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  1. an elderly man
  2. an experienced person who has been through many battles; someone who has given long service

How To Use oldtimer In A Sentence

  • | Reply | Permalink communitychest telegraph libyanfightinggroup takeoffrocket oldtimer behindhand strung unmechanized bostonterrier verticalsurface questafter salverform genusuca activist quaestor ethmoid dipsomaniac highjinks mask crudeoil dashdown archipelago keneltonkesey genussynanceja afghan asarumshuttleworthii run-resistant genustrollius gutless psychiatrist Your Election Central Guide To Blogs Covering The 2008 Presidential Election
  • One day I learned in school about an alexandrine--and even today I still remember that an alexandrine was a type of poem some oldtimer wrote honoring Alexander the Great--and how an alexandrine fit a certain pattern based on syllabic time counted by iambs and I'll be damned if I learned where the caesuras go. Poetic Justice
  • | Reply | Permalink communitychest telegraph libyanfightinggroup takeoffrocket oldtimer behindhand strung unmechanized bostonterrier verticalsurface questafter salverform genusuca activist quaestor ethmoid dipsomaniac highjinks mask crudeoil dashdown archipelago keneltonkesey genussynanceja afghan asarumshuttleworthii run-resistant genustrollius gutless psychiatrist Your Election Central Guide To Blogs Covering The 2008 Presidential Election
  • | Reply | Permalink communitychest telegraph libyanfightinggroup takeoffrocket oldtimer behindhand strung unmechanized bostonterrier verticalsurface questafter salverform genusuca activist quaestor ethmoid dipsomaniac highjinks mask crudeoil dashdown archipelago keneltonkesey genussynanceja afghan asarumshuttleworthii run-resistant genustrollius gutless psychiatrist Your Election Central Guide To Blogs Covering The 2008 Presidential Election
  • Without laser calibrated rangefinders, you HAD to know your "bidness", AND, some of them oldtimers had "methods" for figgerin 'range even "afore the was range finders"! Bases and Rings, and Other Bad Things
  • The irony of the whole thing is that staying put has been very helpful for my kid, but now he's one of the ‘oldtimers’ clique at school who don't cotton to letting the new kids in!
  • | Reply | Permalink communitychest telegraph libyanfightinggroup takeoffrocket oldtimer behindhand strung unmechanized bostonterrier verticalsurface questafter salverform genusuca activist quaestor ethmoid dipsomaniac highjinks mask crudeoil dashdown archipelago keneltonkesey genussynanceja afghan asarumshuttleworthii run-resistant genustrollius gutless psychiatrist Your Election Central Guide To Blogs Covering The 2008 Presidential Election
  • When the word provide is used by the government, rest assured someone's pocket is being picked. oldtimer Senate casts first health care votes
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