armies should be led nowhere to the assistance of Austria. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 07, No. 39, January, 1861
  • Relying too much on markets for either input supplies or sales outlets places the low unit cost of production that comes with economies of scale at risk.
  • These were monitoring variables like humidity and temperature, information that is invaluable to the horticulturalists attempting to propagate the trees.
  • These are based on the observation that expenditure is typically necessary to partake in such recreational activities.
  • The boracic powder was lifted in my absence from the _Pharmacie_ to try and get the first glimmerings of a slide on that sticky creosoted floor. Fanny Goes to War
  • That Constellation would not sign a power purchase agreement for its own reactor is a stunning admission that atomic energy cannot compete with natural gas or renewables. Harvey Wasserman: Nuke "Renaissance" Leaps off Calvert Cliffs
  • The statue's pedestal bears an inscription that reads ‘Love.’
  • But decades of research have gone by and scientists remain incapable of creating a sustainable fusion reaction that could be used to create reliable power.
  • Every protestation that she should go on this outing was clearly a plea for her to stay and resist the invitation.
  • The payments on that car loan are in arrears by three months.
  • He may be intense and sometimes untactful on an issue you are debating, but that will only be on that ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The fact that these rocks were not supplying detritus to the sedimentary basin is consistent with the geological observation that they always appear covered by the younger deposits, with little or no discontinuity until the Devonian.
  • He reacted angrily to the suggestion that he had lied.
  • Well, sir, I won't say anything about the hextry gas, though a poor widder and sevenpence hextry on the thousand, but I'm thinkin 'if you would give my Rosie a lesson once a week on that there pianner, it would be a kind of set-off, for you know, sir, the policeman tells me your winder is a landmark to' im on the foggiest nights. The Grey Wig: Stories and Novelettes
  • In my scenario, the Senator tells the drowning person that it was the flailing non-swimmer's fault for falling in and not learning how to swim, not the Senator's doing, just before the erratic splasher goes under the surface for the last time. Norman Cressy: Musings II
  • There is growing anticipation that the prime minister will have to resign.
  • In addition to receiving the best education that the South could offer blacks at that time, Ella inherited a powerful sense of service that made her civil rights efforts extraordinarily unselfish and untiring.
  • She said: ‘We have a rail station at Malton that fails abominably.’
  • The committee have passed a resolution that conditions ( should ) be improved.
  • There's a reason that those invites a fortunate few received, allowing them to attend the après-opening private reception at the latest, greatest Place To Be, the Feral Cheerleader, are tinctured with a hue you cannot find at Sherwin-Williams. James Scarborough: "Stay Free© or Die: The Menstrual Hut Project," International City Bungalow Gallery, Long Beach, California
  • This prompted the question that he explored through a compelling narrative. Times, Sunday Times
  • I had a suspicion that he was there.
  • According to FDA officials, the herb stevia can be ‘adulterated’ merely by being in the presence of information that reveals its sweetening property.
  • When mistakes are made a full apology is often less damaging than a grudging admission that events have not gone as planned.
  • Hence my recommendation that you have half a pint of skimmed milk daily. Times, Sunday Times
  • The purpose of evaluation is to collect and analyse information that can be used for rational decision making.
  • To offset the perception that dairy foods are high in calories, low-fat cheeses have become state-of-the-art.
  • By then though, it was too late and the story had been twisted so far out of recognition that the forced references to things like Namek, Oozaru, and Roshi's pervertedness just seemed out of place and stupid. Anime Nano!
  • It was this conviction that made the intrigues at OKH, the disregard and "mislaying" of unwelcome instructions, such a personal affair in the first summer's campaign. Barbarossa
  • I want to see Randy answer this question: 1. Accepting arguendo that mandating a person to buy health insurance is not regulation of commerce, there is no question that the rest of the bill is regulating the interstate market in health insurance*. The Volokh Conspiracy » A Quick Response to Randy on the Use of “Unprecedented”
  • The foundation that administering a mechanism is company network cooperation assures with what realize synergism.
  • BALTIMORE - Michael Phelps was formally welcomed home Saturday with a two-pronged celebration that began with a parade and ended with a fireworks show at historic Fort McHenry.
  • The many cases of sidewise technological competition that have occurred in the business world can also be mined for insights.
  • In addition to information about glassified waste from national defense projects, such as plutonium production at Hanford, DOE also is interested in information that could be useful if the nation decides to reprocess commercial nuclear fuel and then glassify the waste from reprocessing. The Seattle Times
  • We realized with a sense of growing desperation that nobody knew we were in there.
  • As executrix you are required to value the home on the inventory you file with the court, so you could simply divide that number by four and base your offer on that value.
  • Manzo noticed the neatly trimmed goatee and mustache combination that framed Rossiter's facial features and the chiseled jaw of a man who was in peak physical condition.
  • And second, it's probably not good to intervene in the internal affairs of a nation that is looking for a worthy path of development.
  • It floods the car with light and on a hot day there's a button that can turn it from transparent to opaque. Times, Sunday Times
  • She was stumped by a question that asked her to construct a triangle with given angles and sides. Times, Sunday Times
  • This sits badly with the Act assertion that all data be ‘obtained fairly’.
  • Sancho resigns himself and agrees to the task on the condition that he is not required to draw blood with these whippings and that gentle lashes count too.
  • When Schmidt tapped the chauffeur's arm, the man pressed a button that raised a glass panel at his back.
  • Meyerhof and Hill's pioneering thermodynamic studies had been the basis for the conclusion that the cycle of lactic acid formation and oxidation were the key events in glycolysis. Otto Meyerhof and the Physiology Institute: the Birth of Modern Biochemistry
  • She also outlined another misconception that could explain the suspicion research nurses often encounter among other nurses.
  • Pictures are scanned into a form of digital information that computers can recognize.
  • As I understand, its the oxidization that is a problem, so if you did what they do with winesavers and the like -- replace oxygen in container with food grade nitrogen, you should slow the process down. The Coffee Geek’s Guide To Storing Beans | Lifehacker Australia
  • There seems to be a general notion that nothing can be done about the problem.
  • Throughout the whole of competition policy there is a presumption that intervention is justified in order to preserve the public interest.
  • Either way, he omitted to mention that he had snapped from the back of the set the post that connects to the cable box.
  • On that day people give each other sugar skulls with a name label crudely pasted on the forehead.
  • One promising profession that's emerging this century is wildlife preservationist.
  • Isn't there something revolting about catering to the imagined needs of a tiny group of spoiled ladies, a Marie Antoinette–ish situation that reached its apotheosis when John Galliano showed his infamous clochard collection—the word means bum or hobo in French, and the tattered gowns, hand-stenciled to look filthy, trailed pots, pans, and other refuse—at the 1997 Dior haute couture show? Art in the Parks 3: Nan Kempner's Clothing
  • He became the icon that God had to smite to be able to save us, and suddenly the Lamb of God was smitten! FROM THE CROSS TO PENTECOST
  • But considering how much time we spend on that time of the month - from puberty to menopause, the average woman menstruates almost seven whole years - many of us know surprisingly little about it.
  • The only element of the production that fails to satisfy is the heavily miked, synthesizer-dominated orchestra, which sounds artificial and dead. A 'King' That Is Full of Aces
  • Oh, yes, they make those weird, two-wheel gizmos you have to stand on that you see Kevin James riding around in in his latest movie Paul Bart : Mall Cop - it's a comedy.
  • When I arrived, I had the sensation that she had been expecting me.
  • This may have been a simple inconsistency in their responses or an indication that some youthful blunt smokers either do not know or do not define blunts as containing marijuana.
  • Application of the word "privatization," however, is almost always a misuse of the English language, albeit one that has become so common that it falls automatically off the tongue and flows unchecked past the ear. Ken Allen: Say 'Corporatization,' Not 'Privatization'
  • Each time he gets a black cube it confirms the assertion that all six cubes are black.
  • In international custom, a nation that unilaterally breaks contracts must make good the damage.
  • The balance of the population and land and environmental disruption question that population growth cause facilitate the formulation of appropriate thoughts of people.
  • I sauntered past, my eyes on that seething face. Times, Sunday Times
  • The key to their popularity was government subsidy and regulation that obliged motorists and oil companies to use biofuels. Times, Sunday Times
  • But as the barrel swung it would push a small piston that, in return, moved the hand lever.
  • A further explanation may lie in the principles and style of legal interpretation and administration that are operative in Indonesia's contemporary legal system.
  • The point of reading Kafka's fiction is not, it seems to me, to arrive at a conclusion that the world we live in is absurd, or frightening, or grotesque, but that the world Kafka has created is self-sustaining and entirely logical. Translated Texts
  • a demonstration that man has televisional powers was given on Nov. 26, 1934 at the Royal University of Rome. Autobiography of a Yogi
  • It was typical of Mishcon that he declined an invitation to attend the signing of the treaty. Times, Sunday Times
  • He struck me as a sincere and romantic person that hadn't had the chance to find love and instead had enjoyed the attention the women had lavished on him.
  • When I wrote, imprecisely, that domestic subsidies for agricultural commodities are equivalent to protective tariffs, I was groping at the notion that in both cases (1) domestic consumers/taxpayers pay a premium above the world price and (2) that foreign producers are discouraged from entering the domestic market. The Case for Free Trade, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Bind a function to that button that triggers a click of the currently selected tab, use the methods tabsClick and tabsSelected, like (untested): var $tabs = $ ( '#tabs'). tabs ({... Klaus Hartl - Stilbüro
  • They operate with so much psychological projection that they would make a great case for a person to use to study for a doctoral thesis!
  • The very existence of the Tea Party unsettles the assertion that stable liberal democracy yields a politics governed by reason alone. Feisal G. Mohamed: Against Historical Fundamentalism: Jill Lepore on the Tea Party
  • Such a contrast to the generation that came before, with their big ideas, their insatiable appetites and their blithe disregard for the rest of the world. Times, Sunday Times
  • For it is an unexamined assumption that equality must be connected with representation. Times, Sunday Times
  • The term highlights the assumption that individuals act within a social context, that this context is not reducible to individual acts, and, most significantly, that the social context is not necessarily or wholly imposed. THE MORAL DIMENSION
  • It's not the affection that she enjoys, but rather the lavish gifts that are tossed her way.
  • I have always been under the impression that an author must have correct facts to back a story.
  • It is Faur's contention that the Kabbalist rabbis, seen through the filter of the vertical model, transform the Talmudic tradition -- based on a pluralistic dialogue and formal legal strictures -- into an occult hermeticism creating a Judaism that is sealed off from critical reading and rational science. David Shasha: Two Models of Jewish Tradition: Vertical-Hierarchical and Horizontal Pluralist
  • A growing body of evidence supports the supposition that the quantitative depletion of mtDNA, once thought to be a consequence of type 2 diabetes, could be a causative factor in pathogenesis.
  • This is the proposition that I hoped the government would deny, or at least remain agnostic about.
  • But hey, I guess if we are operating under the assumption that soccer fans revel in unfairness at the hands of a central, arbitrary power, they they will probably love this change. The Volokh Conspiracy » How Jonathan Adler Gets It Wrong, and Soccer Gets It Right:
  • He made the suggestion that we go by.
  • The NRC team visited the Louvre at the request of the Centre de recherche et de restauration des musées de France, which wanted confirmation that its preservation techniques for the masterpiece are the best available. MILLION DOLLAR SMILE
  • I think the younger generation have obtained from somewhere or other the impression that I am uncool.
  • This creates an illusion that is shattered whenever adverse effects however rare are brought to light.
  • There are few domains of management practice and conceptualisation that are as complex and of such significant consequence as that of designing the future of a city.
  • But, since this enemy has an informal, catch-as-catch-can command structure, the military says it's finding that even the low-level operatives often have pieces of information that help complete the intelligence mosaic.
  • He left all his money to the town with the stipulation that it should be used to build a new football stadium.
  • He is particularly critical of the supposition that no one suffers innocently since all are born into sin.
  • And now he called Ahithophel, and consulted with him what he ought to do: he persuaded him to go in unto his father's concubines; for he said that "by this action the people would believe that thy difference with thy father is irreconcilable, and will thence fight with great alacrity against thy father, for hitherto they are afraid of taking up open enmity against him, out of an expectation that you will be reconciled again. Antiquities of the Jews
  • Firstly the village can be found on the east side of a great headland protruding out of Loch Carron, and therefore enjoys a position that protects it from sea gales.
  • It can cause a brain infection that is often fatal. Times, Sunday Times
  • The case stems from a complaint brought in Belgian court by two men and a consumers 'organization that challenged higher male life-insurance premiums. EU Adviser: Insurance Pricing Is Discriminatory
  • To begin with the surface is coherent – now and again she smiles sadly at the charm he manages to bestow on that foul-smelling tannery – but as she turns the pages she sees it start to break down. Rachel Cusk | Portraits
  • This concluded with a recommendation that both proposals be rejected.
  • Copies of this schedule should be constructed in such a fashion that easy access be afforded the data collection process.
  • The news caused a reaction that was predictable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rewarding performance Motivation is a choice to channel energy into certain activities in the expectation that valued goals will be rewarded.
  • There is a recognition that we can occupy no space other than our own. Foucault and Derrida - The Other Side Of Reason
  • Conversely, the extrinsic properties of artifacts can provide chronological information that seriation cannot.
  • I think there are certain items in a piano competition that are not matters of musical opinion or taste.
  • Was there any truth in the stories we had been told, did the Souls really come back from beyond the grave on that evening?
  • But the detailed financial information that will be dripped out in coming weeks means they are also going to have to spend some time explaining the past. Times, Sunday Times
  • There has been much speculation that America might be siding with the rebels.
  • In the confusion that followed, she managed to slip away unnoticed.
  • You could always join the 9/11 conspiracy mill and churn out another book or website dedicated to the allegation that the “EVIL” George Bush, Dick Cheney – or THE shadowy “right wing caba” is behind the horror of 9/11. Think Progress » Bartlett On Cancelled Maliki Meeting: ‘It Was Going To Be More Of A Social Meeting Anyway’
  • It was important that they were allowed to slug it out over the so-called flip-flop on that legislation.
  • It is also the first English version that claims to emphasize Chuang-tzu's philosophy.
  • Very soon they had passed from the realisation that in them and through them a new world of giantry shaped itself in the earth, from the contemplation of the great struggle between big and little, in which they were clearly destined to participate, to interests at once more personal and more spacious. The Food of the Gods and how it came to Earth
  • There is a growing perception that the decision-making is remote, opaque, and even undemocratic.
  • It also has a public service obligation that means it has to enrol staff in its scheme if their employer is unable to. Times, Sunday Times
  • I like to see what I call the nod of recognition that comes when I share something with the audience and they relate to it. Undefined
  • We should also not make the rather simplistic assumption that co-residence implies a strong bond between relatives.
  • Those delegates are pledged to individual candidates based on participation that begins in precinct caucuses on election night and ends in senatorial district caucuses at the state convention. The Texas Primacus–uh, Caucary - Swampland -
  • It was precision expectoration that accurately landed a deposit of froth about two feet from my Oxford brogues.
  • From the Rushmorean cover portrait of Bush (which over the headline 'An American Revolutionary' was such a brazen and transparent effort to recall George Washington that it was embarrassing) to the 'Why We Fight' black-and-white portraiture of the aggrieved president sitting somberly at the bedside of the war-wounded, this issue is positively hysterical in its iconolatry. "What kind of a maniac puts eagles in a Christmas tree?": James Wolcott
  • In either case, the story of queenly beauty would not be complete without the recognition that royal women have traditionally had far more chances than the average woman of actually being beautiful.
  • California requires any organization that administers a gift annuity program to provide adequate reserves for any annuities sold in California or to California residents.
  • Not to mention that the whole "photorealism" thing in comics is vastly overrated. That’s Kinda Messed Up | Comics Should Be Good! @ Comic Book Resources
  • Simply put, it was on that date that the communist era in Bulgaria started.
  • Finding a station that pumps CNG can be a chore, especially when the gauge reads zero pressure!
  • Her daughter conducted a salon that became a gathering place for the writers, artists, and musicians of the Harlem Renaissance.
  • Thirdly, he submitted that Mr Perry invited the jury to reason that Robert Kerr's psychiatric condition explained his alleged conduct.
  • There is no mark, " the old man said in a clear but forceless voice, -or mention that this Contract has been approved by the Oriolis Cavernus. The Coelura
  • The most important practical lesson that can be given to nurses is to teach them what to observe – how to observe – what symptoms indicate improvement – what the reverse – which are of importance – which are of none – which are the evidence of neglect – and of what kind of neglect. Notes on Nursing: What It Is, and What It Is Not
  • Your previous records, "corks" and "curls" both, counted for naught, for on that day all was at stake. In the days of my youth when I was a student in the University of Virginia, 1888-1893.
  • This is true with the exception that of "Decorated" architecture there are but few examples, and it is probable that very little new work was done in connection with this cathedral until the monastery became vastly enriched by Abbot Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Gloucester [2nd ed.] A Description of Its Fabric and A Brief History of the Espicopal See
  • It's no revelation that families talk to each other in unique ways, quite often in a non-verbal manner.
  • There was widespread speculation that she was going to resign.
  • Francis Fukayama's autopsy of neoconservatism is well worth reading, and makes many sensible points about the direction that American foreign policy should now take. Balkinization
  • We are working on the assumption that everyone invited will turn up.
  • That will be a matter for consideration on the merits of any particular State legislation that does so.
  • I must however caution that financial and other constraints compel us to plan more conservatively than I imagine you would wish.
  • Mr Wilkinson was of the opinion that since water treatment equipment had been installed only recently, there were likely to have been corrosion and a build up of scale over the years inside the pipe work.
  • These ships were handed over to Turkey as a demonstration that Germany was Turkey's true friend at sea as well as on land.
  • His symptoms led to the conclusion that his troubles were likely caused by grayanotoxin poisoning, also known as rhododendron poisoning and "mad honey intoxication. The Seattle Times
  • None of this will diminish the short-term elation that Romney's advisers feel. Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis
  • The only question that is how many will be converted into a golden statue at the ceremony next month. Times, Sunday Times
  • The stills are generally made of naked copper; the acid works upon that metal, and forms with it the _acetate of copper_, or verdigrise, part of which passes with the whiskey. The Art of Making Whiskey So As to Obtain a Better, Purer, Cheaper and Greater Quantity of Spirit, From a Given Quantity of Grain
  • A change in anyone's government gets far more attention than an election that returns the incumbent government to office.
  • A U.S. Senate Judiciary subcommittee is scheduled to hear testimony on that issue Wednesday in Washington, D.C. "It's premature to start solving the problem until you know what the extent of it is," said Neil Donovan, the coalition's executive director. Attacks On Homeless To Be Hate Crimes In Florida
  • The Nobel laureate Richard Feynman once made a tentative suggestion that a theory uniting quantum mechanics and relativity might lead to an objective state reduction, and others have taken up and built on this idea.
  • Finally, it's come to my attention that the up-and-coming Canadian boy band B4-4 is fronted by the twin sons of the cantor of my family synagogue.
  • A tremendous production that packs an emotional wallop. Times, Sunday Times
  • See you that fashion that wear a woebegone wording, how, primp as my boyfriend, so fold you old your good ego?
  • There is no suggestion that it benefited from the alleged scam or was involved in any wrongdoing. Times, Sunday Times
  • The 47th Annual Columbus Day Parade was held in New York city this week starting from October 11 to celebrate the spirit of exploration that inspired Christopher Columbus's 1492 expedition.
  • Now, armed with the SEC's decision that the accounting dodge had a material impact for investors, those suits may require a bigger payout to go away.
  • The veil symbolizes the idea of modesty and conveys the lesson that however attractive physical appearances may be, the soul and character are paramount.
  • The name billed underneath LeBron James on that flier - and in a much smaller font. Front Page
  • He said there was no indication that the super jumbos, which will seat more than 550 people, would use Dublin Airport regularly.
  • Rolled out from semolina flour and local eggs, and layered with tangy tomato sauce and winy beef short ribs, the dish is served in a portion that suggests it be shared. Tom Sietsema on Casa Nonna: Latest Italian offering lands in Dupont Circle
  • Why would we want to proceed with a course of action that is unjust, unwise and completely unnecessary?
  • _Journey_, and which once led him to question whether there was a tree between Edinburgh and the English border older than himself; and to reply to Boswell's suggestion that he ought to be whipped at every tree over 100 years old in that space, "I believe I might submit to it for a baubee! Dr. Johnson and His Circle
  • Necrotising fasciitis is a rare but potentially deadly bacterial infection that releases toxins which damage nearby tissue. Times, Sunday Times
  • Why is Hillary Clinton having the Russian FM press a red button that says 'overcharge'? Limbaugh deserves the bum's rush from conservatives
  • For some time he lived with the expectation that he was going to die.
  • We conclude that the quantitative and qualitative evidence supports the contention that increases in fluency are attributable mainly to increases in the degree of proceduralization of knowledge.
  • During the trial he became so fearful of assassination that he had steel plates sewn into his hat.
  • Yet I feel pretty sure that recreating the messianic zeal about Early Intervention that I felt that day in Granton would do nothing but good.
  • 'It can only have been the condition that is called catalepsy,' said Challenger. The Poison Belt
  • The whole secret of the teacher's force lies in the conviction that men are convertible.
  • I would venture the opinion that the TRC was a logical conclusion to our atrocious and shameful past. SPEECH BY ADV DE LANGE ANC MP DURING THE PRESIDENT'S TABLING OF RECOMMENDATIONS RELATING TO THE TRC
  • A moment later, another of the invaders lashed him with a peculiar weapon that looked something like a cat-o'-nine-tails.
  • Given economists' almost theological commitment to the notion that markets clear, the presence of unemployment in the world requires a theodicy[7] to explain it.
  • The new pitcher made a great play on that throw to first base.
  • To the surprise of many, he remains at the helm despite this most depressing afternoon of a season that has become an ongoing ordeal by fire. The Sun
  • On the other hand, the Austrians enjoyed a strong defensive position that could be maintained at a relatively low cost.
  • He describes the recent revelation that many small meat-eating dinosaurs were feathered. The Times Literary Supplement
  • It is time for parents to teach young people early on that in diversity there is beauty and there is strength. Maya Angelou 
  • To facilitate writing a question that will allow the student to seek out best evidence, use the teaching mnemonic PICO.
  • The big question that drives this is, for RPGs in general, and for a given product, how elastic is the price curve really? So What Is A “Fair” Price For A Gaming PDF? « Geek Related
  • I hope therefore that she will accept my opinion that she made a mistake and act accordingly.
  • Many of the Confederates were of opinion that this decisive victory would be the end of the war, and that the North, seeing that the South was able as well as willing to defend the position it had taken up, would abandon the idea of coercing it into submission. With Lee in Virginia A Story of the American Civil War
  • These accused have also admitted in their confession that top officials of the food and civil supplies department including the minister were involved in the racket.
  • She had a firm conviction that they would meet again in the hereafter.
  • People spend a fortune on that. Times, Sunday Times
  • NET Framework Assistant 1.0 Add-on that MS force-fed us a few months ago. bwcbwc Windows 7 RC Available For Download Now | Lifehacker Australia
  • British Aerospace reckon that the plane will be commercially viable if 400 can be sold.
  • She was being ridiculous, isolating him like this, all because of one teensy tiny stupid little question that he wished he'd never asked!
  • The change of attitude towards alternating current was certainly helped by the Westinghouse exhibit at the Columbian Exposition that year.
  • It was a curious position for a lady — this being known as a repudiated wife; and it is worthy of observation that the The Europeans
  • After all, it is the psychiatric profession that gave my symptoms a name, and palliative cure - at least for the moment.
  • The suggestion that the President violated section 1503's prohibition on "influenc [ing], obstruct [ing], or imped [ing] the due administration of justice" is groundless. Initial Response To Referral Of Office Of Independent Counsel
  • According to numerous opinion polls, they solidly oppose the kinds of discrimination that Cardinal Ratzinger condoned.
  • Romoeuf, riding a franc etrier, on that old Herb-merchant's route, quickened during the last stages, has got to Varennes; where the Ten thousand now furiously demand, with fury of panic terror, that Royalty shall forthwith return Paris-ward, that there be not infinite bloodshed. The French Revolution

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