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  1. type genus of Ochnaceae; evergreen trees and shrubs of Old World tropics

How To Use Ochna In A Sentence

  • On a clear day you can see Ben Nevis in the west and Buchan Ness in the east and beyond Corryhabbie Hill on the opposite side of Glen Rinnes Lochnager and the arc of the Cairngorms form the distant horizon.
  • Beyond Corryhabbie Hill on the opposite side of Glen Rinnes, Lochnager and the arc of the Cairngorms form the distant horizon.
  • This traverse round the top of Maurice's Cleuch takes you to within a few feet of the enormous summit cairn and from the viewpoint on a clear day you can see as far as the hills of Antrim in the west and Lochnagar in the north.
  • A man once rumored not to exist, he can never be the subject of the kind of chatty, conventional biography Pochna has written of Dior. Couture Clash
  • The restaurant has also a "rumochnaya" (standing-room-only cafe) decorated in the 20th century style where you can sample a variety of vodkas with traditional Russian 'zakuski' snacks. The St. Petersburg Times
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