How To Use offensiveness In A Sentence
- But keepers of the Coldplay and Travis flames will warm to its inoffensiveness, its unobtrusiveness and its lack of challenge.
- In a misguided attempt to be funny, he manages only offensiveness.
- Because of the grace and inoffensiveness which marked his delineative work, his writings possess an enduring quality, and they will long be read with increasing interest, pleasure and profit. Twain, Mark: Selected Obituaries
- _Cimicifuga_, meaning to drive away bugs, and the old folk-name of bugbane testify to a degree of offensiveness to other insects, where the flies 'enjoyment begins. Wild Flowers Worth Knowing
- So, to all readers, as well as those I've written about - let me apologize for the displays of pride, pettiness, slander, belligerency, cruelty, and offensiveness - be they intentional or not.
- Whatever offensiveness the film once possessed has been diluted by the passage of time; now it simply feels stylish and bittersweet, if esoterically so.
- The racial offensiveness and insensitivity of his remarks and actions must be acknowledged, criticized, and vigorously resisted.
- Nobody Really: What are your objective standards in offensiveness in any context? The Volokh Conspiracy » “IM GAY” License Plate “Offensive to the General Public,” Oklahoma Government Agency Concludes
- He is an extraordinary amalgam of intelligence and foolishness, wisdom and innocence, grace and gaucherie, charm and histrionic offensiveness.
- They shouldn't consider the author's past offensiveness, or the reprehensibleness of the ideas he expresses outside the paper.