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  1. any structure that makes progress difficult
  2. someone who systematically obstructs some action that others want to take

How To Use obstructor In A Sentence

  • This commutation of a liar and an obstructor of justice will go down in the annals of American shame. Outrage: Bush Commutes Libby Sentance
  • Reno's boss, a perjurer, suborner of perjury, obstructor of justice (when is that disbarment hearing?), set the stage for government violence against Elian's relatives. Compassionate Liberalism
  • Lately, Chuck Grassley has been labeled the lead GOP obstructor on the Senate Finance Committee and is flip-flopping on positions every time the right-wing party leadership tells him to jump. Opposition to the Public Option by Republican Chuck Grassley May End His Political Career
  • Satans, though rarely mentioned in the Old Testament are generally portrayed as obedient servants or sons of God who perform specific duties of strategic obstruction The Hebrew root of the word satan is STN, which defines an opposer, adversary, or an accuser, whereas the Greek equivalent was “Diabolos” from which derive the words diabolical and devil., again meaning no more than obstructor or slanderer. Archive 2009-04-01
  • If presented with this I suppose the President would say.... heh I'm a constructor, not an obstructor.
  • Will we ever learn the truth, or has a certain justice obstructor made that all but impossible? Think Progress » Cheney gets heckled at speech,
  • And, this is exactly what the terrorists want to be - obstructors of peace!
  • He had to contend against treachery, desertion and want, but rose above all these obstacles, and proved himself the most powerful obstructor that the British columns had to encounter in South In the Shadow of Death
  • He will increasingly be seen as a querulous and ineffective obstructor of the President's policies, which are popular in South Dakota.
  • I never said I would fire a perjurer or an obstructor. Firedoglake » Yeah I Got Your Spin Right Here
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